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<br />t„rEd pro~~~ec.~ut.e, Irv. i'P':a cmrr rrar~~ne 'p r: ~t~hen, ~~~~utoor, ,irr,ci ;;_r.a~,_, •r ~fc~, r,:71;, ;rr .r c;:>mf-r-,ru:~~.,: r, r. <br />_. ,~tr~mLrrit iii cr~innect ion w€to :~;.ctr t~,"; r; r,, o~ ~,rr„c;E;. ktl 1 a ~,~. ..,:ar. ~....,~~ritt-~,~, .wK r."~~~~. <br />Uam~~es, r E'rJl'rts of act i cn ~rnd pr-oce*a;.:. <.r <; h ~. Eby ~, r .~c:d , : r spry erv , trot, r, <:•y , .~ f ; gar <br />deducting therc#ram al{ of its expenses, ir:ctuding attorney's fees release a.^,y mor;ey sc <br />receivaci by it or apply the same an any indebtedness ~~cured hereby. r~±~rtyacor ayr~=:es t:, <br />execute such further assignments of any compensation, award:.; dam;:ges an,d right=, of action <br />and proceeds as Mortgagee may require. <br />IC. That ~lartgagar shah comply, at all times, wifh all federal and state laws, ail <br />municipal ordinances and all rules and regulations of any gcvernmenta; entity having <br />juristlictiah over the premises, insofar as said ?aws, .,rdinances, rules and re•ulaticns <br />pertain in any way to the premises and their use. <br />tl. That fihe hjiartaagaa, and any persons authorized by '~'art~_,ar:~=e, sh.I I have the right <br />to inter and inspect the premises a't all raas_ar~able times. <br />12. tvlortgagor wilt not further mortgage ar encumber the re~!ises, ar ass;•;r:, or <br />attempt to assign, the rents, or any part thereof, from said prer;isas. MarTgagor will <br />not, except where the lessee is in default thereunder, terr~in,ite or car;sent to the eancel- <br />latio;: ar surrender of any lease of t'rre premises or ariy Fart thereof, now existing or <br />hereafter made, or modify any such leas: so a~ to stror*en tt;e unezpirc=d term thereof or <br />so as t'o decrease the amount ct rents payabl•: tt,crs;:r:dFrr, or accep? payments of any <br />;x~stallments of rent to become due once' such leases rot a period of more the; one month <br />in advance. fjartgagar will not execute crny lease of amp portion of the premises except <br />for actual occupancy by the lessee thereunder, will at all `irnes promptly and faithfully <br />perform, or cause to be performed, all of 'the covenants, cor,ditians and agreements <br />contained in all leases i>f 'the prat-ices now or hereafter existing, cn the part of the <br />lessor thereunder to c.' kept and performed; rl l bases upon the mcsrtgaged ^remisas shal <br />be in torm and suastance satisfactory to t•lortgagee and, at the O^tiOn of t~iartgagea, sh: l <br />be assigned #o Mortgagee. <br />13. in the; aveht ti-ic,t i~"cot tgac~or makes rn a55tgnrnrunt .vr t.n,a bc.:nefit" o. Crcd'rlQrS, a <br />receiver 1s appointed for the Marfigar;ar or for all cr any part of the prcmi,~as, or if <br />,~rar•tgagar files a patitian or institutes proceedings in bankruptcy or is ad,judicatad a <br />ban4cr.;pt under any state law far the relief of debtors or under the bankruptcy laws <br />of the i}nited States, ar if any of the foregoing shall han;~esn to any co-make: r- or guarantor <br />of the promissory note secured hereby, then, or at any tinti~ ;hereafter, the whole at the <br />'aforesaid indebtedness and al( other sums secured by this m~.rtgage and any other securing <br />agreement given in connection with this loan shall become due and ;_"able at once a# the <br />aptior, of the t~;ortgagea and t-~rtgagee shall be entitled to de<-late this rrortgaje to be in <br />default. The aeeeptance of one ar ''tore payments on the ir;d~c,iu~,r;ess or .any sums se;_urad <br />by this mortgage made by anyone other than the P?ortGacar prior i'a c.nfirmation of fi:re- <br />closure sate shall not constitute ~"rortgagee's ;waiver of its right to accaleratc- the <br />maturity of the aforesaid indebtedne~~s and all ;inter s::!ns secured hereb}~. <br />i~. iio remedy cot{erred =pon t:r res=read tv f`ti;r ;r~;c~e in thi° ,mvrtgoav ^r any oftrer <br />seCUri rig- agreemarrt ! 