<br />And the said first party hereby expressly covenants and agrees: (l ; To pay the said Note and interest
<br />in full on the days the same shall severally become due; (Z) Neither to commrt nor permit tyaste on the said
<br />premises, and to put and keep the said real estate, buildings, and improyrn,ents in y;ood repair : (3 j To pac all
<br />taxes and assessments on the said real estate before delinquenc}• and anti! the said Note is fullt• paid; (-1) "I'o
<br />par all taxes and assessments ulwn this Mortgage and the debt secured thereby, together kith any oti,er
<br />taxes and assessments ~thich may he levied or assesser!, under the l.a~~s of Nebraska, against the said second
<br />party, or the legal holder of the said Note on account of this indebtedness; (5) To procure, keep in force, and
<br />deliver to the said second party policies of insurance against loss by fire and tornado, in such amounts and
<br />insurance companies as the said second parts shall select, and as ,hall Ire at all times satisL•sctory to it, cocc•rin~;
<br />the buildings which note are or ma} hereath•r br r•rrcted un the said premises, ntal:in~ the los,, i! any, payable
<br />to the said second party or its assigns, and et•er}' suet; contract of incttrance effected he the said parties of the
<br />first part or for their benehY shall be primarily subject to appropriation b} the ,aid se~-ond pam• for the
<br />paynteut of said indebtedness. Failure to sc. maintain such insurance shalt authorise the second part~•, ur its
<br />assigns, at its or their option, to effect and maintain such insura~~~at the expense o{ the said first party. and
<br />the first party agrees Yo reJ~ all sums so paid, frith intcn•st at 3tl"`Y'cent, and such runts so paid by the seco,ul
<br />party, tcit6 interest at 7~ pTtPi•ent, s}cdf bc• secured L}~ thi.< \lortgage; (G) 'that the said st~cond party or the
<br />otyncr of the said Notr nrt}• make such repairs, pac such taxes, and pay and retnove any lien from the said
<br />premises, neon failare of the first party to do so and all moneys sa advana•d with interest aC the rate of 2t 12~'
<br />pr?rcent per :umum thereon, iron date of payment, shall br repaid by the said first yarn-, upon demand, and
<br />shall he secured he this indenture.
<br />And it is further annually covenanted an<t agreed that iu the ecc•nt of thc~ Isusage. after the date ctr this
<br />lt~ortgage, of any laty deducting any lien tttercou front the vahte ut land for the purlxxse of taxation, or changing
<br />in :my tyuv the lutes nasv in force for the taxation of mortgage: or debts scented ht mortr;~~e or the utanner
<br />of the collection of any sttdt trues, sn as to afl"ect this Mortgage, the whole of the principal sum scented by this
<br />\fortgaga~, together tyith the interest due thereem, ;hall, at the option of the said party of the .eeond part,
<br />a•ithotd notice, become innnediately due and pa}•ahle.
<br />Artd the said first parq• iard,er agreez that ii default be made in the payntcut of any of said inters>t, or
<br />an}• part 'thereof, or of any interest thereon, or of said ti`ote, or any part thereof, or of :uty ituerest there.~n,
<br />or in the perfannance of art} of the coyen;aus herein contained, t}teu, ur at any tithe thcreaiurr during the
<br />continuance of ,uch default, the ,aid ;Vote, ant! rnoners paid and advanced, shall, at the ~ inn of the Ml;al
<br />holder thereof, }xcome at Duct due and collrwtible.:uul shall hear interest aF the rate of ~pcent lmr ;urnsun
<br />from the date of default, ;ctrl this indenhtre may he foreclosed to satisfy the amount of the debt, including
<br />advances, interest, and costs; or dte second p;cete, its successors or assigns, may foeecluse Date a. to du sum
<br />past due, tyithout injury to this t}rlortg:t(;e, or the displacement or intpainnent of the tieu thereof.
<br />And in Hte event s.if the iorzclosttre of this \tortga};c, the said first jrartr cctrmurts and at;rrrs to pa}• the
<br />coat of extending the abstract of tit.lc tram the elate of reeurdiug dris Mortgage tt~ the elate ref filing suit. and
<br />u;xat fttiltue E to aar t first pa tr to do t, tt tsu rtri ;fir ash tnerct by the ssYUncf part}' shall ?tea nterrst at
<br />tfte rate of ~'Y~eertt ;;>i r annur ; the-rest to+i ,_l,all tx snared t r this intlenhtrx .
<br />-- - - -
<br />It is further n,unrdn• covenanted and agreed than the path eti the seconrt part, its sucr•rssors and assign>,
<br />shall at their option he subrog:ucd let du• lieu, :dtltough released of recunl, of any prior cucmuhrancc, mechanic's.
<br />rendor's, or other lien on mid premises lksid out of the paneeds oC the Ivan sec•urr•d hembt.
<br />And it is {nether agreed that in case of a default in the payma•ut u! the said principal Nut.° or interest,
<br />nr any lt.7rt thereof, as it shall mature, ur iu r•ast• of lailurr• to keep ur perform any of the covenant. or agrecment.~
<br />container! in tkux indenture, then the second party. its sueressnrs or assigns, shall lx; and is hereby :mth~triaed
<br />;uul enrlxot•ered to take inunediatc Iwesessiou of the ,aid premise.; hereby ;ouyeced and all craps therernr. rrt'
<br />to collect tltr rents theretront, and apph• '.he prcXCCC)s thereof to rite payments r.f the rirht hereiry secured.
<br />:1s additiatal and collateral seturitw• fur payment of the \r!tc :uu! nulelrtc•+(nea, hereiubefore described,
<br />the said parties of the first part hereto' assign to the sail} 1>iuty° of the second hart, its successor, or ussi}nts, all
<br />the pratits, era°enurs, royalties, rights, and benefits accruing eo them unckr all oil, ,kres, or mines! (rases on .aid
<br />prenti~s, `fhia a;f~grttnent to tertniuate ttttcl l~rtntr rtnll atttl yoir4 ttlxint the relrae of this lForegagc.
<br />_ And it is further ajrreed that in case any suit is begun to ktrcciase this ine_lenture. the Cottrt in tt~hirh such
<br />action shall V,r brought, or any Judge of such Court, either in term time or in vaeatinn, is hereby anthoriaed,
<br />upoat application therelor, to appoint a Keceiver to take possession of the said prcuuses and all crops thereon,
<br />or to collect the rents therefrom, and to do and pcr{onu such other acts as naa}• !tc required by the order of
<br />the Court making the appointment; and tha first party hereby consents to the appointment of a 1?eceicer ulx,n
<br />• the production of this indenture, without other evidence.
<br />~+ r_,
<br />