<br />tai-A-WAR.RAN'rY flEEtd tRevistd 196#) ='he nuttm nn Giaoernl ~:icPrly Hanac, Lirciahr, "8»dar.
<br />. _....__ ._.__._. _._,-"KNOW 'AI:I~ ASEN B~ THESE P~ ---_.__ . _ .__-..... _ ... __ _ ......... . ........._ '..____
<br />"~~... ~
<br />tESENTS. r
<br />f TF1AT 1 ur ~i'e, ET.niFll Ril?vGE, A SI=?GLE PERSO'3, APJD AP::A:~ZfiA RiJP1GE, A SI?iGLE PEg 0^l,
<br />i
<br />herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />in consideration of EIGHT HUAPJRi~ FIFTY-THREE A?1D 81/100 t~OI.LFti?S
<br />received from grantee, do hereb; grant, bargain, sell, convey and aanfirni unto
<br />GOLGEN rJIKiNG, I??C.
<br />i herein called the grantee whether one or more, the fallowing described real property in
<br />'i
<br />I
<br />' f GALL County , NEBFu1StCA
<br />i
<br />LOT SIXTY (6G) , LE iiEIGHTS FOi1}£Pii SUBSIVISIG::, A "TRACT ., ;..rt;,°`l. Ci;:.iP:?~5.t'1'u' A "r'~.R:'
<br />OF THE EAST ??ALF O'r' T??E :OR'PHWESI' +~UAltTE~c' (E~?':~Y~1 CP SECT=Oti EL'r;dE1d (Il}, 'l'C~aSi?I?
<br />ELE4E-N (11) r70R.TH, RA[~TGE TEI~1 (lO) ,'1ESP ~JF ~c[E 6Ti? i'. 1.:. I?1 ?fALi. vC'_T?1TY, FJE$P~t1S}(A.
<br />] STAMP FAX ~ I
<br />' i
<br />~T/~ZF..tJ?EN7 AT7A~ki€$ DEC I ~ ~Q~~
<br />To have and to hu}d the above described premises together wttn all tenements, hereditamett n apps r- i
<br />tenxnees therato belonging unto the grantee and #a grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br />j And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantee rend with grantee's heirs and assigns that grantor `
<br />is lawfully seised of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance EXCEPC isAS~.i-1~"FPS s'il~,rsJ RESTRICi`I~~
<br />i
<br />OF RECORb
<br />i that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warraats and will defend
<br />the title to sa}d promises against the lawful ciaitns a£ a[l persons whamsaever-
<br />Dated January b, i.t 75
<br />t°
<br />F., j-~'
<br />.......... . .. . ................................... . - -its -, ~• -~~-~:-a ~~:~ ~ '~, `_:~`'~r-~.~
<br />^fi '
<br />i.r" -
<br />':, STATE C1F.. ~`E$il.A~1:~1 .... . ........ County ref.... (TALL
<br />Before me, a notary public qualified fur ,aid eo~uit~°, personally eame
<br />EI..NER R[1NGF., A SI~dCrLE Pia~ll:.~t:%1vT, All:l t1`{AI~nJA ;fiJ?`}GE, A SINGLE i'ET.tS()Ads
<br />known to me to ba the identical petscm ur persc+us Lebo sil;ueal the foreaoiug iustrtwrettt raid xcknoa~ledged the
<br />ezeeution thereof. to be his, her or their voluntary act and need.
<br />Witnesamy hand and notarial seat on . .............~, ~~~~~r' , Ill.. T,~~...
<br />L c',, tFt- ^r~p ~°SC;..,~ ~ .~.~: ......Notary Public
<br />f,€P.tt vvT=~. {r ,rata r1f Ne6r, .
<br />3'" PJsy Comm, ~cn Ex7irts
<br />Oec,ember i~, i~y6 3iy comtnission expires.... , ..'SAG. pr .~tt... , ..... , 19 ~? ... ,
<br />a
<br />STATE 4F .............................
<br />County .................................~as. ;;
<br />Entered on numerical index .utd filed for record in Lhe Register of Deeds 0£fice of said County the
<br />............day o£ ......................19..,..., at...........o'elork and....,...,..minutes ........... M.,
<br />and recorded in Book ....................o£,..,,........-..----nt page,,...............
<br />.............................Beg.of l?aeds ._....
<br />Hy ....................................... Deputy ,
<br />