7~-~/ ~~`
<br />Malztr,AGE __ _ _
<br />~.__. ~.-,-~=,~=~~:-~~__.~.~.-c-._.,_.MORTGAGELO _,~ .~___~
<br />AN NO. L 23;653
<br />KNO1dALLMEI+lBYTHFSEPRESENTS:Tnat Roger W. Loft and Donna R. Loft, each in his and her
<br />own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in wnsidetation of the sum of
<br />fifty-six Thousand and No/100 _____________________________________________________~~~
<br />loaned w said mortgagor by'fhe Equitable Building and Luan Assocation of Grand Islaml, Tebraska, Mortgagee, upon 560 shams of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Ctrtifiote Nn. L 23,653 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the Collowilsg
<br />described real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />together with all the ttttrrrrznts, hereditaments and appurtenantxs [hereunto belonging, including attached floor tvverings, all vvitdow saeens, _
<br />~I, ~Ij! ' wi ~dow shades, blinds, storm windows, awninvs, treating, air conditioning,and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto, pumps, stoves, -
<br />''~~i ~ ~, refrigerators, and outer fixtures and eyuipntent now +x hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real esiaEe.
<br />~'~,~~!~i And whereas the said nwrtgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the nwrgagor shall and w81 pay all taxes and assessments levied of
<br />j: '~. assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the same shall become delinquent; to [uttaiah approved
<br />,insurance upon the buildings on said premises situa[ed~n the sum of S 56 ~ DDD, DD payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />'I'~i 'ASSOCIATION the pokicies fur said insurance: and not to commit or permit any waste on or about said premises;
<br />In case of default in the performance of any ur the ternzs and conditions or this morEgage ar the bond secured heroby, the mortgagee shag,
<br />un demand, be entitled to inrnredisto ptra~ession of the mortgaged premises and [he mortgagor hereby assigns, transCerx and sets over to the _
<br />mortgagee all the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedntaa shat! rematrr -
<br />unpaid; and the murigagee shad have the power to appoint any agent ur agents it may desire for the purpose of rapairirrg said premises and renting
<br />the saute and collecting the rents, revenues and incorrn, and it may pay out of said income all expenses of repairing said prcmixs and necessary
<br />corrlrpissiuns and expenses incurred in renting and managing the saner amt of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance remaining, if any, to be
<br />applied toward the discharge ar said nwtigage indebtedness; these rights o!' the rnoregagez may be exercised at any time dtuing the exiatenm of effete
<br />~, - dofautt, irrespective of arty temporary v.~aives of the saute.
<br />- Thaw prtsettis, irowcver, are upon the E`ondition, That if the said Mortgagor shat( repay said town on oe before (fie maturity of said shares by -.
<br />{ payment: pay mtmthly to Bald ASSOCIATtON of the sum specifred fii the Bernd secured hereby as interest and principal on said Man, an or btforo
<br />the Twentieth day of each and every month, until said h>an is fully paid; pay all texas and axsasstnents levied against said promises sad on this Mar[gtgle
<br />ar+ti the. Bond secured thereby, f+a#ure dtliriqucncv; furnish approved insurance spun ehe buildings Ehertun is the sum of 3 56, DOD, ~ payab~
<br />to said ASSOCiATiCr ~; repay to surd ASSN` i,71 ;N urn demand all ::.ur~:p by it paid for sutY4 texas, asx-`sstttents anti ir~irzst3a~ vrifh htteraat it
<br />the maximtnn lettal rate thereon rn+tn date of payment ail of which Murtitagoe hereby agrees to pay; prnnit nu waste an said prcmiatakeep attd trat~rly .-
<br />-- - -with ail tits agrixrrs-cots ~d condithtr~x o_! t tl_e Bond for S ~ ~(~Q ~ Q(j this d_ay gitven by the steed Liiart2ag<tr to aa~E aSC[lCt,t'1'it~, s~t.s~p1Y... __ - _ --
<br />with ail (fie requircnlents of the Caristiiutiun and By-I..aws ufsaid ASSOCIATION; there these presents shall become nuB amd void, otiterwae they
<br />shall remain in full force and tray hr f'utrelrned at the option of the said ASSt1ClATlON after failure !ar thm mrmths to make arty of said
<br />payments ar Ire three rrwnths ut arrears in making said nrunthiy payments, or to keep and tnmply with the agreements and arnditions of raid Band;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receivec appointed forthwith in such foreclosure proceedings.
<br />It' there is any change in ownership of the real estate mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, then the entire remaining indobtedness heeeby
<br />secured shall, at the option of Tfic Equitable Building and Lc+an Association of Grand island,Nebruka,become Eminetiiatoiy due and payable without
<br />ftuthcr native, and the a/iwunt remaining due under said bond, and any other bond for any additional advantxs trade thereunder, shag, from the
<br />date of exercise of said optwn, tzar interest at the maximum legal rate, and this /rwrtgage may then bo foreclosed to satisfy iht amount dot on slid
<br />bond, and any other bond tar additional advances, together with aB sutm paid by said 't'he Egtlitabtt Bttildin$ arul Loan Association ut' Grand [shad,
<br />Nebradta fur insurance, taxes and assesstttznts, xnd abstracting extznsion charges, with interest therefor, ':rom date of paytrrent at (tic matimum
<br />legal rate,
<br />As provided in the Bond secured hereby, while this mortgage remains In effect the nwrtgagee may hereafter advance additiwul swm to the
<br />makers of said Btmd, their assigns or sucttsurrs in intcrest, which stuns shall bt within the srituity of this ttwrtgage the snort as tltt fundsarigirtaliy
<br />secured thereby, the torsi amount of principal debt not to excned at any time the rxiginal amount of this mortgage,
<br />yhtef) Chia } 1 th ~ day ar December ~. n., tv 79
<br />,st f ~•
<br />Donna R. Loft ~ ~~
<br />STATE OF N~ItASICA, j ~. On this 11th day of Dt?Cembt?r t9 7g , beraro tut,
<br />COUNTY OF HALL 4 _
<br />A ~ ~,r '1 ~, the undersigned, a Notary PubCic in and for said County, personally amt
<br />Roger W. Loft and Donna R.~i~t~t,..e~c,~~d~ is and her own right, an{~h~s s~ousep~f~rki~n,~t~er
<br />~,'. ,. a't ~ . lt, +. a e
<br />era to bo rho identical person 5 w ~ t,_drert 'ai~c ' to the abavt instrtttntnt as mortgagor S ~d they s~~y
<br />asktwwledged Eire said instrutnont to bt ~~~;~ "iriiRitlpry#tCt deed.
<br />WITNESS mq hand antttattat Seal~tRle data a$`ar _
<br />My CammissiaR expires ~~~ ~~ jj ~ {/Y1 `~
<br />~G / , / otary Pul+lic
<br />IOTa~2M RI _.. ......~n..
<br />