<br />~2~1_A~;:tMECHA:~:~ IGS LI~,._~~».~-_-.._: ~ ~,,I: ~_ :,. : :: --,:... -:_ : _._ ;...~ ~_..
<br />v on & Wa.i Wa tun, Ne. 6~E461
<br />_'_ ~ .»,~,_..._~~ ~~ ,„„_, . 31V .__.._., .~.......»....____.-Piutfman antl Folr ~ , ~ ~_...._.
<br />State af._...tJebraska•---••._ •••
<br />....
<br />Ha 11 's'
<br />..____......--••----...._..---•--.._.---- County
<br />A~anr=, ._._-Earl--Claussen•,.-President•--of•,John_•,CZ~us~en__~4i_?S_.lyg,,.,-_IRG.,__-.„ being first
<br />duly sworn, on his oath says that the foregoing itemized account of work, labor, skil! .......................•--.--._.__.._..._...---_.----._..
<br />materials, and improvements is true and correct: that same were done and performed and furnished by the undersigned
<br />far the said..._.Dou~las_-E _-__Harringt©n_.and._JP.~.y.i?e-._A_.....H~zx.3~1g~QI~----.-.•-----___....._.__._..-----
<br />under ay ._written-and oral •---. contract....----•--_•---•---......--•--•------------•--.-
<br />for rhea......--__ixilie.T.a.Qr.._z~morls.lzn.g ..............___.._...._.of an...asisxing---me.i~.l....huilding-.•..-.._._...---.._----
<br />on the otlourin lot, ' ce or arcel o land, vi..:..___See._~x}1i~it A a .t ached.
<br />------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•------------- ------------......._._.-e._...._.._...•--__------------------ --- --- -
<br />That at the time said contract t<+ts made and tabor and materials furnished and detitm'ed thereunder._ ................_...
<br />.__......~QU~~.a•s_•.F,~....}iarrin~tan..anci.._J~lvA.s:...~.=....fi.~x,3,iE~~.~;,i.,........t~s the arrrnar of raid praratisas'
<br />That tha date of the first item furnished and delivered was.-,....._...~fal'..,.~..`~-.~...1,`~.7~.°----••----•-•-----•--._._.. and eke
<br />Au u s t._ Z 3 , 19 7 9•-••-------------------•-- - -
<br />date of the last item was .......................~..... ----.....----....................................--•--..._.....°-------
<br />9 fJ'iant further states that said labor was perfosmed on, and materials there furnished jar, delivered at, and used in
<br />said building or premises on and between eke dates specified.
<br />That tha prices charged therafor ara fair and reosonabk, and that there is now due on said account eke sum of
<br />.sixteen Thousand _Seven_.Hundl:ed_-Thii_ty-.s;ir-_.~nd._61[i-Op.._•--.-..••-__-_,••--polGsrs, that .c~d°
<br />John Claussen Sons.,Co_ Inc.. ....... ......... .. ......• •---•--•- -..............-......__...__.
<br />..._.etaims a Tian on the said promises for tht felt amount of
<br />said account, to-tcdt: Ths sum of $.......~.~1.«.7.3.b....6.1 ............................together tenth interest tkeraon at the lags! rata, ;
<br />om the_...---~..c..... day o ..----...#~lAaL1.S.t .......................
<br />fr '.'th...... f " .................................._, rg..f ~....., and further affaant says not.
<br />;.
<br />.................. .....................................°- -----..__.----...__~__._.............................._...._....._...... i
<br />~ ,/~ 1 '
<br />Earl Claussen_ -
<br />~ Subseribad in my prasanre and stvarn to bafora ms this........7.x1.....__ ............ ..__
<br />day of .........Decg~rbET.... ....
<br />(see revcxse side for instructions) Notary Public. j
<br />~ ,
<br />STATE OF....._ ......................_.:................_._.............._ ~ Entered on numericel indez and filed for record
<br />County ..............._............._............._................._.......__ in the Register of Deeds Office of said County the j
<br />........................dey oL........._............._....................., 19.-.........., at......................_.........odork aad......_......,..............minutea ......................Ivf.,
<br />snd recorded itt Book......._,........._._.........._.....of...._.....__..........._....._.._...at page..._....._........... ;
<br />i
<br />........._ .............................................._.._.-........_..._._Reg. of Deeds
<br />By ............................_..............._...........................................Deputy
<br />i
<br />Zien ctaimsd by: ]:l e c e m~f e r ' 9
<br />Ijou~las E. Fiar;in ton and
<br />---- John• Claussen, Sons.._Co.--x__ Inc .__._....__ Against:-- _41~ e__A ..•lia r.ing~.o ..... -_-----
<br />8•L"'i•-".ti:--`(5klahoma Street, 1~~5 ~ree~om ~Srive ~riind -----'----
<br />Addrass-.--.--~x.~rAS~.-~Ls_.l~zts3.,-._.Aiehxaska-•----6.5.&D 1 ...---...Zslazul,_. Ye.~sasba_..._5.8.$A.1----.--•---------------- ;
<br />