' 1.1J F-~-a~-41~Pt~~rE ~Oftf'~~d~..~~ ~O~,~A G~~Z'X ~.i<kt#.. _ _ -
<br />/"t^~«r ~,,1~syy~I~(.~"((7 j~AfY X Amt ~q ~r
<br />]i~-asai R~R7~ ~l~'; E~ ~p ~~t~~ ~~t~Ltt~~., Thal, Whams, In an adbn In U¢ lYisfri:l G'ou:l of Uk
<br />.E L;~V~''f, 7',~'T'I .-..._.Judt`,eia1 DuGict of the Stote of 3Vebraaka. within and fpr Uer. Cowity of... FALL - ---. wherein ` -:
<br />First Federal Savings.and Loan.Association_of-Lincoln,.AUnited States Corpor~t~~
<br />- -- and
<br />Bo~_ ~,awver_and~~S~l_via A ~.awver~husband and wifea~vco Financial Services,anc~f~ndanl_-
<br />~o ~ e aria ~ iloe,~h3s rvafe~ zeal and`-true`aaiaes .zr7uiawn, '~
<br />at ~..Eall_-----.--_...-..--------...._Tum, A. D- i9~--• of said soar!,.Eirst.-F-'ederal--~ay.~'n~s..and _I.oan..~snciatioa
<br />of Lincoln A United States Cor ration
<br />~'.d, oa+gi ~` a +~e~rv s d"`~f~`~` go ~_~oe'.~Lr - ey~~, s w °T?~-er _ aad_gife~_.
<br />b,'~'€rs$ ~r 5avi~g~ _~n~Loanssocia~osQflc_o"In,. _k~~zli~~€~15~~~~r~i6~a'o'"a
<br />gf~Qr~X=~-tzcu'-.Thst>~s~zl~d.-lure.~_-:it~nd~d..~ig~Ly.-~iix...ral~d..5?..~9Q0_($?t!±,~-,~2~.....__ ._ -_-_~ouara, ;,
<br />j ~ '- and carts of suit laud a[ ....... ......°'.... -_ .- .---..ieJ[s `,.lG .__---..... -..- ..------,.......-.-....---dollars. and, mlureas, it was Uun and U+en
<br />iLad''$4f`c#~tea~~ 9~fY"'t~l~'ve ~~l/an~'a"'.fr'~S°~s~nrioes fOt n "~~" ~Po RQg .. D-..Lawvek_.d Syy~,via A
<br />~1°~ ~ a7i~ ~IIoe, s"wi e,
<br />real_and -,true. names unlrnawa - - . _ - _ _~ _..C~-Sarl~gs F. Fairbanks'-----.--- ..___---.,-__
<br />~ - Sherif(af said Coan[y of .. . ~~ ----..-... _.. _ _ ......._ ... .. .. _._.. should cause Uu lands and tenemen/s herebmfler described to be
<br />~ ',- oidveHised and sohi according to law to pay the same. and. tuhercas, default laming ban made ffiercin, the said ........ .... ....._._.... ...._-.
<br />' Charles F Fairbanks
<br />iI - ..._ ----'.'---'------.----- - ---.--.-----------.--.-.------.--.--.'._-----.-.-----, Sherilj of said Canty, under and by virtue of the said decree and - -
<br />' Uie order of mle fa hin: duly directed, did on U+e..... 19th... ...-...day of... h OVef6ber 7 -
<br />~ ~, ...-........ .... ............. ......._......... , ...A. D. 19.._9.
<br />aE /hr...LoWer Lobby.... of the County Court House in the.. _... ..Clt1' ...... .. . ....._of - GTa11d Tsl£cAd_------....------..._...
<br />in said County oJ.. -.-.. Hall ... -..-.__., haoing fvsf gicen due and legs! no(ice of /he l ime and place of xnid sale
<br />for more than lbvly days prior thereto in the. Grand Island Dally - In3ependent __ a newspaper printed yid in general '
<br />~.'.. einulnlion in said County of _----.---'tali_----_.------_-_--_------__-_- ..--.. sell said premises al public auction laFlrat Federal
<br />;Savings and Loan Association of Lincoln, A United f Fort -faur_Thousand Three---Ftundred `
<br />-.
<br />. ... -.---.. or the sumo .-<-- ..~ .... ... ._._ . _.._ . _. _.
