I' ,.t
<br />Farm ItuD~Na. Sz9g•Neb.
<br />free. 3rz Laan}
<br />(Revised Aug. 1974}
<br />?9+~ ..
<br />This Mortgage made as of the 1st day of November t4 79 , btiwem
<br />Dorlene M. SChtmmt (hereinaf«r called, acrd it more than oat party jointly sad
<br />stvtrrhy hereiaafter called "Mottgsgoi'), residing d 622 North SyCamOre H811 County, Ncbnska
<br />and the United States o!~ America (hereinafter called "Mortgagee"), actvin,g. by and through the Department of Housing sad Urban
<br />Develnpmrnt having a Regional Office at 911 North Walnut, Nansaa Clty ,tad
<br />State of Missouri
<br />WITNESSETH, that to secu« the payment of sn indebtedness in the principal amount of $iX ThOUeand, Three
<br />Htmdied & No/100Dollars (; 6,300.00 j, with interest thereon, which shall be payable in accordance with a
<br />«rtain note bracing even date herewith, a true and correct ropy of which, exclusive of the signature of the Mortgagor, marked
<br />"Schedule A" is anaeaed hercan and made a part hereof, and ail other indchtedncss which the Mortµgor is obliµted to psq. to
<br />the Alottµgee purtuant to the oravisions of the Notc sad this Mortgage, the Mortgagar hereby gnnls, conveys and rttorij~sa
<br />to the Mortµgee:
<br />1'ht following described property situate in Hall Couaty, Nebaaelra.
<br />.r
<br />North 54 feet of Lot One (1), Block Six (6}, Original Town,
<br />Now City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />~t
<br />Tt~GET1fER, with all appurtenances thereto and all the estate and rights of the Mortgagor in and to such property or in
<br />- anywise appettainiag thereto; alt buildings and other strictures now or he«after thereon trecterl or installed, and al! fixture;
<br />and articles of personal property now or hereafter attached to, or used in, ar in the opcntinns of, soy such land, buildings at
<br />- - structure; which are necessary to -the compltlt use and oeeupan^y_ of such buildings er stnxrtures for the pur-use- for which ~sg
<br />'' '~~ wets ar art to be erected rte installed, including, but rmt limited In all htatinR, plumbing, bathroam, lighting,_tnaking, laartdrr£__
<br />', ventilating, refngcrating, incinerating, anal airs+nditioning equiprnrnt and hxtucrs and all replacements thertu! and additicsas
<br />i ~I ', thtrero, whtthee or not tbt same are or shall be atnch.^d to such land, buildings or strvrturrs m any mantsar; -
<br />Tt~GETHFR, with any and all awards now ar hereafter made (nr the raking of the ptnpsrsy mortµgsd hneby, ar ray
<br />part thereat (inc:;t3ins any eaxrmrnt}, by the racrcisr of the po:car r:f eueinrnt dxstnaia, i;sriudirxp arsy swar for chaxpir
<br />~,- _ '''~.}lade of any strut er other ctudway, which awards ^re httebv aatigned.tn the Mortgagee sad are doeas_ed a tort of the gtoptttv..
<br />maregagcd hereby, and the Mortgagee is hereby aufhorized to collect :md receive Me proceeds d Seth awards, to girt proper
<br />_- -- - - __
<br />receipts anal acquittance: t herefar, sod to apply the same tawsrd the payment nE the inJebtedatu secured by t#;is k(ettµµ, aot-
<br />withstanding the fact that the amount owing thereon may oat then he due and I+ayahle; and the Jdortµgar herttby agtuf, upon -
<br />request, to make, e:erutt and deliver any and all assignmenu and other instruments sutfiriml ter the pnrpett r+f assigning arh
<br />such award to the Mortgagee, fret, char and discharged of any enrumbramrs of any kind of aRYre whatsoever; end
<br />_ TuGBTI-iER, with alt tight, title and interest of the Mortgagor in arol to the land lying in the streFis and reads is i[oot of
<br />anJ adjoining tht abavt dtscribtJ land (all the abort desaibcd land, buildings, other straclwea, fixtures, articles of puwm!
<br />property, awards and other rights anJ interests being hereinafter callective!v called the "mertµged property"}.
<br />Tp HAVE AND TC? HOLD the martgagtd prapertp and every part thereof unm the Mortgagee, its sueeexaors attd salgtsa
<br />fortvrr lot the purposes and uses herein set forth.
<br />AND the Mnctµ;or (urthar :ovenanrx and sg«ts with the Mortgagee, a follows:
<br />_~ 1. The h[ortyagar will prnnsptly paY the principal of and iulersst nn the in,lcht<dnrst evidenrtd by the Natt, and a!1 othta
<br />charges an+I indebttdaess provided therein and in this Mortgage, at the times end in the manner prorided is the Note and in
<br />- this Mortgaµ. .
<br />_- 2. The hlurtgaguc will pay whrn duq as hereinafter provided, all ground rents, it soy, and all taxte, aaatstmeaU, xtMter
<br />ratst and other govcmmrntal rhargrx, (tors anJ impositions, of every kind and nuu« wlutsoerer, now of hereafter impoaad on
<br />-- - - the martg.igr.i pr++petty,-ot-any p;,rt the«of, and will pap whin dot svtry amount of indeblednas secured -by soy lisp to which
<br />- - the lien of shit Atottgagt is raptessiy subjtct. -
<br />~. Thix M,rrthagc anJ the Nate were executed and delivered to secure rooncyx s+IvanrtJ, nr to be adrtrtcttd, by the Martgsger
<br />- as or an arreurxt of a kran rviJtured by the Note, ter tht purpose of making the imptavtments described or rsfet«d to in
<br />the dated 19 , to w wa the
<br />marrgsgrd property, and far such other- purport, if any, dts«ibed or «ferred to thtttin, which improvettte+res art hereafter tortes
<br />tiveiy called "lmpruvemrnts: ` The Afortgagor shall make or cruse to he mada art the Improvements. If the canstrvctioa or
<br />installation of the tmpwvemmts shall not be carried ant with reasonable diligttrce, ac shall be discoMasutd at any time Eoc
<br />• 'any rHSVn, oshcr than strikes, iac4ovts, acu of God, firs, floods or other similar atattrophies, riots, war or iaaurrection, the
<br />Mattµgaa after due aettte to the Mtirtesgor-is htraby authotiaed {a} to enter upon tha rtxertµged ptopsrty atsd employ any wateb•
<br />men to protect the Improvements fruni dtpredatian- of injury and Eo preserve and proee<t such property, (b} to caary out any
<br />or dt lhen exidtipg eatttucts between the Mortgagoe and otbss parties for the purpox of making any of the. lmpro.ements,
<br />- - (r} to make anJ eater into -^dditioaal taatvacts and' incur obligations far-the putpates of tampleting the Impravemmq pursuant
<br />to,.the trblfgatfms of the Mortgagor heccuixdeg either is the Harter of the Murtgagtc of the Mortgagor, and (d} to pay -nd discharge
<br />