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<br />MOILTGAGE <br />Mf)t2TGAGE 11.)AN NO. j_-- Z 3 , 56 3 <br />:ctrowAI.LMENRV~fHrsEt>xtsEN;s:n,at Howard J. Chinches and Marsha K. Chiarbos, husband <br />and wife and Margaret Ann Chiarbos, an un-remarried widow, <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in rxrnsideration o{the sum of <br />_Fnu_r_t~pn Thot~cand Five Hundre~s~Dd !~0l_7_~0=-_.----_-----------------°-----_---_-oc>LLAtts <br />leaned to said mortgagor by The EGuiiabtc Building and Loan Association of Grand [stand, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon i 45 shares of stock of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23,663 , do herchy grant, convey and mortgage ratio the said ASSSOCIATtON the following <br />described real estate, situated in Hat! Cuw~tty, Nebraska: <br />THE EAST HALF CF LOT FOUR (4), BLOCK TWO (2}, IN <br />HANN'S SECOND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with all the tenements, haredna:nenis and appurtenances thereunto hetonging, including attached ^oor coverings, all window screens, <br />window shades„ blinds, storm windows, awnings, hearing, air wnditiuning, and plumbing and water eytriprrtent and aca~ssories thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now or hzreafter stiathed to ur used in connection with said real estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and duns hereby agrze treat rite tnurtgagor shall and will pay aR taxes and assessments ieviad or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon [ftis mortgage nerd the bond secured thereby before the same shalt became delinquent; to furnish approved <br />insurance upon $re buildings on said premises situated in the swa of $~ Q, SQD, DQ payable to said A55OCI.'1TION and to deliver to said <br />ASSCtC1AT10N the policies for said insurance; and not to commit or permit any waste on ur about said premises; <br />in cast of detatili in the performance of :my of the terms and conditions of this mortgage or the hand secured hereby, the mortgagee ;hall, <br />on demand, be entiNed to immediate lwssession of the nwrtgaged premises and the rrturigagor hereby assigns, iransfen and sets over to the <br />mortgagee ail the rents, revenues xnd intor:te to bt derived :tom the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shag remain <br />unpaid; and the «turtgagee shah have rite power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire tier the purpose ot" repairing said premises amt renting <br />the same and collecting the rents, revenues and intotne, and it may pay out of said iucromc all expenses of repairing said premises and necessaw <br />wmmissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and uP collecting rentals therefrom; the Fralante remaining, iF any, to be <br />applied toward the discharge of said rnurtgaga indebtedne:.~; these rights of the mortgagee may b< exercised at any time during the existence of such <br />dofautt, irzespeciive of any tempar :• waiver of the same. <br />Ttn'sc Presents, however. are upr~n tba° Cunditior,, 'firer if the acid Mnrigagu; shad repay seed leer. an ut b..ture the rnaturi[Y ref -card shatYS by <br />payment: paY tttom,hiy to arid AS~t~CtA77pN of the sum specified in the Rand secured hereby as interest and principal on said bran, un ar before <br />the Twentieth day of a+adt anti ovary nurnlh, unfit said loan is tltlly paid; pay alt taxes and asse~timents levied against said premises and en this Murteage <br />rind the Remd szr:urad thereby, itefce*r, detirryutnty; furnish approved insui€mce upa~:a ihr h~tdirtgs tt:araun to the soot o€ £ ~ 4, 5D0. QO ,~gab~ <br />t„ sa€•1 :v~"C'a::i£sTlCt'r:, ' ,.-.: pia a.;.-.~r.-.A e .t,z ,.i::r:::!arnand a:, ,.~ ,nay by - tar., .,,. ~.,..;t tnA~a, ass2"sarircnts sort msursncc wiitr interest at <br />ilia maximum legal rate: Ciicrtun from ,:ate of payment all of which Mortgagor herchy age tes to pav;otrnnt nu waste un sod orerruses: keen nerd utrrnty <br />with all the agreetrMrtis and cuarhham: of the &>nd €ur t; ~ 4 SQQ. QD tw- dat~ ~~iven by the td Mpr for to >~c ii ,~~SI7~1-~~ t~rv~~;3 ~,~~-- <br />with al! the reyuuermru ut the Crust itu[tur. z»d Ry Laws u~sai,I ASS(K.1A [ 3tiN; then the,-~ presents shad became nod and voio, atturwtsY terry <br />sttaR remain in full fora: and may bt imedosed at the option of the card ASStICtA'ITON after failu[e lur three months Fu tttakr env of card <br />payttunts or be Ihrte rrnmths :u smears in making seed ^roruhty payments, or to keep and comply with the agreeaxnts and cundihuns of said Bond; <br />and Mortgagor agrees to trove a rta•rver app.urted forihwtth m such fnrect+rsurc proceedings. <br />If theca is any change in ownership of the real estate rtrurtgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, then the entire remaining rrulebtedness txret,y <br />stxured stroll, at the aptirrn ut"Tire t:yuitabk Ruitdirsg and Lnart Assrx-iatrort of grand Island, Nebraska,batotrre immediately deer and payable without <br />further notits, and the .uru>utrt remaining due under seed bond, and an}• other bond for any additional advances made thereunder, shag, irom the <br />date of exercise of said option, hear interest a[ the rruximum leytal rate, and this mortgage may then be foredaxed to satisfy the artwunt dtte on said <br />bond, and any other bond for additional advances, together with all sums paid by said Tltt t:yuitablr Building and loan Asu.>vratsun of Grand Lstand, <br />Nahra~ca for insurance, texas and assessrrtents, and ahstrettrngextensrun charges, route Merest thereon, fium date ref paytttent at tree maxinmm <br />legal rate. <br />As provided in the Rund u+cutrod hereby, wtulr rhts aurrtgugr rarnains m rtlea the nurrtgxgee may hereafter advance addttronal sums to the <br />in;ikars of said Btmd, their assigns or successors m interest, winch sums shall b. within the security of [his mortgage rite saner as the funds uriginalty <br />secured thcrctty, the total amount uF principal deb[ not ;n cxcrart st ary rm~ the udg:naE snt<eurt of this murf~ge. <br />1)srd una ZI st day <rt December ?` A Il lv 79 <br />v^ ~. / { 4 <br />' .(t. -~ ..t-.. - :~t,,l.t<•t»_~`~'~.,1-.._ _.... .. ~f i,.~'~ ~ t : _/- c f. {. 1.-,~', _ <br />Howard J`~C~arbos , ar-~-~--rhos <br />=~~t,( c~L-sz_r-t.,T,:-Er• s -r ~_~.---- <br />are nn 1:l arms <br />STATE: OF NEBRASKA, ss. On this 2 ~ S t day of December 1 y 79 ,before tun, <br />CO[lNTY OF HALL <br />tree undersigned, a Notary Public in a»d for said County, persunaRy tame <br />Howard J, Chiarbos and Marsha K. Chiarbos, <br />husband and wife and Margaret la,ln Chiarbos, an un-remarried widtxK who are personally knownfo <br />rte to be the identical person g whose name S are anixcd [o the abnve instrument as mortgagor S and they severally <br />atknowtcdged the said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. ~' <br />WITNESS my hand and Nutsriat Sesl the date aforesaid. ~; ~" <br />hlyCommiasiunexpises ~ ~ % ~; , <br />~~ rfi~t.BtTTk1iY-Stateottis4taafa. f% ti~5't~yh~ <br />"rs'Y" ": JUY rl. 6EAZLEY, ~ ` / <br />ktY Comm. E::p. Sept. 2;1981 <br />---•-----.-.......r <br />