- form 11UD'No. 623g•Ndb.
<br />(Slc. 342 Laaa) .
<br />(f4rviscd'Aag. l~io)
<br />7~`~'I
<br />This Mortgage made as of the 23rd day of October t9 79, between
<br />Gladys E. Miller (hrrcina(ter Gaffed, acrd if more clean oat party jointly sad
<br />scvtraAy hereinafter called "Mortgagor"), raiding at 424 North Taft Hall Counly, Nebraska
<br />and the United States a( Rmtrica (hereinafter called "Mortgagee"), acting by and through the Department of Housing and Urban
<br />Development having a Regional Office at 911 North Walnut, Kans88 City , ,ad
<br />Sou of Missouri
<br />WITNESSETN, that to secure the payment of an indebtedness in the principal ^mouat of T4tree Thousand, Four
<br />Htmdred & No/166pur (j 3,400.00 ), with interest thereon, which shelf be payable in accordance with a
<br />certain note bearing even date herewith, a true and eorrrct copq of xhiel,, exclusive of the signature of the Mortgagor, marled
<br />"Schedule A" is annexed hereto and male a part hereof, anJ til other indeMednrss vrhich the Mortgagor Is obligated to pay to
<br />the hfoftgiget pursuant to the provisions of the Note and this Mortgage, the iltortgagar hereby granU, coareys and rrtortgsgta
<br />to the Moregag«:
<br />1'he following Jesc;ibed property siwate in Hall Counly,Nebraajca.
<br />i ~
<br />Lot 1, Fraction of Lot 2, Block 17, I.Bmbert's Addition,
<br />City of Grand Island, NE
<br />T'~;ETfiER, with off appurtenances (hereto anJ elf the create and rtxht} of Ihr Mortgagor in and to ruck property of in
<br />anywise appertaining therrta; all builJings and other structures Haw or Hereafter thereon rrccted or installed, and all fisrtorta
<br />acrd articles of personal property Haw or hereafter attached Io, or used in, or in the operations nf, any such (and, buildings of
<br />struuures which are necessary to the complete use and occupancy n( such builJings or Sttnrtara foe the purpose lot whi<4 tl3e+y
<br />P - were or see eo be ererteJ or instaiitJ, including, but oat )imitcJ to all bracing, pi€imf,ing, hathrnam, fighting, Cooking, Isuadry, -
<br />vtntiiating. €tfr+gtrsting, incinrratinR, anJ xirr+rndi€ivnirrg rgvipmrnt an.i fiztaera anJ sit tcpiarements these:-f and addttiaaa --
<br />thertto, wncttrer or not the same art or shall be attached to such land, buildings or structure in anp ttunan;
<br />'yGC:fTfi€lt, with soy anJ aft awarJs now or hereafter malt fpr ihr taking of the praprrty martg!_aged hereby, or arty -
<br />i pars therrnf finrluding soy rssemrnt), by the extrcfse of the pvare r.f eminent darnain, inciading any award fw chtrs~e of
<br />', grade of soy s(rrtt oe othtr nsaJrray, which awards art httr$y assigneJ to the Mortgages ansl are dtnmed s part of the gtaptNy -
<br />rnotrgagt:i h-rtey, and the fvfortpagt,r is hereby autftotirtd tv ro(fect .rn.i €cctivt tfrt prottrds M s;s,- awais~„ ~ °v~ c
<br />li ~ v ire
<br />III -. _ _. __ttttiy+u €n.?.._r~uittsn€tE thattfnr,-soil-tt> a#+r=ty the saps #award #hF-payment--of #hr- =Mess-#tu;-t$ 'oy -eta-A#~€t$a~ ~- -- -
<br />i withstanding tltr fart that the anevunt owing thereon may not thin tsr Jur anJ payable; and the Mortgagor be:eby agteea, spas
<br />reQuest, to make, Hecate and dclivrr any anJ all auigrtments and ether instruments sufficient for the purpou of aasignier{ earls
<br />such award to the Mortgagee, fete, cleat and discharged of arty encumbrances of any kind of natvrt whalsotrer; sad
<br />- TUC,IiTIIER, with all right, tale mJ interest of Ihr Mortgagor in and tv the land lying in the streets -nd toads iaa treat of
<br />and adjoining the above drKribcJ fan) (all the above describe) Ian), ladl.lings, other structures, fixtures, atticits of paraoeasi
<br />property, awarJa anJ other rights anJ interests bring harcinafta collcctivrlY ralleJ the "mortpgad property").
<br />7'O HAVfi AND TO HOLD the mortgaged property and curry part thrrrof onto the Mortgage, ih sactetmrs sad aaaigara
<br />- Joteret for the purposes and uses herein xt forth.
<br />ANf3 the Ainrtgagnr iunher :ovrnants and agrees with the Mortgagor, as follows:
<br />I. Tht h1a[lgaFaf will prnnsptiY pay the principal of and interest nn the inJrMedness tviJenreJ 6y the Note, sad d! tstitar
<br />charges anJ tndrbtrdntts ptvvided therein and in this Maregage, at the times and in the manner provided is the Nett and is
<br />this Mortgage.
<br />.. Tbr Mortgagor wi{1 pay when due, ss htreiaattar provided, all ground rents, if any, and dI uxa, aaaessttstats, wear
<br />sites anJ other gnveramtntal sh.,rgrs, fines anJ imptaitivna, trf every kin) and nalarc whatsoever, now of hereafter impaaed oa
<br />-_ _ _ _.. - _ _ _;!€€ t?tuttp ;,tJ i+s..pe€ty, err any pa€t tf[rteaf, and wit! pry avhen Juz- every. amerunr €tfsndtbteJness severed by any liter to whim - -
<br />the (ifR of this hfo€tgagt is txprrssty subject.
<br />3. This Mortgage anJ the Nott were execute) and delirertd to secure moneys advanced, nr to 6t advanced, by the Martpgte
<br />- as et on account of a loan evidracrJ by the Note, for tht purpose of making the improvements <feuribed of referctd to io --
<br />th4 dated tp , to u on eht
<br />-mortgaged grnperty, and for snch ether- putpost, if arty,-described ar refcrreJ to therein, which imp24vtaatatf art hereafter t'allrx•
<br />tivtfy called '7mprvvements:' 'Che Mortgagor steal{ make or taunt to be made elf the Impemenxinn. f[ the cvnsttuttioa or
<br />installation of the lmproretaents shall not be curled out witA reswnahle diligence, or atoll 6e dixonHtsutd at any Eitae feu,
<br />`-'any reason, other assn strikes: ioskout„ acts of clod; f(rn, floods or other similar ratastrophia, riots, wu or iosurttction, the
<br />Mottgaget :feet dot tsotice to the Mortgagor is ht:eby antMrired .(a) to enter upon else rrtortgagtd property and employ any watch-
<br />- ~ ~ ~ mtn~ to ptotlrt the Improvements [rum dcpreJatioa o[ injury :nd to preserve and protect such praptrry, (b) to cacry out any
<br />or elf 3htti txistigg eanKacts be;worn the- Mortgagor acrd ether parties !sit the purpose of making any of the- Imptovetrttnts,
<br />- (c)-to make and Inter into sdditional coattarts and incur obligations for the purposes of completing the Impcovetssmh pursuant
<br />to =the abiisations of she'Mottgagot hereats~fer, eithtt in the narrte of the Mortgagee or the Mortgagor, and (d) to pay and diuhaegt
<br />