t 7~~ ~~~~~ REgi; ESTATE il1UR''FGAGE -NEBRASKA
<br />,KNOW AI~L'MEN 13~' THESE PRESENTS; That Garroll G. Peacock & Tgni__ __E ~?eaooak ~us>~and &
<br />~ei',einaftl~r c~lied mogtgag4}r(s), ~~n consideration of the sum of_:._Q,~ ,_ : r,_, , _ _,.,:*', Dollars in hand pAid , lmtiil'e
<br />(' does hereby GRANT, BARGAI?v, SELL, and CONVEY to HO ~~t"IQLA FINANCE CORPORATION, het .inafter called
<br />( mortgagee, the fallowing described real property located in I County, Slate of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />`I'1'te ~/sst Ha1P (W3~) oP Lat Six (6 ), Block One Htindrsd Forty
<br />Four {I!~ll.), in Union Pacific Railway Companyrs Second Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall Gounty, Nebraska.
<br />It is mortgagor's intention to convey title in fee simple including all rights of iomestead and dower.
<br />PROVIAED, however, that this mortgage is made on the express condition that, if the mortgagor(s) pays in full the
<br />promissory note payable to the mortgagee datedpBCemb®r I2 19.x_ ,for $ ~~~.©2 payable
<br />''I' in installments according to the terms thereof, together with interest thereon as provided in the note at the agreed rate of
<br />i charge of 2m per month on that part of the unpaid balance of the amount financed on any loan not in excess of$I,t)f1Q;
<br />l-1/2~ per month on that part of the unpaid balance of the amount financed exceeding S1,OOf? but not exceading$5,QU0;
<br />and 1.1/4% per month on any remainder of the unpaid balance of the amount financed; and if motigagar(S) pays ail taxes
<br />~- and assessments levied on said property and maintains adequate ftre insurance on said real property, then this mortgage shall
<br />)ae-void.
<br />This mortgage may not be assumed without the written consent of the mortgagee.
<br />If the motigaQOr fails to pay any sum of mcinay, either prh3r1pa1 or interest, when duo, or fails-it3 comply with anysf
<br />the above agreemat3is, the mortgagee has the option to declare the whole of said utdabtednass dt~ and payable at Dace aad ttr
<br />- -;rtalntaln any ao~on at Iaw ur aquit}~ tQ reoorer the rte: _ =`
<br />_ - __ - _ -
<br />- - _ _ --
<br />i In Witness Whereof, mortgagor(s) executed this mortgage this_ ~ ~,~._ day of -,__ e c • , A,p, i9 ~ .
<br />i
<br />P
<br />In the presence uf: ~
<br />F , ;'?
<br />r.
<br />.~P,0~~~4~tR k'.~~4#2t~`Fr....G~.4ti.~QFi,A~'.~.9~I......,.... ...:=;..t'?.::::s:.::..,`.......1,~:~::,,_~ t ;fir F;;
<br />{ H. L, Rose, Manager
<br />9TA1'FOF`, EBRASKA }
<br />' .,,-,,..1~tCF~.fL.~...._ COUNTY j ~:
<br />l
<br />_ ~ - -
<br />On tltIs '~ da _.- ~ -~ j ~
<br />...~,......_ .~, , A.I}. 19 __=.~~ , before rne. the
<br />undarsigpad ~~~ „_ .®_ a Notar Public
<br />~ dulyF nmtntssioz}g qualifie or d rasa `gin said mtt~ , persunail carat' f~J~.~~,~2~~iw±~~
<br />to rete knawr3 to be the identlcak person ~ wh~~name ~ fis) (are n xad to the fozegoing instrument as tnorlgagois
<br />and acknowledged the'same to be ~ _ '2'"''c'G-~~..~_ vol{u~n-t-a~ry act ur dead.
<br />Witness my-hand and IVotarlal Seai the day and year last above written. E 1'~ ~ y rr a,~,say,
<br />~~:,~~ ~ otary Public - lily Yrmmission axptras r'- _'~ -' ~ / ~`~~'
<br />Corm 32 ~ N~ ra~79)
<br />