~9„ ~ f7 ~ .
<br />aaditdQn51 c~dvc ~,F~~~s, of iri ~t',re event the;. `~riort;aag~~r <.~no~a~iaz ~e,:l i , ;,"t'^rr' a~t~rin`cr, h~yy band
<br />~;4r,ai~1 by p~t~r+~ pur+h~~~'~ rlroeont.ri~, or ~ In~~rwi r ~ ~-rip fig lw'~,T I ~r.~ f,~ sh r~;l.~ 01Ea~~:rrwi,fe
<br />t~ut.c7rti9~~~ vositid ' s n ~ars+.7r..~ oi'~thr.r itean thy, ~~f'fLSr tgtrgar: , tfEr:"r~~ rho ~~a~hc. i, r„di,t,~drd::e~~~ tuer~'by'~ ~ ~~
<br />secured shall thereupon or at any time thec-eafter, at the aptior, cf the Association, become
<br />immediately due and collectible without further notice a~~d -this '~x~rtgage may "rhea be fere-
<br />closed 'to recover the same, with interest thereon, at 12=, ~ =)nu' ail reasonable costs
<br />~,nd expenses of suit, ir.ciuding abstracting or title search fees. Accec;tanc-e by t4vrtgagec
<br />of ono ar mere installment payments on the indeb'iedness secured 'nr.reby subsequent to any
<br />sale or change in ownership or possession of said real estate, or any part thereof, as
<br />above provided, as to which mortgagee has not granted its ~n•ritten consent, shat! hat
<br />constitute a waiver of t~'tirtgagee's option to acceler-aie i'he uvhole indebtedness hereby
<br />secured, which option may be exercised by ~.ortaagee at any time. rdo delay cr ommission of
<br />t>tartgagee to exorcise any right or option accruir.q upon any default shall impair any such
<br />right or option, ar shall be cans-; rued to be a waiver of any su~_h default, ar are acquiescence
<br />ther'e~in; and every option e'nd remedy given by ibis t.iartgaoe 'to 'ihe tie>rtgaee may i;e exercised
<br />i'ram tirrre to time as afters as may be deemed expedient Ya t.tortgagee.
<br />Provided further that in the evens of default in. the perfar'rnance of any of the teems
<br />and conditions of this iti,or(gage the Note ~;ecurad by this hrartUage, or ar?y other notes far
<br />additiar!ai advances, on the part of 'the= t'orty:;gar, the :1,sociati~~n shall be entitled to the
<br />t.lnmeciiai-e possession of the premises above c:escribed, to!aoi-her •..itn all the rent, revenues
<br />and income, including any land contract payments due the A~~rtnagor <,r any other incomes of
<br />ar,y iype whatsoever, '!i~ ae derived 'therefrom, and said Assaciaticn may, in its discre"ion,
<br />use th.e rents so far ..s ii' daerns ne<;es•sary for the purpose of maki^g repair's upon t.!<
<br />premises, and irir the, payments of insurance, ori;miums, t:;xes and assessments upon skis
<br />premises, arse _. ne::assary expenses incurred in rer.#inq said prer*+ises and collec'r'in~3 rents
<br />?her :from, and to apply on said note and Hates and agreements 'vr future advances>, until
<br />the in~?etrtedr:oss secured is fully paid;4 but said F.ssai:iatian shall in no case be liable far
<br />'i}E f-Ji'"J~t: iC' p?~''ct,lre iC:lQril>, tt7 cal sect rerit_, V4~ 'ta pr vj~cJ it% actILJIIS IU rC4t~Jer- ---- -- -
<br />~.. pc~:a `'-ti''==-`s i~:n ~.::$ S31d pr"erT.r15e5.
<br />pxec~ted this ~/,(~~ day of
<br />r ig79
<br />_..
<br />__ ~~ ~~_
<br />John K.S. D Alan ~
<br />Susan H.A. Dhi I Le+:r•-'°"T
<br />'A7L t7F PJf_B`riASICA i
<br />~:.
<br />lrL::IY C?t BALL
<br />S
<br />alp thia_ I~ _a~_ry of December ~I)i4, ct~iare mG, a iWOt~r~'; r'ublic ir; one fir_~r_-paid- --
<br />~~,~r:nty, i,ersc~naf fy c~~n~: 'rnc= cibove n~trnGCi JDHty K. _~. DHILLaN ANC 5U5AN H.A. I~Fi1LLQN,_h_usband
<br />and wf fe _ to rnu wel r ~ns~v:n io be the irc~€~rfi`, c,:i p~.rsr;r5 whe se name:. s
<br />-era s;f f i xed -io the. agave tbrtgage ,~~~ grar: for sE;nd ar_e___s4erer<3l ly adknew l edged th•~r -
<br />said instruu,en't and the ex~.?cufi~~n therrcc~f, t<~ be~their~ voluntary ac°t and laced.
<br />WItN[.SS my hand and l~iatarial Seal, thr d«y :,nd }a~~,tr last sbc?~~;~ written.
<br />i41y :;cxnrt7i~_itn Lxtairt~s 3n t;rE~ ~~~~ ,i rr, _' _ __..~_~.~._.._ i`~~-
<br />Decembe
<br />