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<br />JN THE COti?4`TY COL'1~T f,)F_.-~.__...__._....,F#AI~i.~._-.,_..____._..__~____.~_.__~C~UI'+IT"Y, 1"Fi£~MFt~;~FC.~i
<br />This is !o certify thaf there is pending in the County Court of FIALL Luunty,
<br />Nebraska, a proceeding entitled:
<br />'; _ _-
<br />No. 37- ~}S5 Doc. Page
<br />which is a proceeding involving DETER:~III~IATIO:TV OF INHERITAI•dCE TAX.
<br />" (probate of wilt, administra[ion of estate, determination of heirs, delermination
<br />in which proceeding the following described real ~`
<br />of Inhcritanre tas, paardianship, or conservatorship
<br />estate is involved, to-wit:
<br />6:
<br />ES; ,:
<br />Lot 10 in Block 1 oP Pleasant Full Addition to the City of Grand Islari, ~,
<br />Hall County, Dlebrasl:a '
<br />Lot 3 in i3lock 36 in Russel Wheeler's Addition to the City of Grand
<br />Island, Ha71 Crn~ntyr Nebraska.
<br />.d`
<br />~ (' :.I
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<br />Iii, ~N,~t~ COU,~r Richard L. I)eBao~:er
<br />y ~ County Judge of said county
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<br />' ~,E . ~ ; ~ ,,C ~
<br />~~ '~ ® CfLrk of the County Court _
<br />~i'•~.,,,t,. kr
<br />~~ .,;p Section 24x39. "in anp proacdinp in the counlp rnurt ineatvinp (t) the proba(e ojwitla under the provisions ojChapter30, artiste
<br />~'. ~ 2. (2} the administration of eslatta under the provisions of Chapter S0, article 3, (3) the dctermtnalion of heirs under the provisiana of
<br />Ctuipttr_34, artictC t7, (4} the dctccminalion of inheritance tat undo the provisiona of Chapfrr 77, article 2(}, (57 guardianships
<br />anger the provisions of Chapter 38; artide f, 2, $, or 9, or (8) mnsertmtorships under the provisions of Chapter 38, article 9, where
<br />real eat8te is anp part of the assets aJ lhe-estate or proctedtnp, lht tauntg Judge before whom the proceeding is pending shat! issue a i
<br />~(?. cert{ticate which shaft be filed with the register of deeds of the Coantp in which the real estate is totaled within ten days after the ~ ~~)
<br />~~'"I, 1I description of fhrrtal estate is filed to the proteedinp." ..................................... p
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