<br />~~ ' "era ii,?i~ ...
<br />That the Mortgagor will~pay"the indebtedness as hereinhefore provided.
<br />That the'MOztgagor`is--the owner of said property in fee simple and has good right and lawful authority to sell and
<br />romey the same grid thatahe-same is-Erne and clear ol,any lien or encumbr•anm: and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the
<br />title to said premises against'~the claims of a}I_ persons whomsoever:
<br />To pay immediately--when clue- and payable all general taxes, specie! taxes, >pecial assessments, water chargers, sewer serv-
<br />irn charges, and other 4trres-and charges against said property; and all taxes levied on the deht secured hereby, and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upon';equeFt. with the Miginal ur duplicate rer.eipts therefor, The Mortgagor agrees that there shall tae added to
<br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimate-ri by khe Mortgagee
<br />to be suSScient: in-enable t.he~ Mo#gagee to pay. as fhey become due, alltaxes, assessments, and similar charges upon the prem-
<br />ises subject thercito: any deficiency because of the insufficiency of such additional payments shall he forthwith deprnited by the
<br />Mortgagor with_the Mgrtgagee upon demand by thr• Alurtgage r. Any rie(ault under this pa ragraph shall }re deemed a default in
<br />dal payment'of taxes, assessments, nr similar charges required hereunder.
<br />The Mortgagor agrees that-there shat! also ter added to each monthly payment of principal and tote: rat required here-
<br />under an amount estimated by the Mortgagee to be ssrff~cient to enatale the Mortgagee to pay: as ii becomes due. the insurance
<br />premium on app insurance policy deliverert to the Mortgages Any deficency because of the insutlicircncy of such additional pay-
<br />gsent_s shall 6e forthwith deposited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee uJwn demand by the Mortgagee. An}• default. under this
<br />paragraph shall be deemed a default in the payment of insurance premiums. If Ute ywliry or policies deposited arc such as hume-
<br />owner; or zzl! risk policies, and the deposi Ls are insufficient to pay the enf.i re premium, the Mortgagee may ttPPiy the dep,a-ri to
<br />spay premiums nn risks required to be insurers by this mortgage.
<br />~ Payments madcr by thr• illorlgagnr under thc• above paragesphs rosy. at the option of the Mortgagee. tm held by it and
<br />tismmingled with other such funds or it.+ own Funds for the payment of such items, and wrtil so applied, such payments are hwrrbp
<br />plrxJgeri as security fnr the unpaid bninuce of t}te mnrtt5age snrlebtedness.
<br />'1'o proc•ure, dalivu•r to, and maintsrin for rho 6enetit of rho Mortgagee during the- Ilfe ut this mortgage original poi„+•~~ ,+nd
<br />renewals thecae[, delivered at Irssi ten days !>r•fom the rxpirntinn of any such policies, insuriuy ar;autxt lira and other =:.+:.rahle
<br />hazard», rnsualties, and contingenrtes as the ftlortgagee [nay rc•yuire, in an amount equal to the indebtedness stcurrv+ ~by this
<br />hiartoage, and in Etn~~.ynic=. a c.,pt~hle to the Mortgage.,, :..,th t,..,s o.„.alit:• ct+use in fas~or €,t send in form a€•reiztat=,!e t;, fl,e ttor*.ga-
<br />gtw. In the event an} ~ ilir.M is rtat renewed on ur txf+,rr ten da}~~ oC its rspirafirm, the ioL ,.},ogre may prru'urr insurartcr r,n rho
<br />improvements, pay the premium therefor and such sure shalt Ger. ,mr immrdiatz•iy clue anri payable with trsterest at the rate art
<br />forth in said note until paid and shall he secured by this mortgage- Failure cn the part of the Mortgagor A`> furnish such renewals
<br />as are hemin required er failure to pay any sums advnncr<d hemundrr :hall, at rho option of the Mortgagee. r.,nsiitute a default
<br />under the £erms of th+x mortgage. The delivery of such pnlir~ies shalt. .n the event of default, constitute an assignment of the un-
<br />earned premium.
<br />Any sums received by the Mortgagee by re»son •+f Ius. „r dsmugr tnsur i against may ttF retained by Elie Mortgagee
<br />and applied toward the paymer:t of ihr ctrht he:ehy sr~cu red, or. at t•. • op#inn at [tee llarigagre, such sum:, either whcitt ur in
<br />part may tx paid over to the Mortgagor U, he used to rrgrair ..uch butkdings or to build new huildingc in their piece nr for any
<br />other purpose o[ object satisfactory to the Mortg»grr with„ut atiecitrsg tln• hen rut tksr snertgat,e for the full amount se-rureci kserr-
<br />by betun~ such payment ever tzn~k place.
