9. Upan any fai3ure by tha Afortgagor to ramply with or pcrforrn any n( the trans. covenr.nts or conditions of this Mort-
<br />gage requiring the payment of any amount of mar{ey i!y tart Mortgagor, ,•~i:rr elms the principal smuunt of tl:e Iraan evidrnceJ by
<br />', lh,e ,Note, interest and other rhar}~es', as ~,pravd+Icd i:r she Notr, the PMnrtgagra^ ma,y at its option make such payment, $vety
<br />paymrat so made by the Mortgugct (in:luiiin{; rcasanshlc ;unrncy's firs invurte<t tlrcrchy), with interest ttrererrn from the date
<br />of such payment, at the rate of~ site. poneisi (G!e^) per mrmim, except :rory ~.i}~~neenF fur +a4rirh a Jdferent r.rtr cif iuterrst is
<br />specific) herein, shall be pa):rbie by the Afortgagor to the Afortgagee on demon) auJ shall be secure) by mis Atartgage. This
<br />Afortgage with respect to any such amount anJ the interest thereon, shall constitute a Iicn nn the mortgaged property prig to
<br />aay athtr lien attaching or accruing subsequent to rhr (ten of this Mortgage.
<br />10, 1"he Mortgagee, 6y any of its agents or rrprrsentatives, shall 6avr the right Iu inspect the mortgaged property from time
<br />to time at any reasonable hour of the day. S6nuIJ the mortgage) property, or .rny part thereof, at any time reryuiee inspection,
<br />repair, cart or attention of any kin) or mturc not provide.) by this Afnrtgagr as determiner! by the Afortgager in its sole dis-
<br />uttian, the ~A~artgagce ma{, afar mniro to the Mortgagor, enter or cause sntry lu he male upon, the mnrrgagcJ property, and
<br />inspect, repair, protect, care fur nr nuinta in such property, as the A[urtgap-r uuy m its sole discretion deem neceaary, and may
<br />pay all amounts of money thr•efor, as the Atorlgagec may in its sole discretion deem necessary.
<br />11, The principal amount owing nn the Notr together with interest rhrrmn and all other rhargrs, as therein provided,
<br />and all other amounts of money osemg by the Afortgagor In the Morgagee pursuant to and secure) or intcndeJ tv be xeured
<br />by this Atartgagq shall imnwdiatcly bc•rnmc due anJ payable without snort nr demon) upon the appointment of a rettiver or
<br />liquidator, whether voluntary or involuntary, far the Afongagor or any n( the property of the Mortgagor, nt upon the filing of
<br />s petition by or against the Afortgagor under the provisions of any State insnivrncy law, or under the provisions of the Sanic-
<br />ruptq Att of i67R, as amended, or upon the making by the Mortgagor of an assignment (nr the benefit of the Mortgagor's crtdi[an.
<br />The Mortgagee is authorized to declare, at rts option, all or any part of such inJebtcdncss immediately riot anJ payable upon the
<br />happening of any of •the•following events:
<br />(a) failure to pay the amount of any inst:Qlmm~t of principal :nd intnrst, or other charges payable an the Note, which shall
<br />have become due, prior to the due Jate of the next such installment;
<br />(b) Nunperformancr by the Afortgagor of any covenant, agrecmmt, term nr condition of this Mortgagq or of the NoM
<br />(r:rcpt as otherwise provide) in subdivision (a) hereof) ur n( any ether agreement herctofurc, herewith or hereafter made
<br />by the Afortgagor with the Mortgagee in comxrtinn with suds indrhtedncss;
<br />(e) Failure of the Afortgagor to perform any covenant, agrcrment, Item or condition in any instrument creating a lien upon
<br />the mortgage) property, or any part thereof, which shall have priority over the lien of this Mortgage;
<br />(J) 7~he Afortgagee's discovery of the Mortgagor': failure in soy applir atinn of ihr Mortgagor to the hinrtgagee to disclose
<br />soy fact deemed 6y the Atorlgagec ro be mattrial, or of the making Ihercin err in any of the agrremerus entered into
<br />by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee (including, but not limited tn, the Note anJ this Mortgage) of any misrepreten•
<br />~~ ~ uliun by, on behalf of, or for the hnmfit o(, the Mortgagor
<br />(r) Tfic sale, lessr or other tnnsfrr of any kind err nature of the mortgaged prnpeny, err auy part thereof, wfthouE the prior
<br />' written consent of the Afortgagee;
<br />(f) Ttit enactment after rhr doer of this Mortgage of any law of the Stare u! Nebraska JeJucting from the value of
<br />„ the nwrtgaged property (nr any part ther taf), for rhr purpa:c of taxation, any lien thereon, err changing in any way
<br />„ ~~ Itsi, laxs~ for the taxation of mortgages oc debts secured by urnrtt;age Far state nr local purpnxs, or the manner eE caller
<br />lion of any such lax, so as to affcd this Martgagq and if alert such rnactmrnt ur change rhr holler of the Note and this
<br />Mortgage gives writtrn noti+c to the Afortgager declaring the Nute anJ all other indrhtedncss secured by this Mortgage
<br />W he due and payable, because of any suih enactment or change, immediately upon rhr expintinn of thirty (>~) days
<br />after such notice.
