' 7L3-A-WARRAtVTY DEED {Reviuod 1963) T1ir I?uttm rn F';s e~remi SaP6~ip xouen, I.lmcoir~. _'; etwr.
<br />fr~N~JW ALA." I~EN SY THESE __ _. ,. _.._ . _.. __ _ _...___-- . ......_._, __ __....__..
<br />FE~'.E~}ENT'S:
<br />i Tt3~T T or R'e, E .nI }}i71~S'GE,M' SIlVG7:E F'1;E~'SO'h+, AIiiS} A'}.1'QJA R?'E;1GE, A SI`;GL}'' 1'r;RSO?d,
<br />I
<br />j ~ ,herein called the Grantor whether one or mor«~, ~~
<br />' j iu consideration of EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY^T?iliEF. AND 81f iC0 ;)OLLARS
<br />r i
<br />received from grantee, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, emlvey and eoufirm unto
<br />~" I GOLDEN YIiSS2dG, I2IC.
<br />1 fi herein called the grantee whether one or more, the following described real property in
<br />ii1tLl, Counts, r:~`E3RASIiA.
<br />I
<br />OF THE EAST HALF OF" THE :~CR':lfir"+FST ~UARTF.R (F.2riilts) OF SECTO'd ::LEVEN (11) , Tfl~}:dSHZF
<br />ELEVEN (1.1) NORTH, RAiVGE TE"2 (10) Wk:ST Ole' Try bTH P. ','.. IN Fi![LL COii "l Y, NE3RASi{A.
<br />-'r"t1aNI A-~ ;ACI-l~~ i per t ~ mm
<br />~~
<br />~_~---~
<br />To hate and to hold the above described premises together kith all tenements, hereditaments an-~~~_
<br />tanances thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br />And the grantor does hcrgbp cotenant with the grantee and with grantee's heirs and assigns that grantor ':
<br />is lawfully seised of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance E?iCEPT EASE'1.E[d'!'S Az'ID _"?ES"'RICiIt~'~IS `
<br />that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and kill defend
<br />the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all llez-sons whomsoever.
<br />llatgd )a1=~z;_F b, 1Z 7~
<br />.. .. - ..... t' rv. Y.R. ~UlY a--- °
<br />-.-rte. ~ ,-$ ~~~y_ ..
<br />L
<br />STATE OF...NE$HASKA..........., County of.......!.tILL ............:
<br />Before me, a noiary public ynalified far said coetuty, personally came
<br />EL?t!F.ft RUNGS, A SINGLE FEi~SON, AND A'ize1''r'DA RANGE, A 3%dGI,E FEK~YN,
<br />known to me to be Ehe identical Peron or perscus ~eha .igned the foregoin;.,+ iuatrtunent and acknowledged the '_
<br />execution thereof to he his, her or their voluntar~° art atu) dyed.
<br />VG ttnesamy head and notarial seal oIr - . y~I T~,k"ti',x ~a ~. , 19, 7~ .
<br />A t r runhnp ~-1-y""? - ~. ~-~, . . \oiar~ Publr+.
<br />~§ AA -.. .... s-__:.-.-. _.
<br />$" ti~~lE{lH(. 14 t~tf 41:7 + - }~fy ~ iriiy„ _
<br />''~`:,:, c:;y Commission Exttira*t YeVr MY eoznmission expires...........~~G~~~F`fi:.~?a...... 14).7...
<br />''~~-~` Decembor td, 1976
<br />STATE OP .............................:)
<br />ss.
<br />Coanty ..............................
<br />Entered on numerical lades : nd filed for record in the Register of Deeds Office of said C;olnzty the
<br />........day of ...................... 19......, at..... _ .., .o'cloglt and...........mimtLes ...........145.,
<br />and regarded in Book ....................of....................at page.................
<br />Reg. of Deeda
<br />13y ....................................... llepnty ,
<br />r
<br />