<br />F .'; i;: ._~..,~ ~","iii ,...~, .,., ~,.", _-.. ~~~ _
<br />. E--Cor;wralios ~ . , Huffman zntl r
<br />303~i--~R,~,3:EAS~ RSF b1t~7Fk'TGA{,r elton R Waifi. Waitan, Ne. 68~6I
<br />C 'SIN Ct7NSII3ERf1TION of tl'ar. ¢ajnnent of the debt Wanted therein, the Cormnercial Savings Company
<br />of Grand Island hereby releases the mortgage made to
<br />SYahla Mobile Homes, Inc by Commercial Savings Co. of Grand Island
<br />on the following described real estate, to-wit:
<br />"See Attached Exhibit A"
<br />~ of Section in Township Range of tke p, M,~ Hall
<br />~i County, Mate of Nebraska wtiick is recorded in Book of Rea! Estate B4ortgages, ¢a3e
<br />F' ~ of the records of said County. Document 9k 79-000312
<br />IN TESTIMONY i3~HEREOF, the saidCormnercial Savings Company of Grand Island has catued` ~_
<br />( these presents to be execretet' by its president and its Cor¢orata S be affixed hereto this
<br />t:
<br />iE ~ ~Y of 1@, December = r979 --
<br />`'• ~~ Witness: Commer ill Savi g ~ Grand Island ! j
<br />°-- •-
<br />•- - °-
<br />~, i .. ... .... . --•- - - --.., P sid nt
<br />tj :..................... ........................._....................._.................9tn^st ........_..-.. - - - - - ashier, Secretary ~ i`
<br />St ~ STATE QF ......Ne?br#S.k# ............._.....-....._...------------ 10 December 79
<br />t: ~ss. f)n this.........._........day of ......................................... t¢...,.....
<br />~_ - Hall
<br />..........~......., ..............................County J before rne, the undersigned, a Notary Pubt%c in and for said ~'
<br />4:~ ,s'~,,. ~
<br />1 Go~t~~trsdieaF7* cama:-----fciCnara-H, ~ia~tice ....._ ..- -- -----°°--------°--• ....................... .. Presid¢rtt of the
<br />f '
<br />~ ,..:_..:..5 , ~ },~.. ,<...Commercial .Saainga Gnmgan}_ nf...Grand..Islansi ............ . .. ........ a Corporation
<br />r .-.,
<br />i ta~"ma` cr{lp~kno~ten 2a be the President and identical person whose name is ojfixed to the above release and
<br />j acknoed~ed.-the err~c2fiiln thereof to ba his vol:Entary act and deed as such ojJicer, and the ztolnntary act and deed r ,
<br />1 r?~ ,said.,Cor~os~st%on
<br />.,
<br />`'1W'<ft~sY mom' b •tzpd-'Notarial Seal at...._.Grand..I.sland...........
<br />. y *tt~ ,'- °. .- -._.._...., in said Corxty the day and yeor~
<br />~} My coixm~icst{on ~ex¢%e~.G --•...---- -- ~ N 'l..f.~?.L<-x=..F'..~? 1.~G~,,r....., Notary Pz<6lu a
<br />It
<br />-Part pf the hest Half of the Narthea_st Quarter (kN~-NE~') of Sectfon
<br />fifteen {15), Township t;ieven° (T1~ North, Rangy Nine {4) 44est of _
<br />the 6th P.M. in the Hall Cow7ty, Nebraska beginning 6:4.9 feeC
<br />5auth and 80 feet West of the Northeast corner of the Southeast line:.
<br />of Highway ~3Qg Souuth ~Q5 feet, West lit? feet: hlorth 344.62 f~:et to
<br />P.ti.C.. North on ~5o foot radius fsifrvc to riytit, 53.9 feetx Merlte
<br />1i4.0~ feel tE tti~ lityht-of-~~iy line, f+~rta cast inf.=% feet to the
<br />- °-. - - -point pf beginning, 11a11 Cr~i~nLy-, 4~rar:d lal~nd, #:~,.ras~a,
<br />
<br />