5 i "4 ; F' eiCC.l ~~..... ~ .,, :,. any OTne'r reri,edy Ur tamed i ~- and EaCi <br />and every sUCt? r'emeQy 5t7 ~I .__- su'!•~ri•1`iVe 'r(•;. ;boll G~ iri dC jittOn to e=er:` `tt_. r~rnv+r?y <br />givk~n hereunder, ~, ,ran U, ,~rc~~,~.. ~,.... .r-. r~~ ~;.,, in ,~,.,fy .,r ,-, .,te 'J~ ,r -. <br />Vr Cirrli~519C, of R'n`~r-t gC~ .v [=X~r 1°;~ .~ ,--; ,~` u~r CF,1y:•r _._ ~UinR U^i.r`any -,_:L, •_-,. <br />ltripolir any UUCn rl L~ni l!v~,v t:r, yr Sii:..r Gil ~•_n-. trHt+ci iC3 UC .1 W.~irvFir Ut i,R ;lc:r- ~et.7iti 1, <br />iJr an aCCivieSi:c:tCd T'~rcr-r. s';; i~ri<~ rrVZ~i•7 Frc2wir ~-~ rvi t: ~3y ~i\t.r, ..~ i~rl~ !1-*-lr~'cj-:t .~E fit tie: <br />:;cr ,;agc;e ri3y nv ~xerci3.,c •...,. *,r~~ .. •.-.:e .._. ,,, ter, :r~ ma} ;ts deemed ~x ..:rte ,. ., <br />,, c <br />~+IU rtgagae. <br />15, tYk>rtgagor wi I i ke°p adeyu=~fie reccrd> and baohs i.>f crcrziun't it ;:cr~^rdanc._ wi rr~, <br />generally accepted acs ti,unt i n;J F, r i nt; i n f ra and w i I 1 der l i vet tr: Fk~r'tcriet~~ w i i;i i rr ~:5 :7a~,~=, <br />after the close of ;each of i~",ortgagcir ~-: t i~cai yeti'-~ .gin i tr.~rniz~:d _ : 7t~~rnc:nt ,"! i _,, ~,v <br />an of f i c:er of !`mortgagor- shr,~; i n_r; a i I i t r-, of~ i neom~~ and exprn~,c~ fc,r the r~.r - _ :,+ ~~rt c rtr , <br />~~ ,r <br />setting fiorth in aeon cage, in conrp.,rativt~ ft,rm, 1i,lu~C°r~ f4r the• r~rcYCC>di t yc>-,=r. tt~r~~;~c;*:- <br />vut the term of this mot' ,ayes, f~zzrt~~j=i gar, with reascriat, le pr.omptri~~-., w i , t ~.k=§ i ._ ,.. <br />~k~rt ~agea such other information v, i`h . ~_suaet to the m:>rtctaaLrd premises a=. ,"~_-r t ; ~~,,~~, <br />reasonably request from lime to tinx~. r^;li financial aai~t~r~rit~~ =,h-ill he pr~_p_rr. <br />accordance with generally accepted •:rc:countinri pr°acrtice =anti shall eL, delivenud in ,iuF.-?i;.ate, <br />iJow if said Mur°igaye_,r -,hall pay car t:r.u5e to be. paid -_rii -~---, -~t ra^~„<-p~ .ere ,.- -_~. <br />r.t3t -forth i n said fdotc and i n this i n~, trument,, and cuiy add i t i <_xra { advances mace; ~ i t~, <br />interrast, as herein provided, and shall al~;o h,rve j,rrid al I c,ther incfebtadne:~s secured Cry <br />-this P1orYgBga artd shall have fai'thtuily artd tulle- kefii grid ritrfe~r~tr;e~d c~.~rh rrrrd elf of tt~e <br />L:JVenaRtS and aiJrHG~'tnt3ri"t5 tlerCtin cCrtf~airrr'd yr t:ont~li!1f.d 1rr ~,~,Id "vL!e car atiy :?the' nar$'3 ur <br />agreements for add i t lone I aavances , tnen this, conveyance ~.•ha i I de r'tu t I anti rro i d, ~,tC,.'rw i se <br />it shat! remain in full tcrce and affect. <br />i f defau I t she I I be made i r, any payn;ant due :a;7 sa i u tJt~t€3 or t ti i i ns'tr:;rts~n# , ur ;,.n <br />any .other notes ar- agreements for addle-ionai odvunCe;s; cir' in keeping fete inrprovumenf~: Ott <br />said prfirriisas insured pis afarxasa(d, wii;r ILi55 if t, y, :>:iyabla t•~ >clitl Rti ~<-iati:n; sir in <br />payment ~f taxes ar assassmerrts of any nature upon said p'e'nises or this t-,rtgoyt; or <br />indekrtadness scoured thereby, be.rarethr same become delinquent, if i,rr?vi>icn for anc-ynce <br />p~ymant has not b®en made as descr i wad r~bcwe, or i n the event tho-ri the recu i remerrt for <br />advance payments i s waived; ar i n- 'the avant that :`•^c;rt<,iagar fa i i s t o r~•^n fart,' to trod corr;p I y <br />with or should otherwisr: breach any of tho conditions, covenants or ayr'earnents contained <br />in "this Mcrt~age, ar th,? tdate which it secures, or any ~?thc;r r,ntr.•~ c,r .anrr,~mm~nts for <br />