' 7Q3-A-WARRANTY DEED (RSUi~sed 7963} 'rkir. I:Hatnnxn G,or,orml ~'r.,prtp `ra'm:xc, fema4 n. 1~t~a. -
<br />7~-~'.~'~~ ~~rra~ ~~,~, r~~~ ~1~.~ mss ~~~~~r~:
<br />1 THAT i or ~i'e, tL?,~R RLTMGE, A SI??GLE .°~r±SC)N, A~?i) Ay`.Fi'<",7A RUtGE, .-t :iyidGl,E PF F250:,
<br />i
<br />,' j ,herein callod the grantor whether one or more, .
<br />iu considerntian of EIG'zlT :?tp~P,~ FZ.iY-FC~'R al?7D 13/100 17J` I3~1p.S NE9RASFCA DOCUMENTARY
<br />r
<br />C received fram grantee, do herehy ?;rant, bargain, sell, conch}- and confirm unto s ~~~ y ~ ~~
<br />i S
<br />GOL7JEN UIKINC, iNC, i~ ,`~
<br />1' herein called the grantee whether one c}r tnor?, tltr Pnllotain~ described real praper "'"~
<br />HALL ('ounty-, :"1EH~SKA
<br />A T~A,cr of LA'~ih cd~>?r~ISZNC ~:~; >~s::~',~Y T~llrz~r~=rH.xE~~ (330} r~~ o~ ,~~ scu'r>~:AST
<br />~LTARTER OF Ti-t'E SOLr?'1?s°rr.,ST ~LtARTER (SE;~+SIY) OF SEC"'.IvN 1</LEVF~'V (11) , TOIYNSHIP F,L~:VEN (11)
<br />:IQRTH, RAN4E 2EN (1{J) ~tr~.SP 0r' T'if: fill? ?. ,~,, IN ::ALL CO[P.dTX, NEBRi+SHA, SAIJ TAAL"T
<br />C©NTMiAIAiING 1.70 ACRF. `riC7itl; OR LFSS,
<br />~IAT~IV1E;t1 T, t1 ~ TA[;1-1~
<br />i
<br />i
<br />To have sac; to hold the above described premise. together with all tenements, hereditaments and appur-
<br />t~tta.aces thereto belonging onto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns ±orevcr. --
<br />~ And the grautor does hereb}° cot°enant with the grantee and with grantee's heirs sud assigns that grautor
<br />'; is lawfully sFised of said premises; th<t.t they are free from eneumhrauee F~i"'Gla.YT ~S~`'~-'~S A~ Tf'IGT€Cr~r~
<br />i
<br />dF r2ECORTJ
<br />that, grautor has gaud right and lawful authority to cauce~° the same ; and Ehat grantor tcarrants and tt•ill defend
<br />the title to said premises against the lawful rlttims of all persons ie•hamsaever.
<br />i
<br />ilatrtt ,t1 `~]j~ iz+ E t-+ j ` (~•~'~ ~-
<br />(~./ l/ ~V 8-~ -
<br />~ Till ~~ Yt.-d~~
<br />~~ i _i it - _ - .~ _
<br />STATE ()P`......'`IFr~1{AS3~A.......... , (_'ounty of .....':~.~ ............ . .
<br />i3eforr nte, a uatary public qualified for Said county, persun:tlly carne
<br />F,L7~ZFt RUNGS, A :ai.;`GLE °';:3SCN, AA°FI Al.`,AidDA RLTtdGE, A S'it''GI.E i'F;1?SC'Id,
<br />~uown tam e~h r _ tical lser~;uu :sr ltersuu, sshzs ;zigned thy, Yoregeing iuatruuscut' and ac6uQtt•lezlgi>d thE~ _
<br />*aecutiau .ita•iec ~ or their volunt tri act alt{I dr{>d.
<br />t n~ i.arial sea. ott,~~i<xtsC:z-G' ..~.... , .... /'.. .., 1s.~S..~-- '
<br />i~ ~~€~r
<br />F~iRE$ %,% .~: ~~c.,~~",x} ... ~-~ . X.~ y~""~~t^"•:......1Vistary Public
<br />g~ sF 1
<br />~q~',Zy,t~ ,~. 14i~• cammissian expires.~:~.j.~ ~x~t.;:~.~ .............. . 19.°. ~ .
<br />/t
<br />STATE OF.. , .................. ,.
<br />... ~ss.
<br />Connty .............................
<br />' Entered on nnmerieal index and filed for record is the 1{egister of Deetls Office of said County the
<br />...,........day of ......................19......, at...........o'elock and...........minutes ...........&L,
<br />and retarded in $oak ....................af.......-............at page......,.......... }
<br />................................................. .
<br />Ee~. of I]eeds
<br />By .......................................Deputy .
<br />