<br />If90RTCAtIE
<br />MoxTCnc~ LOAN No. L 23,658
<br />iavowALLMENSyTEit~sispit£ssiNTS:Tttat Frank G: Elliott and Virginia J. Elliott, eac!? in his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse of each ether
<br />-- Mortgagor- whether one or more _in wnsideratioa of the sum of
<br />Fifty-eight Thousand Eight hundred and No/140---- -------- DoLLaRs
<br />loaned to said mortgagor by The Fyuitable Building and Luan Association of Grand lslxnd, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 5$B sttares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCiAT'ION, Cert-v~ii-ate ?Vo. L 23,6j$ , do hereby grant, wnrey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foIIowing
<br />described real estate, sintated hr Halt County, Nebraska:
<br />togetier with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, u?cluding atta+;tred Ilaor wverings, all window screens,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awni;tgs, heatinv, air canditioning, and plumbinti aad water equipment and accessories there[a,pumps,sta+.us,
<br />refrigerators, and other (ixn:res and equipment now or hereafter attached to o: used in connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and dots hereby agree that the mortgagor shat! and will pay all taxes and assessments Itvied or
<br />as~ssed upon said premists and upon this morlgage and the band secured thrrebv btfare the same shall became delinquent; to furnish approved
<br />insurance upon the buildings an said premises situattd in the sum of 5 5$,$44, 44 payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the poticits for said insurantt; and not to wmmir or permit any waste an or about said premises:
<br />In case of default ;n tht performance of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage or the band secured hertby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />on demand, be entitled to immediate posstssion of the mortgaged premixs and iht mortgagor htreby assigns, transftrs and sets over to t!x
<br />r[wrtgagt-t all the rents, revenues and mwme to be denved t[Om ttte mortgagtd premesrs during larch time az the trrortgage 'utdebtedttess stroll remain
<br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire tar the ourpose of repairing said premises and renting
<br />the same and wilecting the rents, revemres and income, and it may pay out of said income all expenses of repaiti_ng said premrxs and necessary
<br />wmntissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing rite same and aC collecting rentals therefrom; the balance rensainirtg, if any, to be
<br />applied (award the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness: these rights of the mortgagee may be exercised at any time duri~ the existence of such
<br />default, irrespective of any temporary waiver of the same.
<br />These Presents, howtvtr, are upon tier Condition, Tbat if the said Mortgagee shall repay said loan on or before the [maturity of said shares by
<br />payment; pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified in the Band secured hereby as inrertst and prvttipai on said loan, an ar before
<br />the Twtn[ieth day of each and even' nx?ntte, troll( said loan is fully paid; pay all taxes and assrsstnents levied against raid prtmists and on this Mortgage
<br />and the Bond secured thereby, before dtlinqutncv; f urnisb approved iasurance open the buildings thereon in the sum of £ j$, $40.44 ~yab~
<br />io said ASSik.IATION; repay #o said ASaOCIATIiIN upart demand all trxanty by it paid far sekh taxes, asstssmtats and 6nstuanrt with atttrest a[
<br />tTte t~nrrm legal tall therein Front date of nayment alt af' wni£h Meutgd~nr hereby _~ ___ !er ry ~ peFTt! rv? YCd:!e t?n ,°_i~t r -miffs' kEep ~.l ~?mply
<br />with 311 rite a$reeu±z~ts 3trd ~nditir.n3 of ~~.t Bond,os e $8-,844.44th~ day given by tl~ ~;# h:ar!gar !~v ~~ i.S-S€€IATrON arsd rx?mptp
<br />with all [ice rcquiremcnts of the Constitution and By-Laws of card ASSOf°IATtON; then these presents shat! became null and wid, otherwise they
<br />shall remain in full force and ntay be foreclosed at the option of lire said ASSOCATION afar failure fur three nxinths to make any of said
<br />payments or be throe months in arrears in making said manihly payments, or t° keep and aimply with the agreenxnts and wnditions of said Band;
<br />and Martgagcx agrees to here a rettiver appointed forthwith itt such ioreclusure prcxecdings.
<br />tl there is any change in owntrsttip of the real esiah mortgaged itetein, by sate or otberwise, thin the entire reatainirtg indebtedness hertby
<br />secured shall, at the option of The Gyu.itab(e Building and Loan Assaciation of Grand Island, Nebraska, become nnmedistely due and payable without
<br />further notice, and tl!e amount rentaimng dot under said board, and any other hood for any additional advuncts made thercundtr, shall, Crom the
<br />date ai exeretse of said option, bear interest at the maximum lega; rare, and this ninctgage ntay thin be fottclax3 to satisfy the amount due on said
<br />txmd, and any athtr band far additional adrtttces, together with all sotto paid by said Tice l quitabie Building aad Loan Asaociatiun of Grand Islaad,
<br />Nebraska for insurante, taxes and assessrntnts, aad abstracting extension charges, with interest thereon, from date of payment at the rttaximtrtrt
<br />legal talc.
<br />As provided in the Bond secured hereby, whip this nxetgagt remains in tftect the martgagtt may tcereafter adwnce additional surrts to the
<br />makers of said Band, their assigns or succtxuxs in interest, which sums hall be within the security of this mortgage the saint as the funds originally
<br />set.-urrd ihtroeby, [he tarot atiraunt of principal debt nut to exceed at any time the original amount of this mortgage.
<br />Isatta 17th day ae December A. o., l9 79
<br />,,,~,
<br />ran---~. 1t~ t ~-_._°- ~ .-_°-___~
<br />Nirgi~fiia J. Elliott
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, ~ ~ on this 17th day of December Iv 79 , befcve me,
<br />Ehe undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, personalty ame
<br />Frank G. Elliott and Virginia J. Elliott, each in his and her own W~~ht, and as s~It~se o~
<br />ec'4Ch other are perso y sown °
<br />me to be the identical persorg whose name S are affixed to the about insiriim'ljt as mortgagor S and ,iht3,y severally
<br />acknowledged the said instrument to be their voluntary act and decd. i ~ ~
<br />WIT'N[SS my band and Notarial Seal the dale aforesaid- ,-~
<br />My Comrmmi~.~on exp<%•ts r'~ 7 f f f J'-y 1
<br />~ GE°:£°~: NOTA3y •$bt6 at ~"rv'bresks r- Natary Public'
<br />Ia7&ZM ftl
<br />>:: ~Anl~s w. ai,soN
<br />ram My Comm, Eap, tlav, kZ, 1983
<br />