~s~A'd52t,"u'.Hi',~T f)P }I~~IT;s 7~--- ~~,.~ n ;:Its . ,. r. ~.. ~, ~, .~ .,. , ~, •... _ -. -
<br />1 ail OLD ALi. IH E:~ IiY TiiB9E PP.ES1;~iT9: That we, the undersign=d.-..James-L.- ~ Patricia :'i. SIItltl"i,. -
<br />j husband and caife,.and.Eugene R. & Beverly A. Jindra _knasband and wife ;
<br />4
<br />.._.._.
<br />} of ....... - .. .County of .__..I1021g1as.. - ......._... -, ,..>=.E of ....I1TebraSlSa- - _
<br />... _...
<br />~ i
<br />.- ~ for aad in consideration of..~~.1>n}T.'Z~---ttHltlsdI2d..fiYE...tAIIldra~..2Tld..~~~1~~---~--c_-r--=---------.= i+:,LF,:1t 5,
<br />~' j to us as a Loan in hand paid by.._..LO.7n..Mutual.L2fe.._IIiS173:'ir1C~_-~t~T2Z1y_...--.-- ui.- _L1ACpiZ1 ....... ...._..-.
<br />i
<br />in the County of__....-..I3TICdSCeT____-..-_-...-_.,.. and Stag cf.._._,._...~P~2Z2.S~.Sa_ --__. ar•d ot'r.rr Bond and
<br />~ _..
<br />' vaIuabie consideration, the receipt :Thereof xs hereby achnovrledged, do hereby assign, transfer, anti set ot•r tej.7.g(;.91,i],.
<br />L~iazual..l,Lfg...II3SlIC'aI1Ce--'~dI137. -._as collateral sr, unity for said is>an. for sr. ioet as seic roan cr any pare thereof ~~
<br />'remains unpaid; the rents and revenue accruinK for fire perio:! of the dwatiun of the Ic°a above mentiuzred, ap,r„ the fullowinK
<br />- I slescri d proper ^ ituated iu County of . --:-... __. Ball _ ... _.._._._ , SCate of. __.._...P~ebraska. - ----- ...___., to-nit: - -
<br />? i~ot ~enty ~(~)) in .."tensing and Gxesenhauen s Second Subdivision, City of Grand Island, H31T
<br />G~edNebr-aske; except- a firaet of land mare particularly des~rxbed in a warra>•rty deed
<br />recor in Book 157 at Page 341 in, the office__of.the Regis~ex Qf I?ee~is Ha~.l GAt~lty
<br />~. ..._..~ .. Lincoln Mutual Life Insurance on an default b'
<br />~ And we hereby suthnrize and empo:ver ~ per.. .. hf ~}~,~~ y~i. - tyQ. --.-. X
<br />i to act for us, and rent the above described pthmtses~ogrea y p~rL-thorr'c~Sf,~'&~i biff• {S1'dF•e ~uT~teLi•[~~e~srt `FA'~~td rent, j _
<br />either monthly, quarterly or yearly, as._..-_- lt_..._........_rnay see fit, snd in default of the payment of said rex!t or any part
<br />''' thereof to proceed in.._...-_.7..CS............_ou^n name by suit or suits at !a~^ for the recovery thc:eof in :uch manner as.......3,t_._-._.. '
<br />shall deem fit.
<br />~` ' This assignment of rent is beinK made for the express purpose of having the rent collected hereand~r applied to pay-
<br />,,, }
<br />', -? ~ menu of principal, intcvest anti fines on the loan of $-8z.,~QQ,Q~ ...................above described, as agreed by us to be paid in
<br />the real estate mortgage on the property above described securing said loan.
<br />~~ Said 4.=. zgnce n!a tn- 1tS. ....discret.ion, use the rents so far as necessary Ynr the purpose o± mal:utg such repairs
<br />s Y
<br />•. i
<br />`: ! upon the premises as, in...........irs..... 1uUgttxeut, may b^ proper and may use slid rent, sn far as necessary fen the i.a}ment -
<br />of insurance premiums and lases upon Said premises, or any other payments to be made by us under the terms of the xntttKakc
<br />above tnentioncd, the hsilance to he applied ut~on the payment of monthly duos, mcerest and fines rr swirl certificate and loan !
<br />1 This assiKnmet i and hansfer of rents and revenue to be absolute to the extent of the total cf the payments above
<br />mentioned from and //after t is daft. '
<br />Dated this. . 1 .~. ~- .. ...day of ....._ ^.L/iut- CO~t~%~..9. D. 19.
<br />-•{~ .4
<br />', ~ /'
<br />~ .. - .- i
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />