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<br />TtiE MQRTGA~CYfi, P,CI,EtTHER ~,flY,E75TA7!!T`!'S Altif~!); t?iGREEB <br />PhaE~:Yhe'Nlor'tga'gdrii~tisrill ~ay!fh'e indo'irt~a'dine§s'as,~.iierein'~~ib~forq' pravilde~; I ~., <br />That the Mortgagor- is. the oivncr of said property in fee simple aqd, has good right and lawful authority to sell and <br />r conve}• the same 8nd that the~same-is free and dear of any lien or encurrrbrance: and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the <br />[( title to said premises against .the claims of ail parsonv whirmsoever.~ -. <br />' To pay immediately whenrltie aitd payable al! genera! taxes, special taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer serv- <br />ice charges, and other taxes anti charges against said property, and a}1 taxes levied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the <br />- Mortgagee, upnr, rri}ue:sf, with the prigrna! nr duplicate receipts therefor. The Mnrtgagnr agrees that there shall be--addAiJ to - <br />- - each tnonthly payment reruired hereunder or undt+r the evidence of <leb# secured hereby an amount estimatert by the Mortgager> <br />- to bet sufficiont t6 enable the Mortgagee to pay, as they bettrme due, elf taxes, assessments, and similar charges upon the prem- <br />ises subfect theirto; any deficiency-}a•tause of the insufficiency of such additional pii}-ments shalt he forthwith deposited by the - - <br />~" -- Mortgagor witFe the blartgagee upon.. demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shall be rleeme<I a default ir. <br />,~ }reyn>ent of taxes, ~rtsaeaanrents, nr-similar the rtes required hereunder. - - <br />~ The Mortgagor agrees that there shall also fee added to each rnonthiy paynrant of principal anti interest required here- <br />- ~ :-L'trlt>r an anr+?tir<t estimahetd by the Ivlortgagee tra he sufficient to enable the Mortgagee to pay, as it becomes clue, the insurance <br />premium an any insurance }wlicy the Mortgagex^. Any rieficiency because of lire ic:sufficiency of such additions} pay- <br />mentR shall hr forthwith deposited by the Mortgagor with the hlartgagce u}ron demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this <br />`- paragraph s:rxq Ire deemed a defaul# in the? payment of insurance ptemhtms. If the polity or policies deposited are such as }rirme- <br />awnem or alt risk policies, and the deposi#s are insufficient to pay the entire premium, the Mortgagee may apply the deposit to <br />~ }lay premiums on risks required to ire insured by this mortgage. <br />~ Aayments made by the Mortgagor under the atxrve paragraphs may, at the option of the Mortgagee, hr held-hy it and <br />commingled with other such fumis err its own [ands for the payment of atx'h items, and until so applied, such paymen LS are hereby <br />- phdged as security for the unpaid balanco of the mortgage indebtedness. <br />To procure, deliver ln, and maintain foe [he benefit of the Mortgagee during the fife of this mortgage original pntie~+•~ and <br />renewals tftereuf, dative red at least ten days before the ox piratiun of any such }wlicivs. insuring against fire and utht^r i, arnhle <br />hazards, casualties, and rnntfngenries ar the Mortgagee may rrquirn, in an amomit equal to the imlebtrclrteaa secured `_-••. this <br />Mortgage. and in corn}=anies acct-ptahte #o the lortgagee, with lose payah!e cianse in favor of anti ,r, farm aicr-pta6le to t},. '.•rrtga- <br />gec• In th4- evenE ar.: e > rat cer:ewerf un or het r e let try ri it< ex}rrrari ne Muzc..~t•e 3 } Rure ,o.ur.. •, ;rr <br />itnprov.•ratents- pxy t}r. frr mium Ehere&r r, and such -ur +hap het. ~~r n. immediately du- and payable tth i-tlrrtst ai the rite .rt <br />'forth ut .>aicl note unlit paid and shall M• ,<-tu red f-s Phis mortgage Failure ort the part of the Mnrtgagnr to tarnish such rt nt w:ris <br />~aa era herein reyu+rer# ur failure to pay a:r}' ~rtm, advanced he.*aunrlt~r -shall, at the np#ion o} the ~4rrrtgage<•, c•~>nstitutr a default <br />under the term. of This mtirtKaCe The e}etirv r3 ai eu~ h palrciee =hall- rn ttx• event :3F default. rz=na rime an assiKnment of fhr ur,- <br />earned premium. <br />An}• sums racrrvral by [he MortKaK"+^ by reason of loss ,=r damage in.ure•al against may }+e retained h}' the Mortgagee <br />and applied tDWaid the pay-meat <rf the dt ht hr-re!ry see•urerl, or, ai the oi,tu,n of hr> Mortgagee. such sums tither wholly ar in <br />- pert may tee pain +r;ar to the- :alortgagar tr, tx• ttu~d to repair such Fruild logs or n, build"nr=w builriints ur there iliace ur &u any' <br />- other pur}nse ns object safisfachuy to the .'