79- 4~r
<br />i:X1YI~3i "a" i.l F:;:i.F.ASE QF Ault. ESTATE. M€1RTGAGE
<br />RZS}€
<br />-''"d2'F''~- A Tra,c ai 1.rui «mi,ristng a pa-t of tl.e Hcrth Half of r - --
<br /> [ht Narthcant Quact er (N4NE1:i of Stet ion Twenty Four 124), r>"._,a_~ - -_
<br />- - T,:washlp Eievvn Ill) ;North, Nange Trn ilU), Wos[ o[ [ht ~ <
<br />.t 6th P.M., Kali Cotmty, Nebraska, rnd aK+re particularly j?.- -
<br />--
<br /> dr•acr;brd as Eollurra~ ISrgtnning et a print un the Eas[ _
<br />f
<br />...~.: ~ ~ - lino of eeid North Hatt o! the Nartheaat tart er iN~fiE}! 1 -~
<br />'+ ~ said pclnt txlrtg Fr,ur Nurwreci EiRhfy Srven and Flvr :'rntha
<br />
<br />-
<br />,»87.51 tcet NrrtA <:C [fir tiauc hraac [Honor of nail NSHEk; __
<br />_ - c!-c<tw a• ;-tsr.u;~.yi Wrscrc ;v ark. yatai irl t•~ the Nut:h line of
<br />`
<br />{ said N'gNF~; s dial ancr rf S!x Hundred tine •rd Nine lent ha !
<br />~
<br />.
<br />
<br />rs.
<br />"
<br />'~ -.-;~.
<br />{f.d)l.9) fore to a point on thr Surtherly Hi h>=ay right- 4
<br />4 _
<br />;
<br />E
<br />t ';v-- eC-+uy lino, thencr rtmning V<.rttrrasterIy sl.~~ng the Highwy ~' - -
<br />Y
<br />,~,;y
<br />~ right-c~f -vav Tina an a 2,779. 79• radius curve to [1M h ~?_ Y'
<br /> rigFst a dt:tatsce ul Sia Hundr Pd Et ghF een and Seven Tenths ~
<br />,
<br />4
<br />-_-
<br />'t
<br />(530.?) feeC to a pain[ un chr East ling ut said N;NEB; t
<br />~a._
<br /> 'h-- cu:,ni rg .ia,vi ker 1. xlr~nK ono upon ehe Faat line of tha
<br /> Njh ~~ a 'it ^t ancr of (lore kund -ad Fr,rty Seven srrd S1><[y-Five ~ -
<br />-
<br />~, r Nundred[hr (147.65) fete co [ore paint u' begl nning. ~ -_ _
<br />~ '~~.'~ - - ASTJ - - -
<br />+''' fare of [he NnrYh Haif of thr Nnrt heanc Quarter (N~NC})
<br />- of Src[i'n 7Lent y-Four {245, Tc, uenahip F.l even (il) North, -
<br />r ~'' - _ liangr Ten <1C11, Yeat of the 6th P. M., more particularly C
<br />~'~,
<br />~
<br />~~P drscribed as follova: BrgtnninR ac a point on the F~.i ~ ~~
<br />''
<br />-
<br />y, , -
<br />`~
<br />~~~ trine of said Section Trenty-Four (24r, sold'ppunint being r,
<br />*-
<br />-
<br />t -
<br />' Tuc+ Nundrrd Thirty Seven and FSve Tent hg (23).S) feat lbrth -~:
<br />,;}
<br />
<br />' ; - ~ ~. cf thr Souttxast turner of safd North Half of the Morttseaat _
<br />_
<br />-
<br />;
<br />~
<br />~'.
<br />'.' Quarter (N~NEO); Fhencr Weat eriy parallel to the North lint ~_
<br />~
<br />r~
<br />ts- ^^ of •aid Morttuast t~tsarter (NEi, r dt seance of thret Haodrad ~
<br />n ,c
<br />~Po
<br />9 1.,,, .g ':` Trrrnty (320.OY €eet, to the acr•rai place of L+:wginn4ng: ~ ~' '
<br />~.-;s'~t =_ ~~~' tlserct canClnuing vemterly alrrrR the Teat descrtbad ~cxurse, ~-{
<br />-_-~L -_ __ • dratance of Ttrree Hundred Fatty i340.q) felt; thence _ ---.
<br />i
<br />._ ~ F4±rtF.tr1 parellel [o the FJesc tiro cf said Secf loot lventy-
<br />` ~. - -
<br />_ ,.
<br />~ Fit.: (i4) a disGarc€ a`
<br />. <a; Hand. a~d 7ventq e.i (z"aa.t3) ~
<br />'-
<br />~ €etC to thr Southeastrrty right-uC-v«y line of U. 5. Highawy -'-
<br />___ 3C3, also being a ptroin[ aC c.-urvaC Ure; thence Flort heaa[eriy - -
<br />-_-- _~ - rays laid iii&ntir.y righi_u wy - and an the arc of a
<br />-.-: -. _
<br />~
<br />~ 'asrvr cf:nia tad tali to ,?'v '9 Sertu ,cFae lon$ ehorcF of
<br />' =
<br />N3_ Wlil eh dal teC r.i 69 11
<br />')t)' iEttf'; CCCTi the [aaC 4eaCri rltd
<br />"
<br />t~ -~~'-.~--~s
<br />---- crn.rrae); a di atones n5 Si xr.y (hx
<br />a nd EiSht Tenths (61 ,Ff9 ` iar
<br />~
<br />-
<br />.
