b;6D~,T6AGE IaE6D
<br />
<br />~Ciut~t .~I~ ern ~f~p~r r~~~n:
<br />THAT, _.__James_L,__&-Patricia_A:-_Smith,._husband_and_wife, and Eugene R. &
<br />--------------------------------------
<br />---------------------------- Beverly _A.__ Jin~ra,--husband--and-wife
<br />o( the County of_.__...-...~}?S~-_________________._.__.-.__-_._._._..., State of Nebraska, in consideration of the sum of
<br />~._Eighty_-twt?_ tt-wusand_fiye.hLmdred- and- OOJ100---------------------------.Dollars ($82>SQQ--00_---)
<br />in hand paid, do_._we_..hereby sell and convey unto LINCOLN MUTC7AL LIFE INSURANCE COM-
<br />PANY, acorporation with its principal office at Li~:coZn, Lanc¢ster County, Slate of Nebraska, the follou?-
<br />i»g described premises situated in---------------------Ha11._...---._...---.-••-.-------....._.Coeanty, State of Nebraska, to-u4it:
<br />Lot 'lc~aenty (20) in Metering and Giesenhagen' s Second Subdivision, City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, except a tract of land more particularly described in a warranty
<br />deed recorded in Book 157 at Page 341 in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska
<br />the i»te»tion being ro crnivey hereby an absolute title in fee simple, including alt the rights of Homestead,
<br />Dotoer a»d Courtesy, to leave and to hold the premises above described with all improvements and ap-
<br />purtenances noro thereon or may hereafter be placed upon said premises, and all rents, issues a»d prof-
<br />its thereof unto LINCOLN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, or its successors or assigns,
<br />forever, provided always that these presents ¢re upon the express condition that if the saidd~e.^~_L___6c_._
<br />°s, Patricia A. Smith, & Eugene R. &
<br />~Y_S'.~~,X..~.-_.X~.Llf~:r,~ or_.__..the]x_..__.__Heirs, or Legal Representatives shall pay, or cause to be paid to
<br />LINCOLN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN'S', or its succe.4.sors ar assigns, the scam ofFightu_SSea~
<br />ttmusand five hundred
<br />--_----•---_---.-_-_--Dollars ($~~~,,~QQ,.~Q.._), on or before the first day of-•--__-~~'y ..................•-.--., 199.x._...,
<br />_ 3504
<br />;vith interest as per one pronaaissory s3ote Nuttaber ~f ev€N date >'aere~its~, said pr~-tcipal, interest,
<br />y3
<br />t~ac instsar~e sell ~ payable at t~ office of Lincolze M~4.:a1 :.ife Irs~e r~__ ~•~,
<br />Li~oln, -Larster, Ple ra.~ , in athl_y ns~ts of Ck~e thousand ter? dollars and -lOl?
<br />($1,010.63) plus 1/12 of annual real estate taxes and insurance, caemmeing on tt~e first
<br />day of 1•farch, 1980, and on the first day of each month thereafter until the princiapl
<br />and interest are fully paid; all according to the terms of a certain promissory note of
<br />even date herewith executed by said mortgagor.
<br />and shall pay sit taxes and assessments levied upon said real estate before the same became deli»geaent,
<br />a»d ail other taxes, levies and assessments levied upon dais mortgage ar the note achich this ttwrtgage is
<br />given to aeeure before the same become delinquent, and shag keep the buildings ors said prerniaes insured
<br />opal»st fire arad acindatorm ire era insurareee company approved by t7ae mortgagee for $82,50D-.C0.______________
<br />policies to be assigned to arul deposited zcdth LINCOLN 11SLIg UAL LIFE INSUTtANCE COMPANY, then
<br />these presents to be void, othertsise to remain in full force and effect.
<br />It is frcrther agreed that neither the assessor nor the county clerk shalt enier this mortgage far
<br />separate asaesament and taxatson, but that both the interest of said mortgagor_.g,., and mortgagee shall
<br />be psaeased and taxed to the said mortgagor_.&_- and the ou»aers.-.. of the property mortgaged.
<br />It is further agreed that if the said mortgagors_,.. shall fa~Z to pay such taxes or procure such inaear-
<br />mace, as required by this mortgage, the said mortgagee may pay such taxes and proceare such insurance,
<br />mad-the-sum so advanced, urith intsreat at.. 12 ~ __.:.per carat per annum, shall be paid by said mortgagors..
<br />to said mortgagee, and dais mortgage shalt stand- as security for the same.
<br />200 3.71 JN
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