-vtortgagee~ wrthoui afTx~ting th<~ lion ~u+ the mnrtgags tr,r th+• fait atnuu nt aerured hc>rr <br />by lecture such payment ever t+.r'r; place- <br />. Tu promptly copal r, reshrrr ur nbuihi any huihfings or improvements now ,a ht-rratter un the premise^s which may k+e~ <br />corm riatnaK!'d or dt>suoyr<}. rr 4,ee•p said premixes in gtxrd condition and repair and fine 'rum any mechanic's tier or other Gen or <br />'_ _ c~irtim of lien not t>xprNwiy suM,rdinatt-d is the lien hereof; not to suffer nr pt•nnr[ any unlav.~ful u.e of ter any nuisance to rxiat an <br />said property our t.n }tt•rmit wa}~te or. raid premi~rea, nor to du any othor act whert~dy~ fhr• p e}x•rn~ hereby i•cnveved s}ta}} neErzme <br />less vaiuahic•, nor to ,iitninidr ., imparr ,ta value= by any act :,r omission to a•-i-. -•, •,rf t=-s- z €h a.. - ^.,..t. - . .a.s ~s>, _---€~' <br />to the mortgaged prrmt~ra andtth+- use thrrerofi. <br />- - `i'}.'. 3t;=.utn tt:e t*rr=rtxt- -anti Hart 4hem=rf br taken ,.e rlamaS+-ct by rc+a~raar of an• ;•r~Lvac i.-.pnsvrtne>nt .,r tria.3er•_natinn <br />pr.x: :ng, r ,r::..~ r the ~, L= - „~. • air rnas;r. '+r =rr an;< ether mart-er- [hr ii==rt,*_aaet> teal- ere nit}sd to ail tYrrnirn~-- sue. <br />awards- and arty attwr pa}tnrmt ur rrhrf~theretur- and nhaif Ire antitlYa', at Sts upttnn, to eom~etx °, n i~'ar n a€~t nits -n-+#a <br />I - --- - - _ - - - -~ .~ <br />• awn rtartre any artrrar - r t rt-.e-r+-.~t~r,t. =~r h~ mak€ any temper nt~r- at~tt -r =nt r _ ..,rei ~, ~ tE ==R. _ _ _a>?. ~s - _ <br />compensation, aviflrrl'. tieitisg:.n- ar;tirrr-an#-prc+ttr~ig art--mix=ks-p ;i-ga€.:.->c, ?ham ~~~g~ ~ ,. <br />therefrom all its exprrtaos. releaar any mtrnrya err rrreived by it ur apptY the same tut any inrleJxedneas secumd iterrl±y. Tlvc Mark- <br />gaagr arrees to eaaaacute such further tr?migncnrntx of any srrmirt>naatrua, awards. damages, and riuhtr of a<:tiort ar,:l pra~ercia as the <br />Mortgagee may retttxre. <br />_ That in case +rf failure to trertorrn any of tht• revenants herein, the Mortgagee may do an the Mortttagor'~, }rwhatt ei-er. thtng <br />ea envenanted; that the Mortgagee maY elate do any act it may deem net+>ssary to protect the lien theretd. that the hiortgagur writ <br />rrpety upon demand any nroneys }raid or diaburtted hY the Mortgagee far any of the abrrve purptwrs. noel Much moneys tngeLlirr wath <br />intereak thereon at the rate prnvitird in said note shall become sn much additional indehtvtineas hereby arcurvi and tnay fie in• , <br />eluded in eery decree fnrrcloaing thr~+ mortgage and hr< paid out at the mots or pnxeeda of sale o[ said }xerniae•a if nut okhenvix <br />paid; that ik shall oat be ahligamry ut+cm the Mortgagee k, iruquire iota the validity of any lien, ancumhrancea. or claim in ad- <br />vaneing mgniryn as abwa authar}sati, but ewthin8 herrein contained shall be construed as rer}uiring the Mortgagee to advxnn• any <br />tetoaeys far any such purpose nor tq do any act hereunder. and that Mortgagee abaft not incur any perarurat Itat+iiity because at any• <br />thlr~f t! maY do nr omit to do bercwndrr. <br />- In the overt ttt the default bX MurtgaBOr i.r the }uYment of any inaEailment. as requiredi by the Note secured hereby, ar <br />in the prrfurmance of the tririiBation in this mortgage or in the note secuxeti thereby, fhr hiortgager shall lx entitled to declare the <br />dot txeitt•ad hereby due and paXatrie'withtxut nakicr, and the MortttaBoe shalt be ent}ilerk st its option, without notice, either hp itae[f <br />- - - nr by a i'RG'®iveS to be-apptdttt `d try--tFfe e4wTt thereof: one} >:vithaut regard to tht- adar7rsatX f ua+: =~ '~--- _ <br />- - - s~Yti~' ,~ atttpr'Ztpc:'atutd take Iii*ra c+f the-morCBagerI Premiaea.-att~l-tQ.~uiiat~-arKL'reoahre tiro rents, rtstirs and proftf~-. <br />- (herent, extd apply Rite acme. leas cwta of aperaUOn and rattection, upon the indebirtinesa aer•trred h-y this murtgaKr; vai.t rents, <br />- --- jsBtyca s>tdiafs€+nY ~r~SY aasT~rieti to fhr htortgagse as further security far the payment aE all indebtedness arcurrcf hereby. <br />- The-MortgaB~ -shall have the power to appoint any agent ar agents it may desire Car the purpose of repairing said prem•- <br />-~ - -- _-- least- tenting -the--same; collecting the rrnta.:t~vcnttett-ar:€i -i?teome~ acrd it tnaY pay auR of aaicl income alt expenses inettrred in rant• <br />itt~ and managing the name and of collecting the rentals therefrom. The balance remaining. i! any, shaft he applied toward the <br />iadabtednesa. Thia.assignment is to terminatr_and become null and void upon release of this mortgage. <br />1 diucharge of the mortgage ", . .... , . _~ <br />