<br />Sta't~~-C"t~ibNa'G1a ..~_.._
<br />~a3ht.~-sY]e ^-nd .~~100.. , ~~lFl4l~- ~2Z---- -dollars. which sak was afterwyd at the - _t'' - 11- - Tam of sold court,
<br />' ~ A. D., i9..2~, eramined and confirmed and the said-...G~~:~.e$.--~'-F8},7Cb&21~i&-....__ ............._.._..........--------as such S)uriff, ordered
<br />to ronney Uie said premises in fa simple to Uu m - 3.~.'s~. ~ C &~.-.. aY7.l?g6 .aF1/~ .j,Ql~i...~¢soe-}~.t_},on_ of I,iIICOIn,, A -.
<br />~ni-led ~~~es C~{rFOration.
<br />~o1U ~t}erefore, r, Uu said----------,------~ct,~rzQ~----.--F.~1rb~Alf~S._--.----------------------_..... Sheriff of Uie (:aunty of
<br />~~ xall
<br />__._.'_°-..._ .............`."'.-_--.-..".'___as aforesaid, in consideration of Uu pnmtaes and by vvhu of Uu powers nested in me by fats and Ute
<br />~; decra of mid roar!. do hereby Cioe, cram and Convey la the coat.~~EIt~'itc..~£.d.Cr.~,_~S.LiY.III-..~5~..~xQf~i3..:~tiSS4!4.1.~~~9A._o~ ;~.
<br />Lineolnz A_ United States Corporation---...----- ---.heirs and assigns, the premises m as aforemid sold, [o wit ~..: ~.,~. -
<br />Lot Three {3?.,._dY the Subdivision of_Lot Nine (4)i Windolgh's Subdivision of part_of
<br />t~Ze 2~~rttrast-. ~u~.r=ter ~f `h~ *+oryh~est-.quarter .(NE1f'~Pd;#1f4)...and the i.crtti~ast ~u~:rter
<br />of_the horLheast._Quarter_(N~11j4NE1f4),of,_Seetion 14t Towrship 11 North1 Range. t~est_of
<br />.....
<br />the _6th...P. M.. , exceoting therefrom. the-East--Ten (E10) feet thereof, hall County,__,. --
<br />Nebpaska. ---- ~IEB[iA'aiSA.UA±I~NTIERY---- --_
<br />' ...
<br />S;r~~#P ~r~JC
<br />~--
<br />P~ N01f 3 0 f33~
<br />_, „ ~
<br />- si4~. .....................................° -........._....._----...-._----._......._...-...-..............._.....-._.............................-...----_._..._. _. p nanora.
<br />i, ~o babe anb t0 ~oID tide ~-dme unto ate saiF.1T.~~...~`4'.a.CT#~.-_S.~.x7.~18s.. AX1d--.LQ.51~3.. Fti$sS?S~.lkti~on
<br />Of Liric~aln, A U>?xted States CCTporatlon ._.._.____.-..-.....heir: and assigns, and fa !ham and their tae and belwaf Jureav.
<br />.~ ~n Z~e~timonp ~fjereof, I have, as aaeh Sheriff. hamudo art my hand this.....-....._........-_G~th .............. ... ~, ~
<br />a, ~ _
<br />Nf?vember ...... ...... ...... . .._ .... __.n. D., 1979.. -
<br />..» ... .. .......... _._.. ... s2''."'".... v~"........
<br />...---
<br />j ,~~. '~ Encukd and drfiaxd in the prexnvs of Hall -...
<br />Sherjfj-oJ._._.__..__............».....»....-_....._C.'oydy,lYebroska. '.
<br />;~ STATE OF 1VEBRAShA, aa. k~ )y~, r,,
<br />,- On Ihis_ _.. _ ~ Y :.~........-day 4J••--".`.o~-'-`-!~s~ ~"
<br />' - 19.~.( l., 6efar+e me, fha underai8+~~_ - - °- -- _... .- .-_..,.-.
<br />- REIIERRI NRTRRY - Ststs oI Ne§iasks in and for said county. personally appeared the mid.--------..._.---_...-.-.........--° ................_..__._.. ,.~
<br />~ H4WARR 6.4Ct)iN, JR. Charles- F Fairbanks Shea
<br />~ ~ to me rao - - - .fT Of mat County.
<br />MY Exp. Mny 18. I950
<br />pe nal(v known to be flu identical prrmn who signed Uu foregoing instrument as granlty, and
<br />_i~: tte acknomkdged ttu-same to be hu voluntary act and dced. as such aheri,Q; for the uses and purposes
<br />` ~ BRUL theninaetforUt:
<br />'.~~I. - - i~~htEiFil~ my-haiut and ial seal the day and year above wriUen.
<br />f. ~l
<br />t ,
<br />' -~-.-~5~.~
<br />.~ .. ~ _._._ . ~ y--' ---- ---- ------
<br />I.Nilq 4 !J„ ,.. ... ....,. ... __
<br />