<br />MORTGAC;iE
<br />MORTGAGEi.0ANN0. L 23,649
<br />acNOwAI.~MENaYTHFSEFResENTS:That Dean Sodomka, a sin5tle person
<br />Mortgagor, whither one or mote, in consideration of the sum of
<br />T.we~~e ThausantiF~_ght hit rued end Nnl1Q(1-------------~-°----------------°=--flou.Aas
<br />loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 128 shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certifigte No. L 23,649 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />described real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska
<br />together with all the ttntments, hereditaments and appurttnances thereunto belonging, including attached t7.wr coverings, all windov. screens,
<br />window-shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air ~ronditioning, and plumbing grid water tyuipmint and acctsaoties Lhescto,l,,.mp-s, staves,
<br />refrigerators, and other !l,tures and equipment now or Irtreafter at[achid to or used N wnnecUOn with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agretd and dues hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay aU taxes and assessments levied or
<br />assessed upon said premisros and upon this mortgage and the bond secured eherebv before the same shall becorrtt delingtrent; to furnish approved
<br />insuranr~ uptm the buildings on said premises situated"in the sum of E12, 8DD.OD lxtyable to said ASSOCIATION and to dtBver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and not to crommit ur permit any waste un or about said prerr»ses;
<br />in case of default in the ptrforrnance of any of the tirnrs and rnnditions oC this mortgage or the bond centred hereby, the moRgaga; stall,
<br />on dentartd, Ise entitled to immediate possession of the mortgaged premixes attd tht nwrtgagor hereby aatigrts, transfers and ;cis avtr to the
<br />mortgagee ail the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall centairt
<br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoinr any agent ur agents it may desire (or tht purpose of repairing said premises atut renting
<br />tht sauce and collecting the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay out cat said income ail expenses of repairing said premises and ntcessary
<br />wmmissions and expenses incurred in renting acrd managing the same and of mtlecting +entals therefrom; the balance romaining, if any, to be
<br />applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness; these rights of the mortgagte may be exercised at any time during the existence of such
<br />default, irrespectivt of soy temporary waiver of the same.
<br />`fhcri F`restn[s, however, are upon the Condition, That if sire said Mortgagor shat! repay said loan un ur befurt the maturity of said shares by
<br />payttatni: pay ntuniltlp to said ASSOCIAT!t}N of Lhe sum speciCtel in thn t3ond sscurad herehy ac interest and prituipal vn said lc~n, on ur btfort
<br />tlce 1'wenlieth day of v~=h and every nxtnrh, unid said loan is fully paid; pay all taxes and a~ssntertts levied against said pn,a soil on [his Martgage
<br />and ittt &xid sreurad thcr?try, before delinquency _ furnish approacd insurance open the btrifdirtps thereon ut the attm of ~ 12: BOQ, 00 peya06
<br />to said ASSOCIA"fI£Y=ti: repay ru said ~~StX'lATION upon demsrtd aR rnrrtry by ii paid for such taxes, asstssrttents and insuratrcx with htterest at
<br />;'art, ~+1.-.f~... L.~ ..r... ..r.
<br />ihi urtu, ~ ## ,~.{ .3R,~., fro - ant ., ., h Murt=~gi:r he,.. r age:"-s to pay; pertni# tw avast. ,,.: sa:3 p.a...6~s.keep a:L x~ply
<br />with al# the a$rterzients an3 rtrediriorr-z ~f t~ fx;~ #~rr ~ 12} a~Q. ~ #his day given by tht srid Mortgagor #o aa# ASS€?C3ATi€lN~ a~
<br />with all ilia requiroments of the Cunstitutron and BY-Laws of said ASStX'tAT10N; then these prtxnts shall ber~ome null amt void, otherwise they
<br />stroll remain in full force and may bt iorechased at Qrc upti~n of the said ASSt?CIATiON after failure fur three manila to snake arty of said
<br />p:ymems or bt three rrarnths in arrears in making said nwnth!}= payments, ur w keep and comply with the agreements and wnditiorss aC said Bund;
<br />and Murigagtn agrees W have a receiver appointed forthwith in such fureclosme prrretedings.
<br />If titerr is any change its owtterslup of the rest estate mortgaged htrein, by sale ur uttn:rwise, thin the tntve remaining indebtedness htrtby
<br />secured shall, at the opium of The I~yuitabk Building and Loan Association of ;:rand 1slartd,Nebraska,beWme intnwtiiately dot attd payable willtout
<br />itMher notrtx, and the amount rtmaaring due under said bond, acrd any olhtr twnd for any additional advances made thtreunder, shall, from [tx
<br />elate of txt:rcise of said uptkrn, bear interest at the maximum legal rate, and this mortgage fogy then be fureclostd to satisfy the amount dot cut atutf
<br />bond, and any other bond Cur additional advances, togtUrer with all sutm paid by said 'fhe Equitnbie Building attd I.utm Association of Gntmi Island,
<br />Nebraska f'or insurance, taxis and asatsanitnts, acrd ahstracting extension charges, with interest thereon, from date of payment at the tttaximum
<br />legal raft.
<br />As provided iu the Bund cleared hereby, whip this mortgage remains in cl'fect th4 ntoregagee ntay htreafttr advan4Y edditiartel sums to the
<br />makers of said Bund, their assiytts or sucecsx>rs in interest, which sums shall be within the security of this murtgagm the saint as the funds originally
<br />stcttrid Ihenby, the total amount of principal debt nut to exceed at any time the original anurunt of this mortgage.
<br />d ihi: 5th day nt/} December A. u., Iv 79
<br />,. - / L
<br />man odomka
<br />B`i'ATE OF NSBRASRA, ~ ~ On this 5th day of December t4 79 ,before me,
<br />the undersigned, a Notary public in and far said County, personally cams
<br />Dean Sodomka, a
<br />irro to be ihi ideniirxtl persq~
<br />acknuwkdgtd tht scud trey'
<br />My
<br />teta.ata xt
<br />s son
<br />,-,
<br />~,;
<br />„a,+
<br />i~ e~ ~ ;Y~~~.
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<br />+, ~+
<br />;~~~; Ut~riat'~~~ ?`~
<br />who 1 S personalty known to
<br />15 affixtd to the above instrument as mortgagor end he JtOtt(
<br />voluntary get and decd.
<br />~hi dart aforesaid. l
<br />t21a a
<br />- oar
<br />