.;,r ~ 2Z1-A~"C:F?.IC".~. LIED' fRevise6)' _.c,; ',r_. __- _ ..- '`'-°. 27~e Hufxn:~n fl<nera3 Sinpl. Housq L.ocoia~ ticbr. k c~.. _
<br />~ acct clI ~ *~„ ~ . ~`
<br />a:,naed #~" ._........_ ................_No.V~mkrEY'-2Q~......_....._.......rs 19...
<br />C~ecarr:-Tnct~rporated' -------- •-•---•--------•----•----. 'Against:..--Eldon--Kiuthe--ard-Doris Kyuthe
<br />;.4ddress.._2909--E._79th-St..,-_C7eve7and.,_Ohio--- -cjo Baasc_h_ & Sons Weidinq,, 2(}4 S..Hiyh,._
<br />44104 ~a i ro , N~ ~ ~88~4--• -- - ........
<br />ry...7_.9... Dr. Cr.
<br />Ajfiant=, .Gran-g--M..Mil.1.~r...---fir.edit..Man~9~.r.,---G3.eon---I.nsorRor.;~~et~._----------------------------•-••----•--•---., veins first
<br />dudy sxeorn, on his oath says that the foregoing itemi»ed areount of ¢e•ork, labor, skitl-._..._._ .....................................:..._......
<br />materials, and improvements is true and correct: that same xoere done and performed and furnished by ehe undersigned
<br />for the sa:d..._..E1dnn...K.luthe.:and..Doris..Klutha_ ...............------------------ ...................................__.--------------•----....-------
<br />--
<br />eender as ....-----.Qd`5~ ~..---- •°•--•--- ------------------------ contract....---_......°-------------°----- --- .._.._..........-°-- ...- -- --------..................°.-.........
<br />for the'_--....---..~~Ut'13.~.5------------•-----------------------------------------Qf a .....St~Q.l._.~uil.dng...__......... ----•
<br />on the fallau~ing lot, piece or parcel of land, xris:'.-.-_t,4~$-_T~n_(,],Q~.x...~l~v~n---G~.=and-_Twelve..~12j_-. .....
<br />.in..~l.ark_f aye._GS.I-.., T.own..af.._Caixfl....Ha11...jaunty.,..Nehr-aska ..................._..-•-......._.......------.--------------------------
<br />Tha# at tr5e ti~:+? said canlre~t xf~ made and labor and materials furnished acrd delivered th~r-render ........................
<br />-° -
<br />.....%1l~uti..Kl.Utlte...and..iris..Kluthe ..................._......................----------.--.............~e~ar the oxeater5of said premises°
<br />_Master .Bi 1 t_Co.-_was_the. contractor--or- the ,prerni see.. and,.was_- acti ny-.for, the,. owners., .,. .
<br />That the date of the just item furnished and delivered xs~as..........All~~?St--~ba,.._1979._.,_,,,--, _, ..,.,, and the
<br />date of ehe fast item uare.........~U9.US:~..lfz,_.1~~9 ................._---.........._.-.-..... _.............._.__..............--•-
<br />.~~lant further states that said labor xnas performed on, and nurterwds u~erc furnished for, delivered at, and used in
<br />said building or premises on and betureen the datrs sprcijicd.
<br />Tltat the prices charged therefor are fair and reasanable, acrd that elrcre is note deer on said accaernt the sum of
<br />.F3.x~...TkLastsand...Fzve..Hundred...Eort~r-one..and..1.~.7-J.Q4--_---.----------.--.---.--.---.-~ottars, char said
<br />.Gt:ecan...Incornorated ...................................................................................._....,....,..............,,.,.,..------.........---------.......,......:....
<br />.:.......,:......,:...::.....:...........:....,.......: :.....................................................claims alien on the said prr+miscs far the fill amount of
<br />said account, to-wit; Tha snug of $..-.,5..,.r~.41,..1.~ .....................................tagether zctith iuteri=st thereon at tha legal rate,
<br />Pram the:_ ~~t~.::..:;.....day of ,,.,:AU~IUSir ,,.....::.- ..:------ ..............~.-°-- -- ---.._.---, rq.._~~..., and f uxtleer -want says not.
<br />..:.Crai.~.:M Mi11~r.,,..Cr~dit_Manager ........................
<br />.,,~,f,,,f .:..Cl con Ir~corpora~gd ............... ......................
<br />~ ~ n i~ ~ ~ s .............................. .
<br /><_ ., , ,,
<br />r,. '`~~j"',,. L„ SubsCrtbod., sn nay: presence.and sworn to before me then....,....:'~..~;.:::
<br />,. ,~ .. -
<br />..
<br />,,. : • C •. dd}~ of ---..~-t .~-~:F`~~.~........ ._...... ~- ----~ rg.
<br />r ~.
<br />~. . mat `4'r._A.-.rte...rr:.l
<br />(Se~~~veYSn;sttteFo~ruttions} Vahn•y Public. --
<br />~~H lj. 'atJ[.OMOFi
<br />_.- _. , _- ~ ;:_,Mo6u7_taMlpfatCuY+F~7t+Gruptz.Q. r:_,.
<br />State of.._._..OHi© .......................
<br />---
<br />ss.
<br />...CIJYAHQGA.---•----•------------ C'aunte
<br />