<br />_
<br />-,..-
<br />~ •+
<br />iar' : flee nee deflaetfns, right 't)'" 4ii' ,cl" €r~a said long _
<br />~-.
<br />.
<br />- - ch-.r ~ running F.a aterly pa r.l let to the Hurth iirtit of -
<br />-
<br />,ts~«c s~I;. ~~.` sold ' action 24, • dtrCance of Tsao Nurrdred Eilthty Onr •nd
<br />-~.
<br />_ Nino 1 ntha (201.9) fret thence southerlyp parapet to tha
<br />,' ` ~'.r Fast line of said ;;action 7venty-Four {24), • dtatanca nt -
<br />` 7, _;~-::_ ll+o Hundred PSfty (250.0) Crrt to tiro actual placa a: - ~' _-
<br />- • Fxglttning. _ _
<br />'
<br />w, ~~ -
<br />- - Prrt of the Nr:rth Hait r,f the Fksrctx•aac tluarter (li1yNL''a} of ,; '.r~ s
<br />
<br />~ Sret S.n Twnt Y~F'uur ti~l, T.,e,;ship f.icvcn (11: North, Ranjt .;, it~r',;f
<br />'"•'°`
<br />~. Ten UO) kest•uf the 6th n.N., wsrre particularly daacrthed '`r' r. r.
<br />- - e• fallow: Beglnnin at a poirn nn rtw East ?,star of Civet -
<br /> 1iorCheast Qturtwr (NE~! of raid Section 24, •aid point tafirK _
<br />_
<br />~~~ - 031.0 fret South of tt» t+ortheaat Corner of sold $tctian I1;
<br />^' ,<: ~5,
<br />` thence ecmtimrirr~ ScuCharly •lortg tht Last prxi of rise North-
<br />1
<br />f
<br />f
<br />M i'~~' .,
<br />_ _
<br />~ oot; t
<br />taee ~e
<br />0.0
<br />lott-
<br />oast f~aarter (NG~) a distarcv a[ 2
<br />'
<br />- __
<br />_ r
<br />~~ )
<br />lrr.{~ rtgltt kfraty hogrwa and Fifty Srwn Nfrrattx (90 SJ
<br />a rtaErti Mastarlpaed poralir^1 tE~ chi Me;'rth lira .-f cM -i
<br />-
<br />' ~" - NartMaac gwrtar f![>GgS r diacanca n[ 660.0 lilt; thtnca
<br />r~'
<br />te > `~
<br />'r rd Tfiret Ntnutoa
<br />t
<br />t Gi
<br />ht
<br />Ni
<br />W
<br />l
<br />l
<br />t
<br />;
<br />-
<br />_. na
<br />s ac
<br />a
<br />~
<br />y
<br />gro
<br />dt
<br />~actitrd r
<br />~
<br />k
<br />`
<br />y v_~;
<br />'~ orthrrly and paralieT to cha Peat tires
<br />) std rtreritClN
<br />(i9 01 ~ _
<br />- -_- ai ii`1.a s~pr~t ha33€ t~Jai=€rir i~s3l a di stance ~[ :.~ t39t i ~„_ -
<br />` `~ ,7"
<br />- ~ - thar~r dttlat'alog right Fliir7cy d+ rasa and ll[ty 9svan olasttta
<br />arallal to th+ ibreh lino
<br />nd runrttra
<br />[aeterl
<br />•~
<br />(~O 31') ~
<br />~'~e r ~ ~Yi
<br />f p
<br />g
<br />a
<br />lrr
<br />o! CM Northeaa[ Qwrttr (LffG$) a diatMC• of •60.0 [sec to _;?- _
<br />.
<br />"~t 7 ties pufett at bastnnind snd aot~alntry d.l'~ ser=a wrt or 1taa, _:
<br />
<br />~~[ Ltd l
<br />~ ~` x ' •
<br />R 1•~ ~ •~
<br />-
<br />f Ik
<br />~ '~
<br />e'w~ ~I `~''
<br />~
<br />.
<br />raw ! ,
<br />~ ~,~
<br />
<br /> KXCt:l'YIpIC thertfrosr a [attain tract o[ land acre particular- ~:,
<br /> Ip da'acribad in afarrantp Quad recordtd in Mx>k 176 pa0a 301
<br /> as racardad in thrr Office of iM RagiaCar of lAeeds of Nall -
<br /> Cotrnty, liohraaica,
<br /> aM rwar.$l'iina, tiiarefroo a [coca... trecr of lard ante par-
<br /> t3culoriy dascribtd in 4arranty Qeed scurried r• BoOFt 175
<br /> Fags tOJ an racarded In the Of~fica of the Regiatr.r at
<br /> 1Ftada n[ Hall County, NE
<br />