<br />The Afortgagee's failure to exercise any of its rights hereunder shat! nee umstitutt a wairtc thereof. All tha events in this parer-
<br />' graph enumcnttd upon rhr happrning of any of which the Nott shall httume, or may he declared to be, immediately dot -nd
<br />payable, ate in this Mortgage called "event: of Jrfault •.
<br />- 12. 1'hc Mortgagee may from time m time Lure lath default vndtr any cavcnaat or agrcrment in soy instrument crctifng a
<br />lirn upon the mortgaged property, nr any part tfrercuf, which shall have priority over the Tien of Ibis Mortgage, to such extent
<br />- as the Afortgager may exclusively detenninr, and each amount paid (iF any) by cite Murtgsltre to cure any such defau!€ sisa{( 6t paid
<br />- '.by tht illnrtgagor to the AMortgagee; anJ tier Afioetgsgre shall also become suhtngated to whatever rights the hr+ldet of the prior
<br />_: Iirn might f+.avr sander suds rostrument.
<br />t;. (a) After rhr ha,^_prn:nh s+f any default htreuader, the ±.f?rtgager -shaft upon dtmatsd r>f :ha Atartga;ee surrtttdt pons r
<br />~- Sian a( the martgzgeJ property Us tier MunAagce, and the Mert4aget racy tett€ such psaptrsy, anJ ftt--th>`-a3tnE asrsi-€aif#f a-iE t';e
<br />rents thtrefram which arc due ur to hrcumt due, and apply the same, after pnpnent of all rhargrs anJ eapenses, on account of
<br />-, the indebtedness hereby xrxured. and ail such rents and all leases existing at rhr time of such default arc heuhy assigned to the
<br />MaNgagte as further security for the payment of the indrhteriness secured hereby; and the Mortgagee may also dispossess, by the
<br />usual summary prarcedings, any traant Jcfaulting in the payment of any rent to the Mortgagee.
<br />(b) In the event shat the Afortgagor uciupics the mortgaged property nr any part thereof, the Mortgagor agrees to surrender
<br />possession of su,h prupet ty to the Alartgagee imnrtJiatrly ulcer Any such Jcf.nilt kcreunJer, and if the Mnrtgagot remains in pw~
<br />_ session after such dr(auh, sorb pussy;+iun shall ht as a tenant of the Afortgager, and the Mmtgagnr shall pay in sdvance, upon
<br />demand by the Ai.utgager, as a nvsnnahlc nrr+nthfy nmal tot the prcnuus uu.upiaJ by the Afrretgngar, an arcaunt at least equiwlent
<br />to nne•twdith of the aggrrgare of the twelcr nron+hly invaltmrnts t•,; •hle m the current catrrt~lar yrat, plus the utua3 amount of
<br />. the annual grnunsi rent, if any, taxr+, assrssmrnn, water sees, other s;uvernna•ntal charges and insurance premrunu payable in
<br />connrrtion wrth drt nurrtgxgat property during such Year, anJ upon tier failure of rhr Afortgagor to pay such monthly rental,
<br />the Mortgagor may also be Jisp+~ncss<•! 6y rhr usual sumnsary prorec.lint;s apphrable to tt•nants. This d>vrnanE shalt btcumt
<br />cf(ective irmm~iia triy upon for ttappuriag of any such default, ss drb'nainr+E us rhr sole dtu rttinrt of the Mortgagee, caber shalt
<br />give solo of such JetrnumaGnn to the Martgagur,.anJ iu tttr cax of Earerlnsure and the appnintmtnt of a receiver of the rents,
<br />the within tovrnant shall inure p+ she benefit of such rtctivrt.
<br />- 1~. 1'!rc Af:utgagtt in any attran m foreclose This Murtgagr shall he rntitlr.I to rhr appotntment of a rtctivrt without notir€,
<br />-- _ as a maUer of right amt without regard to the salut of rhr martgaged property, or rhr solvency or insnlvtncy of the Mortgagor
<br />_ - or other party liabts for the payment of the Nott and other inJeistedarss x uvrd by this Mortgugr.
<br />1,. The Mortgagor, within teit (iP) days upon request in person or within twenty (?G) days ufun request by nsaif, wilt
<br />- .furnish promptly a written statanetrt in form satisfattary to the Afortgager, signed by the Mnrtgagot snJ duty atknnxip{ged, aF
<br />the amount then ox•ing on rhr Note and other indebtedness securer) by this Mortgage, and whether any offsets or defenses
<br />tsxiss against such indcbtrdnrss or aqy part thereof.
<br />,.. 16. 9'he Afortgagor will give imm+~diate notice by registers{ nr certifieJ mail to the Mortgagee of any fire, damage or other
<br />cawalty sffe.ting the mortgaged property, at of any conveyance, tramfer oe change fn ownership of such property, or aay part
<br />' thereof-
<br />.. 17. Notice and demand or request may bt made in s+rc~ing and may be served in penan or by mail.
<br />_ Ig. Io cax of a.foceclosure salt of the mortgage) property it ttuy be sold in erne parcel.
<br />• - - - 19. Tht Afortgagor wilt not assign the rents, if any, in whale or in part, From the mortgaged property, err any part thereof,
<br />without Lse prior written caasent cf rhr A[ortgaget.
<br />