~aatV r~cr~xr~s 3;~~aevt.~a~_~_..~~._~~-_,._...~....
<br />. , -
<br />-She ii~uRsran i .eueral Su,,~i7~ 7iottsa, L~reolca, ltiicbr. 1
<br />T.e','si clai»zed b •: - .---_..... DECas~b~t...2~a..-........._--_,.. ..re 79
<br />y ........ .....- . ,._.. ........_... ,,.........
<br />Spelts-Schultz Lumber Co. Agairsst:Robert Webster ~ Mildred Lakey
<br />D/B/A Midwest Construction
<br />Address..-_~rand_-Island-,..Nebraska-.68801,.-----°_.... ~rxlTxd..~s~r;4t7d-:..~T~br?S.ks?:..~.$$41 .............-_.........---°--
<br />~ zg....Z.1... Dr. Cr.
<br />Lumber,-wood products, building materials, j`;
<br />_______________c_____~~builder_s__hardware,,_ rough. hardware. and_other __ I!_ ~ ~_________ ~-_________
<br />------------- ------
<br />j~building_~roducts furnished on_invoices listed ~~ i 1 '
<br />-- ---- - -
<br />------------ -
<br />~ c
<br />on-invoices. hsted_on_Exhibit "A" Yt63~97 ~
<br />- ------ - --- ------ - - - - -------- --------- -- ---- - - ---- -------
<br />--------------- ------a~- --------------------------------------------------------------------------"'------------~------'--------- ~----------
<br />------------ ~ t------
<br />_______________ ____ _
<br />
<br />_______________ .~~
<br />_ _______________________________________________.___._______.__-__!_________._..__
<br />_ J ______ ~_-_______ ~ _________
<br />- ---- ---- --- -
<br />--- t--------------
<br />i ~------ ~--------- ~----------
<br /> i
<br />33
<br />5ervice__Char e5-----
<br />~ g-
<br />! 13
<br />-------------
<br />------------°- -- ---
<br />-
<br />------~
<br />j~ ----------------------------------------------
<br />1
<br />--------
<br />F11in~_Fees-------------- -------------^' --------°_6
<br />` 50-- --------- ~ -
<br />-------
<br />--------------- ------j ~
<br />C--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
<br />~--------- - ---------~--- ----
<br /> ;! ~
<br />Balance Due ____--~--
<br />803 _
<br />60
<br />State of.._Nebraska. ~ ``
<br />.. __....--°..- ~--j
<br />Hall `ss.
<br />Counl~•j
<br />A~rant',John W. Schultz,Jr.,President,-Spelts-Schultz Lumber Co. of Grand Island being first;
<br />i
<br />,;deny szc~orn, an his oath says that the foregoing itr»aiced account ofr~Fk?~ ............._........-.---...._-__._....--.._.,..--..
<br />»iaterials, and improvements is true and correct: that same zvcrc fnrnished by the undersigned
<br />for the said...Robert Webster 6 Mildred Lakey -- -___ __ .- _ - --
<br />under n~ .verbal ....._..... _.---. contract ---• - ...................... -- - ...,
<br />for the'---°-construction°°- ..........................°--• ._.---.-.....-..of a ...buildi??8........-- --......-.. ,,
<br />ax th€ fottoztxng tot, piece ar ~arcrl of land, ^r:'.-.Lot-.2x-.Bisho-p-Beights, 3rd Subdivision, ~ `_
<br />Grand„Island,,. Hall„ County,,., Nebraska '!
<br />............... .......... ......................................................................................................... 4
<br />That nt ftre tiara said cantratt zuas »:ade arrt~cirtrtrt#fcond ntateriats furnistred oud delivared thereu»der ......................... ~ _
<br />Robert Webster & Mildred Lakey were
<br />........................................... ................. .............-....-.......,...................-- ........stnoc the ozc'nets of said promisor'
<br />and_were D,(,B/A Midwest,-Constructioq-and.-,materials.,were furnished at Che direction of
<br />That the date of the first item farnished and delivered zvas....,3une-.13.,__1379.,,_ _ _______________ __ and the ? ';`
<br />date of the last item zvas...September• 5, 1979 ~ ;~
<br />A$iant faarther stairs that said t~rarxxaxaca~mKxmB materials were feu-nishrd for, de(ivered nt, and used in
<br />said buitding ar premises on and beHueen ttae dates spoci~ied.
<br />That ttaa Qrires charged therefor arr fair and reasanae:lr, acrd that there i.r noFo due on said amount the sum of
<br />,.Eight.-Hundred--Three and._60/,100.($803.60)--------------------~________-___ `
<br />...-....Dottars, that said' r
<br />S el -Sc -ultz umber Co of _Gr•ande_,Is,land__- i
<br />......P......~$.......h............~ ....................r-.....
<br />--..-....cGainss a lira era the said premise's far the futt amannt of
<br />said account tQ-a Tha,sum of $.. $03 ~?Q......... _ ....... .................together zthth interrst thereon at ~ae~le~~rate s
<br />from the. ` . ~ ~~
<br />~ ~_rla-j,;trf- Dec~aber_. ... .. tg....7.._ ,and further a~sant says not
<br />,
<br />~~, _- 7`~F SpBlt SG. I .. o , o and ~
<br />°.---
<br />}.i ~ ~~~,~~ s"~ Joke Schultz,-Jr.,---Presid
<br />_ ......
<br />r
<br />SEAS: .,~ .~ Saab ~ribed in »ry .presence and scorn to before »se thu....20th,-.., - .. - - „-
<br />'-`t r~~QRfi~~ .~ December 79
<br />.../.~/j
<br />r*~~ e}~, i~~ ~ ..• day of ...,..~---;;.~e .............. ---..................... , r9- --- °-n
<br />,,..... ~ !<~dA+rr~eessl ..~r.-!.L".....~ 4,:P"~'{.'~%{j.... ... I
<br />See reverse side for instruction • Y~' ~~
<br />