', 10'3-A-WARRANTY DHSD {Rexigwd 5961) Tor ]inffmnn r':;•nerx.i 3ugrip noua~r, t,knc~utn., :4ebx.
<br />~"9--+~ :grow ,~~~. ~~~r B'Y TH~~E P~~~~~~:
<br />I
<br />TH ~T I or VS'e; EL~~R RU?iGE, A SI:3GLE PZ•,x`?SO?d, AND It.:A'h.1.4 FtLT'?G , A SI`iGLE 1'ET?SON~
<br />,herein called the grant-or whether one or more,
<br />in coxtsideration of EIGHT HL?1DRED FIrfiY-i±REE A~ ~1/100 BOLIARS
<br />receired from grantee, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br />GOLDEN t1IKIA3G, IttO.
<br />herein called the grantee whether one or more, the following described real property in
<br />HALL County? ivBBRASKA .
<br />t
<br />OF THE FAST ?IALF Oi' THE: iSOR'"H;'t'E'ST tciiAFtTER (Ezi~J~} OF SECTI~?d ELEVu~I (LZ)~ TObti:ISHIP
<br />': ELEVEN (1.1) ?30R1H, RA1dGE T~ (10} 'rYE',ST OF 'THE bTH 1'. P,4. I=I :BALL :;OUi~'i'Y3 PFL:RRASKA.
<br />t STAMP TA)(
<br />Slrx E1viENT ATTACHED. ~k~ ~ ~ ~~
<br />~~_-~,
<br />To hate and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditanxents an appur-
<br />j teaxances thereto neionging onto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br />] And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantee and with grantee's heirs and assigns that grantor
<br />~~ ~ is lawfully seised of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance 4.'.XCEs~T E'AS~i`E'aTS Alv~i Riis~'iRICTIf~F5;
<br />I
<br />f
<br />;
<br />that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will defend
<br />i the title to said premises agaiFxst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />i
<br />1)atecl 3anuarv b, t9 75
<br />~.: ~)
<br />`~ _,.U ~. c-~~--~-'r;-=~._,• -ice -- e
<br />r ~ A 1.` ~ `GE' --
<br />STATE OF....:VE.HRASI+A.........., Coaxrty of.....IALL ...............:
<br />I3ofore xne, a notary publio ynalified for said county, pcrseualiy came
<br />1:.I..'.IER. RIJNGE, A SI)lGLE F'k'.rtS0ily ARC Ai.'A':"JA RUAI^vEr A SI'?.^rLl; ?FRSOti~
<br />known to me to be the identical person or perso:ts who sip*ued the faref;oitzg instrument and aeknott~le<ige.l tlxe
<br />eaecnt-ion thereof to hr~ his, her or their vvlnntary act and deed.
<br />Witnesamy hand and notarial seal ou ... ~~~__~~,ja?} ba 19..7,?...
<br />i<. c~. fiht.:'~P .:ice ~ { ~.~! ~:,2. , ... ....?~'at:er 1'nhlie _
<br />t;FtVii'tA4~ N71 ARY ~ St;,t= at 16ebr. ..... ........ ~.... ~.~~_€~~ 3
<br />;k, , tly Cornntission Expires ly2y t^omntission expires...... , ..~ 1it~.=:.~t~......., lll. ~~ ..
<br />Cscantber 2!4, 2976
<br />STATE OF ..............................
<br />t)ounty .................................jss.
<br />^ Entered on numerical index and filed for record in the Register of lleeds Office of said County the ~ ^
<br />............day of . ..................... 19......, at...........o'cloek aud.........,.minntes ...........bi.,
<br />and recorded ixx Book ....................of....................at page.................
<br />lie;!. of weeds
<br />,, ~ By ................... ................... llepttty
<br />~- r ,-_._ ,_.,,- - -_ ... ~ _.
<br />