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<br />~1 ~~ Rte'' ^ R~~OJI1~~ ~M.. ~ ', I 2;:
<br />~.
<br />PHIS INDF.2~€TtIRE, weeds Lhia_ 5th day of Decernbe~ 19 ___3~ by and between
<br />Rackney L. Muir and Karen L. Muir, husband and riife, each in hie and her oyrn r~ht ~
<br />and as spouse of the other,
<br />of.~ Hall _-__.___,_Couaty. Nebraska, as mortgagor a ,and Grand Island Trust Company of Grand Island, a corporation.
<br />organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska with its principal office and place of bueiaess et Gtartd Island, Nebraska, as matgagea;
<br />WITNESSETH: Thst said martgagor_.S__ ,for and is consideration of the sum of ~__._._
<br />**Three Thousand Six Hundred Ninety-three and 08/100ths~~-„~~,,,;~,~$g°` "s i
<br />the receipt of which is hereby ackxrowleti¢ed, do _.__ by these presents mortgage and warrant unto N`t~ ilioagee; Sts aacmOrB emd asefgna,
<br />forever, all the toilowmg deaeribed real estate, situated in the County of _. __ hall ____.
<br />.- and State of Nebraska, ko-wit:
<br />Lat Twenty-Six (26) in Rlock Oae (1), in bale Roush Second 5ubdivieian, in
<br />the East Half of the Southwest Quarter (E-1/2 SW-1/4) of Section Fourteen (14),
<br />Totaaship Eleven (11) North, Range Ten {l0), West of the Sixth (6th) P,M.,
<br />in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />{ 'I'ogetha with ell heating, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtures, including screens, awnings. storm windawa ant}
<br />- I~ doors, and window shades or f=iinda, used as or in connection with said propenY. whether the same are now located on said property ar her~iter
<br />$; placed thereon.
<br />' $~ - TQ HAYE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the tenements, heratlitnmeata and appurteaaacea thsreuat4 be~
<br />t - lorrging, ar in anywise appertaining, forever, and warrant the title to the same. Said morgagor ~_ herebY covenant ..--.~ with said
<br />.-_ ;_
<br />'tnprtgegae that --._..S ha }L__..BLfl_..__.,., at the de}rv°ery hereof, the lawful owner__..S_. of the premises shave conveyed and described,
<br />~ autd_ are ___ seised of a goad and indafeeaible estate of inheritance therein. free and c1~r of all etuumbrancea, aad thet~he_}L wifl
<br />i warrant and dafead the title therata forau~r against the claims and demands of all persona whomsoever.
<br />I'R9t' I I3Ep ALtk AYS, and this iaetnrmaat u axar:uted aad deiivared W s~xwra the poyarea~ of the sum of ... ~.._ ---
<br />i ic -'1"'~.:~,.~-s~.xta';a~i~a~,~w~..~~...~~Ts~°~,.SC1Z~.iR.,_.a~i~i.-...{%~.i ~itk;+.aL7~Ilara ($_ ~,-~'+~9 ~-~~. 1.
<br />- ~ wit„y Hint a 1~~n_. LnQwfh~r vri~h wuHt r-§argaa am! adv~~ sa may he due and paya6ie to ea_id mnrt~~ee u>~a the terms ~d ~adtions.
<br />-_,
<br />_ ~ -_ QS tiro nn~.r,+ rr~~ ~ ~aa date. it~witi•-e ~ ~c~tred ha-~Liy. e3«,rutad by z~id rn?rkgag~ ~- _ to mid- ~rsousa~. ~_vat~ a* ~aed_--
<br />_ SP
<br />in said sots, red to aecu:e the patformanaa of ail the farms and wnditiona contained therein. The terms of saw note are haaby urcaparated
<br />i>caein by this reference. . .
<br />It is the ttrtentmn and ageewrnent of the parties hetruo that this martgage shall else secure any future advances made to acid rortgagor. ~a
<br />+ by said mortgagee, and any and alt indabeadneas in v,ddtteon to the amount shave stated which said mortgagors, or soy of them, may awe to
<br />acid mortgagee, however evidenced, whether by Hate, book account or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in foil tam aad affect batwssn
<br />the patt3aa hereto and their heirs, persorrol repeeaentativas, successors aad assigns, until all amounts secured hereunder. itrcludigg future
<br />advarrcaa. era paid in full with iatereat.
<br />~~ Tiro tn+utgagor _~ _. heroby assign ___ w ask! mortgagee all rears and tnraara atremg at say and all times from said property aad
<br />hereby authori.~ Bald nmrtgegea ar it= agent, at its optian, upon default. to take charge of said property a~ ettilact all rants aad Itrsame
<br />~~ therefrnm real apply the setae W the payment of interact, principal, insurance premiums, texas, seaeearaertta, repairs ar impmvemarte
<br />~ gee paymwrte provided for herein ar is the note hwaby secured. This
<br />f; aeceaxrY W keep said pmperty in tenantable candiUon, or to otlwr char or
<br />rr rgari, aaaignrneat shall canrinrta in force until the unpaid balance of said note is fully laid. Tha taking of poaerabian hsttder s'orll in na manner
<br />praYtertk ar retard srid ~ la the eollactirm of avid some by foteeiwttre or otherwire.
<br />TM failure of tke mort¢agea to asasrt aqy of ire rights hereunder at say time shall not bs cimstrued as • waiver of its right to eaaer&., the
<br />same at any later time. aad to insist upon and enforce airier compUrace with all the terms and prvvisioas of arkt rests sled of this mortgage.
<br />} _ If said mortgagor a shell t7tnse ur ba paid to said aWitgagee the entire amount due it hereumder, ark aitder the tartan Heal providiotra
<br />a# said acts hsseby ascc.•ad, iacludfag future atiran~a, anr3 alt} axt+maioaa ar :arxswats tlsesaof t<n accarda$ca with ti» tetrs* ntul prtwisione
<br />~~ t,Mreof, ark if said martgagor -_..BahaU comply with all the provieiana of grid note and of this martgaga, than tlrase preemie shall be void:
<br />o~erwlea to r~mio fa fnfl famaad ae<[oet, amf ae~ mortgagx ehaH bamtitlad to the poaaaaabn of aII of acid peapacty. aad auy. sE its option.
<br />dxLre the whoa of add note and all indebtedneae represented thereby to be immediately dos red payable, aad may foreclose thts mortgage
<br />err take-say atl~-iega2 sztlon to protect ire right, Appraiaeasart-waived.
<br />~ This mortgage shall be binding epee aad shall saute to the benefit of the heirs. axecuwre, admiaiatraWrs; euooaseors and aeaigra of the
<br />- ~ , , raapective parties Mato.
<br />_ IN WITNE99 WHEREOF. acid Mortgegru $ haute harwtaw set their ~haad 2^the day and year first above
<br />{ written,
<br />~ hoc t1-stew air
<br />R - . - '-
<br />' ~' .usren L, Ftuxr
<br />