SfiA7`l:~ 17F tiEBIia51iA, (s"ounty of ..
<br />.a'il'ed for recaord :xnrl entered in Nnm.ersesl Index ldEBl2A~~tCA DQCUMEIVTARY.
<br />axi .......................................„....,.......,... at....,........... o'clock ....,,,........, ftt.„ STAMP TAX
<br />and recozded in Deed 'lleeord .......,...... ............... :Page ...............,............ * [jF~ ~ ~ ~7~
<br />,,
<br />County Clerk or Deputy County Clerk or ~ ~ ,•~('L'J,~
<br />Register of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds r
<br />79-r ~
<br />Efarn-t< G. HANt~I, wife of Michael P. Hannon, also knaart as M. P. Hannon,
<br />herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />in consideration of=---v,~e Dollar and the clearing of title-~-------_~~~_
<br />received from grantee, does quitclaim, grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br />herein called the grantee whether one or more, tlae following described real property in
<br />....................................Hale....................... County, Nebraska:
<br />The Northwest Quarter of the NortYs~est Quarter (N[+8) sera the East Half
<br />of the ~t Quartet' (F'~NF>3a) of Section Twenty-one (21} , '1lx~mship Ten
<br />iI0) North, Rangy Twelve {l2}:
<br />Lots Three (3) and Fots t4) in the Northwest Quarter (l~}s), North of the
<br />Platte River, in Section Sixteen (16), 7txansttip Nine (9) North. Range Twelve
<br />(12): and
<br />The South Half of the Soutln~est Quarter (S;} Of Section Nine (9} , 2bwttSh].p
<br />Nine (9) North Range Twelve ~12); sera the Southwest Quarter of the Sou
<br />~t~ (~} of Section Nine (9), 4bs,rrtsh%p Nine (9) North, Mange Twelve (12);
<br />All West of the 6th P.M.
<br />fio have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditsmenta
<br />and agpurtenaneea thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and a-ssi-'gne forever.
<br />Dated Decent~2r , 1979.
<br />'yam-~,~i f
<br />5'CA'PE OF NEBRASKA, County of ....Ball ....... ..............................:
<br />Before one, a notary public qualified for said eottnty, personally came
<br />EIA~ G. HANNCf~I, wa.fe of Michael P. Hannon: also knowst as
<br />M. P. Hantr~tl,
<br />'"K-~CJfh'lY-sxsu as ~,.,ta' s
<br />- ~t ~ E 9b0
<br />known to me to 6e the identical parson or persons who signed the
<br />foregoing instrument and acknowledged the eaeeution thereof to be his,
<br />- her or their voluntary set-and deed.
<br />`i itneas my hand and uotarisl cal on .....~ ~ 1979.
<br />...
<br />~I~
<br />.~<.:.
<br />~•••• `'Y '~ '`-:""Iota Public
<br />bIy cammisaion eapirea ................................................... 19............
<br />worm 1.2 Approved by Nebraska State Bar association Bdwn a war ~„ ~,~,,, *t~n,
<br />