TJiIS MORTGAGE, made, ihls.,..: at.~OY.~..........._... 19...7.x........., 6y,..........,..........,..............................,...__.».....
<br />of..f~,..~i ... ..... :.: County of.:..~ :....................................._........_and: State of Nebraska, hereafter referred to
<br />as "Mortgagors;' and BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. OF NEBRASKA, a cozporation organized and existing under the laws ,f the State of
<br />Nebraska and having an office and placeo[businearer.~{~,..~~:~t~..~~!~?~..~Q$a:i._P.a.,,;BOx 1~2~ Gr&Ad Is~.BSldt..~
<br />hereafter referred to as "Mortgagee." ~OQVl.
<br />WITNESSETH That the Mortgagors, in order to severe the payment of a certain promissory note of even date herewith in the Actual Amount
<br />7 . 3 ........................
<br />of Loan of E..(j ~ 1 togetier with interest on unpaid principal balances, receipt of the proceeds thereof being hereby
<br />acknowledged, hereby mortgage to the Mortgagee the following described real estate sttuated in the County ot...~.
<br />State of Nebraska, more particularly deacnlted as follows:
<br />Iat gorty_trro (1+2j in B®lmont, sa Addition to the City of
<br />Grand Island.
<br />This Mortgage ie to eotraeot Mortgage filed as Document 2iumber 79-00771F1.
<br />Mortgage aecorda of Hall County
<br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, title dower right of homestead,
<br />claims and demands whatsoever of the mortgagors of, in or to said premises or any part thereof.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with all the pdvBeges and appurtenances to the said Mortgage, its sucauors and
<br />assigns, Forever;
<br />j - AND the Mortgagors do COVENANT with the said Mortgagee, iu successors and assigns, that thty are lawfully seized in fee of the premises;
<br />- that said premises aze free of all encumbrances, except as aforesaid; that they have good right to sell and convey the same u aforeaaid; and that
<br />they and their heirs shall and wBl forever WARRANT AND DEFEND the same to the said Mortgagee, its successors and assigm forover, sgainst
<br />- the lawful claims and demands of all persons.
<br />The agreed rate of charge on the aforesaid promissory note is 24% per annum; (2'lv pet month) on that part of the unpaid principal balantx trot
<br />in excess of E I,tx10: 18% per annum { IK% per month) on that part of the unpaid principal balance exceeding S 1,000 but not exceeding SS,000;
<br />and 15% par annum i l t/3% per month) on any remainder of such unpaid balance.
<br />UntB the payment in full of the promissory note evidencing this loan, according to the terms thereof, the Mortgagors hereby COVENANT AND
<br />AGREE: (1) To pay all taxes and assessments on the premises described 4ereia to whomsoever levied and assessed; (2) To keep the buHditegs
<br />and improvements situated thereon insurod against fire and other hazards in such amount arW with such insurance carrier u shall be aoceptabfe
<br />to the Mortgagee; (3) To maintain the premises substantially in as good mndltion and repair as they are on the data hereof, and neither to
<br />= - - commit uor to suffer any strict ar waste Urereof; and, {8)To commit rro ttreaclt of any co~zrtaet herein contained. -
<br />PROViDEb, NEVERTHELESS, that if Mottgagars shag pay rite full amount of the loan to the Mortgagee, acwrdireg to the terms of the note,
<br />and !hall perform all of the terms aced conditions of this mortgage, Etas mortgage, together with the said promiasary note, shag ceass and 6e
<br />veld. Otherwise it shag moaln ue effect, In the event of anY default in the gayment of the tnonthiy instalments pn the loan, Mortgages, its sus`
<br />cesmrs rtr assigns, maY maintain an action at taw of equity to recover the unpaid grtncipal balance of said rose plus anY accrued and uagaki
<br />charges.
<br />-. ff only ate mortgagor be a gamy to the inssumegt, sit plus! words herein referring to Mortgagors sltsil be constrseeat in fhe sL~:las,
<br />- --_ - _.-. IN WI'JNFCS R'HEREOF, i#re sa}d#lprrgagots hour hersuntss set thaL• hands-and saa}s on Use date atrovs usittm.
<br />i''~ir~ d,6snaled and delivered pq Mortgq~q
<br />` ~ e ptobnce of: ~~ 1i ---~ ~
<br />' +``" \ f ~ ~ L,.'~L~~~~//-.. l ,?p~~ /~~-~'`Y~ (SEAL)
<br />'~ ~~ - B9rttenr t-"""~ "y~ Print or Type Nomr of Morrgaavr
<br />&ogtar Aa Chxiatonawn
<br />Ntlrnara
<br />(SEAL)
<br />PHtrr a Tyne Name of Mar~or
<br />) a. )
<br />ss.
<br />COUNTY OF..........»» ............... )
<br />On thia...,~YA~.....dry of..I(q>f»ti~.» ................. l9......T.~..., before mv....~4~w~t...~».....,».,....».......»............»~.... a
<br />Notary Public, duly appointed and qualitiad far and redding in said county, persortaBY appared_...,.~t,...~~#t~~ ...............
<br />and ............................».......,....................»»......... ,iris wife. So me known to 6e the Wentical persons descdbed in and who executed the within
<br />martgage~ and titer severalty acknowledged die same to be their voluntary aei and dead.
<br />IN WIINEfO5 W'HEREOF,1 have hereunto set my hand and
<br />in raid caturty~tha day-.and roar last abovo vrritten.
<br />-. -. - - - - Print or Type Haase-
<br />r
<br />' - My Commiulon Eapii6s f//n ,/ ~.:.
<br />:.`'• ,ON
<br />Public in and for said County
<br />` , ~=rs ~ s
<br />- Bor4NE-3B,Ed.Aug.'75 _
<br />