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_ _ <br />,i Date - <br />II Il- IN TT~'E ~'OUNfY CQC3'RI', OF_ _T_, HALL __--~.-,,^.-._G'47tINTY, Nl;'BkA';SF~A <br />This is t© certifg that (here is pending In the Countg Court of HALL Countg, ' <br />i <br />;,:;, Nebraska, a proceeding entitled: <br />i <br />;f TN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LLfj,A F~. W~COX~_p~cPa~Prl ; <br />i,, ' <br />~~ ~ ~~ <br />1~ <br />ij ; <br />~~~ No. 37-153 Iloe. 3~ Page 153 ~~ <br />E~~; ~' <br />rORMAL PROBATE OF 'MILL <br />' which is a proceeding inuoluing ~~ <br />ifi iprobate of will, administration of esfak, detetminafion of heirs, dderminatton <br />'ill i' <br />',~,(1;,.~+, in which proceeding the following described real <br />=~~~i iy of inhrr:[nnce tas, guardianship, or conserca[orship i' <br />!Ijl' G <br />:,+i <br />estate is inpolced, to-wit: '•' <br />!, <br />ij~ <br />i( ili <br />`!~ii( , Lot Thirteen (131, Blocl-: Two (2.1, Dale Roush Subdivision, Hall County, ; <br />Nelaraska <br />;1', ~~ <br />C(, .- <br />!' <br />~I! <br />I;: <br />,j, ' <br />1j' <br />~i.... <br />ii~_ <br />i <br />~" <br />._i = <br />"i~ <br />'j',; <br />,i~ ' <br />G" 'Fj, ~, Rich&ird L. Dc~B~ycl:,~„r ____~. <br />~~Yk~~ ** Countg .Iadge of sae`d countg <br />Vii.. / <br />K~4 •Cter~7r of tCuuntg Court { <br />SEdiaR 2d-;i59. "In anU profeedinQ in dhe county wart inewlairtQ (1) the probate of wilts under the proulsiorer of Chaptu J0, aHide i <br />2,`GQ} the admin(stralten of e6tates under the praeisiorts @JChaptet SD, arttfle $, (S}-the drtarminatlan Rl beers under the prootsfons df- <br />Chapter 3Q, arllda (7; (#} the determination N inheritance tos under the prooisions of Chaptu T9, article 20, (3) Quardianships <br />I,j~ under tha prootslons of Chapter S&, article t, 2, 3, or #, or E6) mnserootorships under fhe prooisions of Chaptu 38, amide 9, whore <br />rea! eslata is ang-part dfdhe assets ojlhe estate ar proceeeflnp, the cduntg judge br/are whom the procerdinQ is pending shall issue d <br />f'; , certljicate which abaft be Jited with fhe reglstsr of deeds of the-Counlg in wh(fh the real mfate is tocdted within tan dogs after the <br />i i dcuription q/ the rest eslata is filed in the procecdinp." ........................................ <br />I~`li ( .. <br />!~IH' <br />i~ <br />'I' <br />~~ °i - <br />i~i ':fl me c. ~-=~-- ;~.,~= {e7~x_'.~~.'.r"~'xTT~_<_rr -, r,~^' ,-.'F" „~.r--5 ~,,~ ... ~srv.:.,w~-.....,..a.' /,. ..c~~,-. . <br />- - -.. - _ _. _l-__ . <br />