13x].1 County filing fee ~~.'?~ ;~1
<br />±I STATE OF NEBl3ASli`A, County of .............................. Ezttibit to be attached
<br />Filed £or record and' entflrea iu. Numerical Index
<br />OII .......... ..... ~ $'t.., .,...,.... o'e1,pQk ....,....,,,..., ld.,
<br />IId Vie,.... ...... .~ . .....
<br />oraaa in Dees aea~~a ...:.... ......:... page ,..,.............,,........,.
<br />g',
<br />County Clerk or
<br />Ragiater of Deeds
<br />
<br />I3y ............................................................
<br />Deputy County Clerk or
<br />Deputy Register of Deeds
<br />Jaeeph D. Shanlca~ Sr., & Dorothy P. Shanks (Deceaseti~erein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />;n consideration of No dollar amount involved, drarm as a corrective deed to Dore present
<br />Deed Title Sae attached exhibit
<br />received from grantee, does quitclaim, grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br />(1)Joeeph D. Shanks
<br />herein called the grantee whether one ar more, the following described real property in
<br />.....................................138.11..................... County, Nebraska:
<br />Section "$". lot 171 Spaees;i, 2, 3, 4. 5. 6 NEBRASKA Dt~UMENTARY.
<br />STAMP 7AX
<br />Weatlawm cemetery, Grand=sla_nd. Nebraska 68801 ;,
<br />DEC 7197
<br />- 1'o have a$d to hold the above described prepiise together ~vvith alt "tenements, hereditaments
<br />rind appurtenanee~ tberetfl belonging auto the grantee aa~d to grantee'8 heirs end a~igne forever<
<br />Dated December 07, I~j~ 1'3 --
<br />--
<br />='_ ~J , ,
<br />.................................................................................... {sign) ,~( D'.. •(~')
<br />Jo~ .' .at. .~ ,....
<br />rottty P. Shanlcs~ (deoetaed)
<br />f ..,,.
<br />$1'A'1'E OF ------ - • County of ..................................................
<br />Before u~ie, a notarv public qualified for said county, personally came
<br />{%) Joseph D. Shanka~ Sri On],y
<br />~(no signature required}
<br />known to me to be the identical person or persons ~yho si,~nbd~..the
<br />foregoing .instrument and acknowledged the execution the eta 'L~ ,his,
<br />her or their voluntary not and deed, ."~~
<br />„ .-~c s,
<br />Witness my hand and IIot~'sl seal~ot~ ..... ,,. ...~..:~.::`1.:~:~...... y .._..... _
<br />..................r ,.cl..i.=.....~;c~f;'YZZ:'x4.`:`,.:~. 1V~otnrj~'' Ruhlio~,z
<br />,,_ _ ~ ...
<br />ley oozramission expires " ..
<br />Form I.2 Approved by Nebraska State Bar Association P.aon R Walt Oo., IJnodn, N.br.
<br />