<br />,aaTlcE a~ caNTa.~i~ ai° sALs
<br />P3otice is hereby given tzat Aa~_miond w. l•Iernke and Sv:irley
<br />?°dernke, Husband and ~dife, have sold and ;Firgil E. 23errey and Linda
<br />t~f. E3erney, z~~:sband and c~rife, as oint tenants have p'.:rchased the fello;a-
<br />ing descri'ned real property;
<br />LOT 2vINE (~?) Bi;.1CK ':HI2EE (3) I•aaRi~1ANDY ESTA'_`ES
<br />vRAP?I1 ISLFk~'2), HALL COUNTY, ~1ESc~ASir,A.
<br />pursuant to the terns o~ a contract provided for installment pa~rments,.
<br />~ the last pa,:~^ent ,eir:c :,1°.,e and payable December lst, 19$d.
<br />IId i•?s^id£SS i~tt-1£REOF, the parties have s igned this ?totice
<br />this 34th day o~Noveriber, 1979.
<br />~+a-,,.~;~~h~ (i~ ~'~r1 'i'srs7 /--_..^. ~ rl' ~_"~"I `"~<S'~i[/I-T•
<br />Ra . cHm n@ ~7.-t«Iernce d1 q_il r,. ger«ey, Jr _~'
<br />;- ~ ~ '~
<br />~. sill kr _ '~~'~-~ r:..%T-L:_... ~-~ 7~-~=~..• ~`! i~ .~..~'/l~t~.~p6
<br />S'.zirle_y ~ ~ernke Linda tR. Berney
<br />i,
<br />STAT£ CF dL/rviSKA ``i
<br />1 S$.
<br />COU^I'I'Y ai< i-iALL
<br />iota on this 34th day of November, 1979, personally appeared
<br />before me, a Notary Public in and for said county, Ramond W. t~ernke
<br />and Shirley ?lernke, husband and arife, to me personally known to be the
<br />identical persons wino signed the foregoing Notice o~ Contract of-Salmi,
<br />-and they aci.nowledaed the execution thereof to be their voluntary act
<br />ad deed nor the purposes therein set forth.
<br />y.zi,
<br />. .=ness ~:iy i«and and seal on the da~r and ~re~._first a7aova
<br />;' ~..' ~ ~ ° ~- tee '•~ - - - - -_
<br />- ~ ~.
<br />f 1
<br />'. ~: ~ - ~Mf Onls. BJp. fl01. 24, iQ81 Notary F'un1 C ,i -
<br />~; - { ~ tdy COmm1.5SlOn eY.plr°S : ~-,'-r~~~7~-,~.-f-i~-F j^ / j
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<br /> Now an this 34t~: day of Novemoer, 179, personally appeRx•ed
<br /> before :~, a Notary public ;,, and for said county, Virgil E.. I3erney, ,;~.
<br /> and L.iz«da M. :3erney, husband arzd wife, to me personally know:i to be the
<br />- id~s^tcal persons who signed t::e
<br />`` :foregoing tFOtiee of ~ont_~act of 5s1e,
<br /> and''
<br />°~hki~y ~ckr«~ktdq~d tine executi
<br />' on thereof to be their vo?urttary act
<br /> z~nd
<br />`deed the prposes therein set Earth.
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