<br />t .,
<br />52-A-REA L„ES7A?E MOi1tCnAta~-(Wi'y#h ?ax f~"la lase") (Rewfsrd 79;1 'E'.3rnr t•tai9snr. ma iGeames rl 'HupPt9 Y,ro3rz, tn,a:ncritc, ~elhir~.
<br />~ K.*tOW ALL MEN BY TF1E4'I[: ~R'~RICSJEiN"I`S: Ttiaait taik~TtC-i: R, 1C,'f)II~'1"Ci:UiF: ~.r~t,~k .tJl!Iwi'lh~lll'E w. 1411K'Jhl'sJli'~II, IF:~~~S~~s^.r•3
<br />and taife,
<br />of Hall County, and State of 3ebra5{a , in cansideration of the sum of
<br />TEN THOUSAi~1D A*1D '=iO1GC --_-(CIO,DG0.00)----'----------------------________---___ DDLLAR9
<br />is hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto RA'~IGND P. NA33iT'~ a,-rd AF.Disl.'?a^ Y. DIR"^S##A;: ,,"~EITY~
<br />l~ssband and `stife,
<br />of Logan County, State of Colorado the following described premises situated
<br />in Hall County, and State of l~aebraska , to-wit:
<br />LOTS _ro(nz (~?) AraD FIVE (s) , ~, sLOCx ~ vrEraTv-i~a?h'L
<br />GfWND ISIA1'SD, A.~StZASY.A.
<br />~~ The intention being to canvey hereby an absohrte tine in tee simple, including ail the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />7Y) HAVE AND T4 HOLD the premises aGrve described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said
<br />~' ~ mortgagee(s) and to his, her or their heirs and assigns forever, provided alwaps, and these presents are upon the ezpreas
<br />ctrndition that if the said mortgagor(s). his, her or their hoirs, executors, adminisi.ators or assigns shad pay or cause to be
<br />paid to the asid mcrtgagee(s), his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the Principal sum of $ 10,000.OD
<br />'.` payable a,F folta+vs, to wit: 53, 333.33 on December 3rd., 1980 plus interest at -the rate of 11~
<br />per annum; X3,333.33 on December 3rd, 1981 plus interest at the rate of 11% per annum;
<br />~~3,333.33 on Decemr~er 3rd, 1982 pl~zs interest at the rate of 11~ per annum. This agree-
<br />, ~ment may be arepaid at anytime without penalty.
<br />i
<br />f
<br />i I
<br />with interest according to the tenor and effect. of the mortgagors written promissory note bearing even date with tkrese presents
<br />and shall pav all taxes and assessments levied upon said ceal estate, and a!1 other taxt'R, levies and Az~*ttents 1_:vied upon thin
<br />- nortgage or the note 'which this mortgage is given to secure, before the same becomes delinq_veist, and keeg the buildings on
<br />: ,-tdaid premises insuxctl fur the sum of $ ~=,n()0.00 ,lass, if any, payable to the said mortgagee, then these presents
<br />~± to 6e void, otherwise to hr. and re__n3aiu in full ferrn-
<br />~~ IT I'S FCTRTHER AGREEll (I) That if the said mortgagor shat! fail to pay s;rch taffies or procure such i€xscrranc~, t=he
<br />said mortgagee may pay such taxes sod procure such insurance; and the sum so advanced, with interest at eleven parr
<br />cent, shall be repaid by said martgagor, and this mortgage shall stand as security for the same. (?) That a failure to pay any
<br />j of said money, either principal or interest, when the same becomes due, or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing
<br />agreements, shall cause [he whole sum of maney herein secured to become due and colleckble at once at the opkion of the '':
<br />mortgagee.
<br />Signed this 3rd day of Dacetnber 1979 ~ j'~
<br />In presence of _~i_ ..._ ....~ _ j` /~,1 ....
<br />_.
<br />{ `
<br />€s -`
<br />(
<br />S~
<br />i
<br />STATE QF..:.........TJEf.IRASKA..._ ................. of.........._I-iA~eT.~......................._ ...:
<br />Before me, a notary public qualified ar
<br />D071PON
<br />sb
<br />nd
<br />H
<br />d klii 'd~~g~~~ GEORC£ R. DOLTON and DIE E.
<br />,
<br />ta
<br />u
<br />an
<br />e, ~N Ek
<br />known to me to Pre the- identical persan t~lPbiglftte®pllt~ ing instrument and acknowledged the erecutian
<br />thereof to be his, her ar their voluntary set and deed. -
<br />
<br />Wittteas my ~tturd and aotari seal n.........
<br />My commission expites:...,t'.~.~:t~ ............ _.. December 3 _
<br />.._ . ......................... ....r...............c ..., ?9...
<br />. , 19 ~~. ... ........ ..._ .... ....... _--- -...... rc.
<br />Notary Publ'
<br />"STATE QF .............._........__......._.._...._•..--......._......... Entered on numerical index and Sled for rernrd
<br />CotmtY" ............._.._._............-°-°°.--°.°-.---.................._ ~ ~. ~ in the Register of Deeds Office of said County the
<br />........................day. of_..._.......---......---......_.............., 19............, at---°°---°•-------•----• -.o'clock and....... --..-.......-.......minutes ......................M.,
<br />Bad recorded in Book ........................._...............of............._.-._-......-...-....-...at page-..-.._.. -......_.........-.......-......
<br />........._ ................................._......._--°-- -- -........._Reg, of Deeds
<br />