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<br /> TRUS'fOR FtL=AD TH�.9 R�FaRE SICiNW(3: • � 1�����
<br /> Tt�stor undsnl�nd�1h�t tha dxWm�►�t Mat Yru�tor I��b�Ut l0 OXOCUW i9 fl d�O1 TfU31�CK�II��ort,�yaps�nd tMt M�tr poM+�r `-
<br /> ot w4e provld�d ta In tha O�sd ot Trwt provida�suo�t�+niixliy����a��r.t r��htr�nd odllpaHons to Yrufeor th�n�r.�OrM_�++�in ih�wrant �
<br /> ol�d�hult ar br�tth of obll�atlon undor th�QNd ol Truat inal�dinp,b�l na111mited to,th�Lsnd�r'�►rl�ht to hav�tria Pro�srry so�d -
<br /> by Iha Tru�iw witl+aut�ny 1udlCi�l proce�dlnp.Truatar repres�nts and wurent�that thle acknowl�dp�monl was�X�cuta� by
<br /> Tn►sLor bNor�th�ucsc�iian ot ttw�sd at T�uu.
<br /> TrustOr
<br /> T�usior
<br /> THiS qEED OF TFWST,is made as of the_.�_daY ut ��`*ua r✓ ,19..�.by and emonp
<br /> tha T�ustor, BBELINF,y�T� n�rnuro A �vEBRASua (`f1RPORATION .
<br /> w��pi� a���� 8006 J ST OMAHA. '�E 68127 (he�efn"Trustor;'whether ona o�more),
<br /> the Truxtae. .�"a"r.�T�B6ACK.. n�rrn�NFV r�,�T a�; �
<br /> whoae maitlny�address 4� o SOx 74D rizANi� � uF 688Q - E���'�����
<br /> �N BMIYIJCJB�yI. �nT'n •�fn iT�TT`11�T �1��� ()F CR4h�, TCT.ATT1) - -- '
<br /> wtwsY rrwl:'�1 addreu ls P Q ��'� I588 ��'�.t�'^ ��t��;'� �E 68802 _(hereln"L�id�t'�.
<br /> FOR VALUA81.�C�iv310ERATION,InoludinQ L�a.�aars extens�cu'�ot credit identitied hereinto —
<br /> Tr9T/�11T A NFARASKA C�1RPf1RATt(1� (hereln"Borrowdr",whather ona or more)and the trust herein created, .
<br /> the receipt o1 which is haret�y acknowlad�ed,Truator hereby Irrevocably prants,trans�ers, conveys and assiyns to YrwMs,IN
<br /> TRllST,WIl'H POWER OF SALE,fot tha benetitAnd security o!Lender,under and subject to the t9rms and condiUons F�e�elrt:,�arsot
<br /> }orth,ttw real p�cpetKY,de9cribad as tollow�:
<br /> LUTS 1WENTY THREfi (23), TWE:ITY FOUR (24) s AND TWENTY FIVE (25), WI�LDt�:00D
<br /> Topether with e�ll buildin�s,improvemente,fixtures,streets,atleas,passafleways,easemer�cs,�!�t�.P�vi�e�es and aPP��'
<br /> na�ces located U»reon or In anywlse pettaininfl tliecet�,and the rents,issues and profits,reversians and remainders theveof.and
<br /> such ps�ont!property tiut ia attached to the Imprc���nents so as to co�sGtute a flxture,inctudin fl,but no!l;mited w,heaxnD and
<br /> coolirp oqutpmenk and topati�er with tha homwtoad or marital Interesta.if any,which Interests ue hereby re�ased and walwd;all
<br /> p�wh{Ch,1nCludinp rep{acements and sddition9 thereto,is horeby decWred to be a pa►t o1 the real estat�sect::ed bY th�Uen Of fhb
<br /> DNd ot TrWt and�II oi tl�T�pOltlp bMn�referreu io nerein ns ii�n"�:a,j+o�.r . .
<br /> This Daed olTcust shatl aecure(a)the paymartt oi the pdncipal sum and interest evidenced bY a prcrr.lssory nota or credit
<br /> �preement dated l--� �-9� ,haviny a msturit�.�te ot .f�-/- `�'� ,
<br /> in Me priginsf principaC amount of S 40,,r'�, �f�-�Q - anc3 any and all modifications.exU�ns3ons and ce�awals
<br /> ttwTeof cx lhaseto ar+��as+y and all A:4tt�2 ad►ances eshi rea'=►3ncea'k'� 6orrower(or any of Niem ii more tfta�One)fsc�'eur�er
<br /> purst�ni W a�ti Of rncYe�+OmlasOry t1o�eL�G:e�.�t 8�reemenb(tf8rain Called"t�fo;e"Y(b)the�y-nant ol other sums advac�ced by
<br /> L�r�der to protectthe ae�udty of the Note;(c)ihe per�rmance of all covenan�ar�ayreements d T�uaW r set torth t�arein;snd(d)all
<br /> pteaent snd tuwre indobUdnes.s and ob!igaUo�s c:C rrower(or any of 4he.'n�R�nDre than one)to Londet whethe►dirsct.fndinct, .
