<br />I1~~ ASE
<br />Thin mortgttge made and catered into this 14TH day of DECEMBER
<br />19 79 , by end between MIDWEST BY PRODUCTS, INC.
<br />(hereinafter referred eo as mortgagor) and the Administrator of the Small Business Administntioa, an agency of the
<br />Government of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as mortgagce), who maintaitn an office and
<br />plsweofhaaiaawst Nineteenth and Farnum Street, Omaha, Nebraska
<br />Wt1'rtt;sBttTtt, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby aeknowied~ed, the
<br />~ort6agor dons hereby mortgage, sell, grant, aesi~a, and convey tmto the mortgagee, his wceasors and aasi8oa, all
<br />of tine following described property situated and being in the County of Hall
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />A tract of Land in the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter
<br />{NW~N~4) of Section sixteen {16), Township ten {10) North, Range
<br />Ten {LU) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, mare
<br />particularly described as follows:
<br />+~ith reference to the northeast corner of said Section
<br />i1.6; thence running westerly on the north line of said
<br />,Beeline lfi an an assumed bearing of N 9D°00"00" W A
<br />,distance of 13l$.64 feet to the northeast c^rner of
<br />said NW-'r, of the NEB; as previously described said
<br />"iioint being the actual point of beginning; thence
<br />Icotititiuing westerly on 'aforesaid north li:tie a distance
<br />of 329.70 feet; thence running southerly bearing
<br />S 1°11'42" W A distance of 926.40 Feet; thence running
<br />easterly bearing N 89°58'10" E a distance of 330,30
<br />feet; thence running northerly bearing N 1009'30" E
<br />a distance of 926.21 feet to the actual point of beginning,
<br />said tract containing 7.U2 acres more ar lean, the
<br />northerly 33.00 feet being Caunty road right-of-way.
<br />Together whit and including a!1 buildings, all Sxtures including but not limited to aU piumbing, prating, iight-
<br />ing, ventilating, refrigerating, incinerating, air conditions»g apparatus, and ctevators (the mortgagor hereby
<br />drriaring teat it is intended that the items herein enumerated shall be deemed to have been permanently in-
<br />stalle!! as par! of the realty},and aT! improsemeats new or hereafter existing thereon; the hereditaments and
<br />appurtenances and all other rights thereunto helonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and ro-
<br />versions, remainder and rrmainden, aTi ri,~ht+ of redemption, and the rent., issues, and profies of the shove.
<br />described property (provided, however, teat the mortgagor shad hr entitled lu the pag,+ession of said property
<br />and to colieet and retain Qte tents, issues, and pr+o8ts until default herrundet}, To have and to hold the same
<br />unto tide mortgagee and the waceessars in interest of the mortgaigee forever in fee simple or such. other estate.
<br />if any, as ie stated herein_
<br />The- mortgagor oorenanta that he is lawfully sai>aad and possessed of and has the right to sett sad convey said
<br />property; that. the. same is -free from aA ¢acumbraneEa a:cept as hereiaabove recited: and that he hereby binds
<br />hiatseU sari hiss snaeewors is interest to warrant and defend the tiEle aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against
<br />the claims of all persons whomsoever,
<br />This instrument is given to secure the payment oC a promissory note dated December 14, 1979
<br />is the principal sum of S35p~p00.00 ,~gaed bP Earnest W. Meininger, President
<br />inhnhaiiof Midwest By Products, Inc.
<br />Bah Furst RSr (~14J lre.luw Eilltl~~ use 96sals~.
<br />