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t~EBR,4SKA DC)CUME;NT~iYe <br />,7~ <br />~~ ~ ~,TANIP TAK <br />~~~~.~ '~ <br />D <br />E <br />9 <br />C 7997 <br />9 <br />Iliarraetg Cemeterg Deed ~.~~~~; <br />-I N- - <br />1I11~S~L~i~1-1~ ~~~®~~~LL h~L~~ <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />a cemeterq association <br />ineorporated tinder the <br />cemeterq Iaws of the <br />State of Nebraska <br />-,, , <br />TH28 IIRDENTLIRE: Made thL___,=~`ts.2day oL________=JY_f:::u2E::i---------------~. D., 19....s-;:-, <br />between WLBTLAWN MEMORIAL PARE GEId'1'1:RY OF GRAND ISLANE, N1C6MAdEA, l~Yrst Party, <br />;,; - <br />and -___-1i,is~:L-_:.i.---L~u~1S'J:.~-~i~~"::.-L-_-i~--.F~t..Jt'tZ----------------------------------------- <br /><_._ . -.,__s__--__r:.;?__~t___~ _-~r_= _-kc:___;,L7~~,._:.Y2_:~~c1S.. ~_5~ti_4.?~_nL~?y_ :'= Y_=_____ <br />-----°------~..-------_____-.-----------------°--------------------------------------> Second Party. <br />wITNESS>CTH: That First Party for and to consideration of the sum of <br />__~~L~' ~.~ ~ ~ . L ~ ~rz ------~_ ] uzc::~c:.u~~za --------------DOLLARS <br />the receipt whereot la hereby uknawledged, has sold and by these presents does grant, convey and eonlirrn <br />~'-.`-- ante the s€tiond Parr and to Second P ~ . <br />y arty'a heirs and assigns --:,i+'.~-:.J-=i¢:.t~.=.43.+- <br />~V ---_r7"--' "-, "-• i!'~ __.LLLE'.V.:.:.Z1....1cZGi112L---`~-°~U.~_J.~.-_-2:L1Zii'ea_- ~ ^'7----__ <br />-----.-°---°----------------------------------------------------ot wESTLAwN MEMORL-L PARK <br />of Grand Isisnd. Nebraska, situated in Hall County, Nebraska, a cemetery to be aced for Interment pur- <br />poop only, Deing so dedicated and declared, the Plat of said cemetery being recorded in the office of the <br />Register of Deady of Ha11 County, Nebraska. <br />This deed fa subject to all lava of the State of Nebraska, and to all by-law0. rules and regulatlorts <br />of wESTLAWN MF.ISORIAL PARK CEMETERY of Grand Island, Nebraska, sad to any chattgaa >n said <br />_ _ laws, by-laws, raise and regulaUaaa. <br />Any transfer o1[ title of any part of the above dracribed property shall not be valid until the soma <br />has been rernrded upon the books of the First Party. <br />WESTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY OF GRAND ISLAND. NESRA$KA, Aeraby cave. <br />tents end sgreea to and with the Secaad Forty and with the heks and assigns of Lke Saoorbd Pasig, that <br />- at the time of the execution and delivery of these gresents it y lawfuAy seised of ~ ~; that !t hes <br />good right sad lawful -uthorlty to convey the aatne: that tkey are free from eacumbraaes era! Fkat Party <br />noon hereby covenant W warrant and defend the premises against the lawfut cldms ai W psraorrs whtxnso- <br />ever. <br />~'ESTItAwN MlOR1AI. PwRK CEMETERY OF GRANB ISLwlYi3, NF.13RA3lzA, sgreafi to k~lr- <br />, Wish perpetual care, administration and maintenance of the above described gremise! as oravld~d_ bg its by- <br />lawa. <br />_ - - - - <br />- »v wH1~F, The acid wESTLwwN MEMORIAL PwRK C1tll&T7bRY of GRAND <br />ISL~AIdD. NEHRABKvt, has hereunto caused Its corporate seal to be affixed acre !base presents W be signed <br />. R by jt>!, president the day and year flrat above written. <br />.. W16tlTI,AWN MEMORIAL PARR CElIETlCRY OF t3RAND 18I.AIYII, N16~l8EA <br />o- Hy------------------ -------'_ <br />u --President--------------°___-`------ <br />. i <br />~ ',1~-ti'AT1a;OF'NEHRA$KA, i <br />40UN3'Y OT J} u. <br />,, .. _ <br />- .> On;11tIM:.--,1 `"_~__day at --------°---°,e__n ,~c ~«.~rt _-_, I! ': ,: <br />'.,~: ~ trefdr'eme-the undersigned. a notary public, !n. and for said county and atata, personally came _-°---^----- <br />i i <br />.:,, <br />PrsEdsnt of wm*_'awn ldsrrfrial Park G~ureir~y ~ Grand Island. Neturaska, w me personally know!! to ba <br />the President and the ldenticat person whose Warns E af~ad to the above conveyance, sad asknotvledFed <br />the atecutiwr thereof to be his vWuntary act and dead as ouch officer and the voluntary act sad dead ~ the <br />- ~ Webtiawn Memarlat Park Cemetery of (inroad inland. NshrukE and thsi the corporate seal of ihs saki <br />Watlawa Memorial Park Gemetery ~ !tread island, Nebraska, was thereW sttftted by its autharlty. <br />wiTNm88 my head sad rmtarial seal tics dsy and yea Iasi above wdttsn. <br />x -------.-~ ~ y~ _~---:----------- <br />Notary Public <br />f <br />ENEI4L XOTARC- yUte oI deeru,cq - <br />GAl_EN L MOOry <br />t>Fq ~+"~• FxP: Get, 9,19lI <br />