<br /> �bsolute or conUngent and whether arisin�by note,�uaranty,overdratt or oi�rwlse.The Note,this Deed of Truat and any tnd atl
<br /> uthe�docuei►ts that socureths Note or otherwise executed In connectlon therewith,inciudlr►s v��tiaut IimttaUon p�arantaes.eecuriry
<br /> �pr�ements and rssiqnments oi leases and rents,shall be relerrad to herein as she"Loan Ins.:umants".
<br /> Truata cav�nants and s�rees w'.th Lender as fotbws:
<br /> 1. Payaantol ind�badMC�.IUI indebtedneas secur�d heroby shatl be paid when dua.
<br /> 2. TW�.Trustor Is the owner o4 the Properey.E^.as the riyht and authority to convey the Property,on`.x�a��anb that tAe Ilen
<br /> oreated hKeby I�a flrst and prior{len on the Frcy�arty,except fa Ians and encumbrances aet forth by?'�r�or in wriUnp ond
<br /> dei�wre�io Le��bston wacutlon af this Deed of Trust,and the exeCUtion and delivary ot this Deed of TruSi�c�es not viclate at�y
<br /> �pntra�,�c cr other W�I{patlon to wh�h Frustor Is subject ,
<br /> 3. ?axM.Au�nNnls.To pay before delinauency all taxes.cpecial assessments and all othe�charpes asainst ttu�R�erh►
<br /> now or nereaRer levied. • ,
<br /> 4. tn�uanc�.TokeepthePropertyinsurect:�a.�.nstdamayebyfire,hazardsincludedwithtntheterm"Qxfe�xtedcovera�a".and
<br /> wch pther hazards�.q L,ender may require,in zmac�nts and with companies ecceptabb to Lender,mmir�Len�er as an additional
<br /> named insured,with losa payabie to the Ler,cter.Gn case of toss under such policies,the Lendsr is autFwrized to adjusR cQ��and
<br /> cortu�romise,all ciaima thereunder and sJ�c-a',�R�we ihe option otappty(ng all or part of the insurttnce proceeds(i}to any ind�l+idnesa
<br /> seCUred hereby ond In such order as�er�er r�.�f datermine,(ii)to the Trustor to be used for tha repair or restoratlort of the Rroperry
<br /> or(ii�tor any olf�er purpae w obJect satistactary tc Lender without attectinp the lien of thu Doed of Trust for the full3mow�soc+ued
<br />- hereby bbfor8 suct�pa�c'�!�rver toolc place.R,r�y eppNCation of proaed�to indebtednisa shW noi exiend uc pastpOne tlte due
<br /> da�e pt any paymee�b undar the Piote,or cure sn�de�auK it�areu�s cr h�cu.�.:••
<br /> 5. Escrow.Upon writtBn dart�nd by Lender,Trusio►shall pay to Lender,in such rt�n�aer as Lender may desi9naSe,sufficlent
<br /> �umf to anaWe lendsr to pay as theY become due one or more ot tho toltowiny:p)all taxe�,assessmsnts and other charqes�nst
<br /> fhs Property, (ii)the promiums on the property inaurance required hereunder,and(iii)the premiums on any mortp�pe insur�nce
<br /> rpulnd by Lender.
<br /> g, �sN�e�,R�tn�nd Canplt�nc�wRh Lfws.Trustor ahall keep the Proparty in yood condition and repair, shsll
<br /> promptly rpalr,or rept�ce any improvsment whlch rr�y be dama9sd or daaVOyed:sha�� not commit or permit any wasto or
<br /> Qef�erloaUon of the PropKty;shaU�ot remove,demolish or wbstanti�liy ait�r any ot the improveme�ts on ttw PropeRy;shall not
<br /> commi�wfler or permlt�ny act to be done in or upon ttw PropeRy in vblatlon of any law,ordinance,w re�ul�tion;and shall p�y and
<br /> Pr�PtiN di�CFwpe�t Trustor's Catt and sxpsnsa all lisns.enCUmbtina�s and charpes laviad.imAoaed w auesssd a�inst the
<br /> P�ope�ty a a�y pa ct therwf-
<br /> 7. Ee�ie�nf po��ie�.Lu�dt►is hereby attiyned att compensation,award&damap0s and W�ar WYme�ts a reliaf(herelruiRer
<br /> 'p�pcMds•1 in tonnection with condemnadon or other takir►p ot tM Property w paA thereol.or br convayance in Ueu af condemna-
<br /> yon,�ondsr sf�ll be enL'Uad at ib option t�commence.spp�ar in and p�osecut�in its own nuno tny actlon or prxesdinps,and
<br /> ��p bs e�yyed to m4ice any epmprpmLte or tNU�ment in connection with sueh taklnp or damsGa,In th��v�r►t�nY P��OI
<br />— �c sa�w.�rw+ww...o..�•a+aM
<br />— o fww.r..rawrc...wnr.w.ws«rwA•.ocW�a.Vroa+e.N.e.a.r.
<br />