<br />Tu promptly repair, restore or rebuild -any haildtngs ..r rnsprovements nrrrv nr tserrafte•r on !hr premi;es which may tx•-
<br />come damag€'tf or destr<ryctii; to kcap said premises in grxxt candi lion anri repair and free- Gem env mechanir'w lien or other lien ur
<br />claim of lien not €!xpreeaiy 3ubordiratecf te, the tarn hee~r:i: n.a#~f:: suft'r-r .,r p.-rmst any unh..aful care e,f z,r rni- nui,.anc., to exist on
<br />said property nor to permit waste ±~± saicJ prertsises, ••*_-- ~- do any other akt wt+€•rra,•. t!^-e pru;~rty hereby zc,n=.€'-}mod sttfltt t~.romF
<br />less valuable, nor to diminish ur impair if_s valor t:y ar._- srrtc~ar ~t~i=,:r t +rt. to rmnply with alt requsn+mc=nts of taw with respea=L
<br />to the mortgaged pnrmisrx »r.d the use thereof
<br />`T`hat she#sld the t.re•t+,r... -..:.tn.' place t.trr, --t .~ „:x.. ,•r ,:.;rnape-ri h r.-.,-„re ,•t a . t,ciirt.i ,nrpimv:•me•n# .e,nriemnwti~n
<br />pnh~rriing, or under ttt+• riEt?t of eminent drrmaia, er..:s ar,-p oitlrr :Hann,-r< the ':4~uty~agrr j.sh~,t iw r<ntittr'+# te: a#t :<?n7t?s'nsaLtF•rs*--<
<br />awar*-iQ, and any rsrferrr paym.•nL -- ,,er x - -- .., ~~.r zx r-ai•.ti~-f. _f-rt_ Qpf,,,-- 4 r~~,m -- --, age-sr "?? scat--les•ut - ,n'i~°
<br />.own nausr~. any actirart r>r ore><•cedra~• err t -.make acre c :nurt,rn r. c:r rettlrrr ant m xeenru•cttun ~ !h ,vet: fa_I.c~ e,r die=:awn ill ~h -
<br />cnrttpensakian: awarcla, damages, right of action and prcxrrrls arc hereby assigrterl to the Mortttflgee, who nray, after dtduMing
<br />thertfmm all its expenses, raleasr nnY moneys scr received by it or aJsply the same en any inr[ebtednes.4 secured }trrehy. The Mort,
<br />gager agrees to txetvte such further assignments of any romi~'ntauun, awards, damages, :fat) rights of action and prcxec~+ls as the =~
<br />Mortgagee maY require. a•-
<br />That in case at failure fo perform any of the covenants herein, the 'vlortgager may do on the Mortgagor's behalf eticrything .,.
<br />see covenanted; the! the Mortgagee may slats rlu arty art it may deem nea•s•;ary to prof<rt the lien thrrerrf, that the Mcartgagur will ;fit;
<br />repay upon demand nnY tnuneys paid or riishuraed by the Mortgagee fur any e.( the shout purprrsrs, anri such moneys tngettier with „"-
<br />interest therrvn at the rate provided in said note shall hrenmr so couch additional inrltbtrriness hereby sc~urrd and may F+e in•
<br />dudtd in any decree furrrh>.vin6 this maetgage and Far paid nut ctF the renew or proceeds of sale nF said premixes if not otherwise _
<br />paid; that it shall nut he obligatory ulaan khe Mortgagee to inquire into the validity of any lien, encumhram'r+, or claim in ad-
<br />vatMing trrormye as about authoriaod, but nothing ha rein contained shall ku• construed ax reyuiring the Mortgagee to advance any
<br />rr~rtaytt fw any such purls nor let do nnY act hereunder; and that Mortgar;rr shall nut incur any pNrsunal liabiht} hrrause of any.
<br />thirtf it may do ttr ttmit ttt du hereunder.
<br />In the ascent of the default by i4lurtKaKor in the payment of any inatallmtnt, as rrquirrri by the Nate secured hereby. or
<br />in the performartct of the ohligatton in this mortgage or in the note strurrt3 thrrrhy, Lhr Mortgagee shall ht entitttwl in declare alit
<br />~~ -, that t-~:t~ 1'>r': .lt~ s~::s ~saya~!>` wit#~. t?<~. 3rv# eh-~-!t-i - €r~aget? shal# hr- anttttsv# at it'=_ ~ pt_-icon, wit#sasut nrvt=.er, aitltar by .s~?t
<br />or_by_ a tR°'tiver to ba ~ppuintsxl by the €~t;art tharc~f anc# without rrgarrl to the adcquTCy of any security for the indchter#ntsa >;r-
<br />cured hereby, to enter upon and take ttr*s,§ei}ion':if the mortgaged prtmiats, and ka rolttet and rtceivr the rants, issues and pmfta
<br />thereof; and -apply !ht same, .tgss roster of t>lreratian and rulltrtirtn, utxm Lhr indrhtwiness setvrrrd by toss mortgage; said rents;-
<br />- iastree-and pi,o6ta tieing hereby a4v.wigns*d ter ttte ISAortgatrre as further serurJty far the payment of all indrbttulnexs serurrrrf htrehY.
<br />. The Mortgagee shall have the parver to appoint any agent ur agents it may dealer [or the purpose of repairing swirl prem-
<br />i~es; ranting the same. collecting, the r,snts, rtvtnues null income, and it may pay out of said iexome all expenses incurred in rent-
<br />~;,r~,.,,.r.ilAS:, tt~1.. tnanaging, late'same and of collecting the rentals therefrom. The balance remaining, if aqy, shalt hr applied towstrd the
<br />discharge of the mortgage indebtedness. This assignment is to terminate and tsecome null and void upon release of this mortgage.
<br />