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<br /> 8. AONqnor hsnby cov�nts and wamnts b fh� Af�ipnN that (�)A�pn�
<br /> h�f not ox�cut�d �ny prlor �—'-
<br /> aqsipnm�nt at ths Lau�a ol Ib ripht dtle�nd intMed th�r�ln or the renuls to accru�fh�rwnd�r;(b)A�p�a hu^01
<br /> p�rformed�np act a��x�cut�d�ny Instrum�nt wh�h mipht pnwnt th�As�ipne�from opKatlnO urwer any ot tFi�t�rms�nd --,.�:,�'f^
<br /> condfdon�ha�a1.ar whiah would limff 1hA IWIOnN in wah op�ndan�(a)N�Ipnor h�s not acapl� �s�i��a��ow F ' " . .
<br /> •. • eny p�riad subepu ent to th�cun�nt perlod lor whlch rent has�Irady b�come due�nd p�y�bk�( l „
<br /> � extsNnp undar 1hs LNN�snd p)As�Iprwr ha�not�x�cutrd or qvant�d�ny modNicallon or am�ndm�nt whatev�ot th�Leas� � - '.,�-
<br /> - Ntha orallY or u�wridnp wccoW as=et forth in 3chsduls Q�nd fhat tlw L�Is In full fotq u�d NfeaL �=_ _ , s--F _
<br /> "�:. --
<br /> .';:�"; •��-—
<br /> ts ' �:,-:;�?°_--:
<br /> 1. Aasip��eherebypranttpannf�elontoAasipnortocollectupon,butnotpriortoaccrusl,allrents,issues, r r:.. �.:�lY.
<br /> andprafftalraml�esaldPremiaesandtoreteln.enduaeenyenJoytheeeme,butreservesthe�iphtrorevokeeuchpermssfon ;�--�;� _,-�,,,�,�
<br /> at any time.w i t h�r w i t hou t ca w s,by noUce in wridnp W Aasipnor by t�rtifled meil sent W the address hereinaiter prescrlbed tor ' . �;L"�:'-.—
<br /> sendfnp naUaes.ln anyeve�1t,auch permisaion t A s s ipnor ahell be automaUcelly revoked upon dsfault,by AaslOnor in the .-- .vr�-�����-
<br /> s. -.,o,.—-_
<br /> paymentofanYaflh�Obligalfonsaecuredherebyorintheperfamanceofanyobligatlon,covenant,a��eementherein,ineaid .:�:.���� :. ^,�
<br /> mortpaga o�deed ot truat,in the Lesse or in any of the Oblipatlons secured hereby,or in any secu�fnp docur�ent given In �•�"� ,; ;.w��
<br /> connecdan lharewith,(aH of which wfll be�ele►red to hereln aa"DelaulY').In the event thet the/1a�ipnee ahould revoke such ,r,.'
<br /> permisslono►afierNfexcuRenceofaDefeu�,theAssipnee,rnayatNsoption,afternotl�catlontoAasignor,bycertl8edmeil.to � ',.;._•.�'�=�-
<br /> tba eddross hsrufnatter prescribed for aending notic�,direct any or aU of the tenanta of the P�emlaes b pay to Assi�nee,its � - �=
<br /> egents or its atlomeys,such rent�, isaur�s.proflts, revenues,deposits. �hb end benefits as may now be due or ahall :���=_
<br /> herelneRer beaomadue,end Assf�nee may collectthe eame•Thealfldavit or written afatementof en oflfcer,eqenR or attomey
<br /> o}qssignee atatinA thatfhere hea baen a Delaultahall conslftuteconcluaive evidenceihereof,and any tenentto othe�persona .� _��
<br /> is authodxed�nd dirwcted to tely thereon.The Assf�nor tu�ther a�rees,that in tha event thepermisaion to use and retain the �.:.u;��
<br /> , ' ra�ta,i�aome,iasusa.depoeim end proflts,shouldbe terminated or upon the xcurance ota D�fauN.to immadletely turn over - ;., -
<br /> ; to Assfgnee.etthedme and in the manner requested byAssi�nee.au secu�iy deposits orothar monies depoafted by l.essees . ,�y�.�
<br /> of the Premiaeo in accondance with the provlaiona of the lsases. -
<br /> ;�.w:.
<br /> � 2. Natwithefendinp the p�ovisions of pa►ag�aph 1 hereinabove,upon or at any tlme aRer a Default,as derined , .�� �
<br /> � hereinabove,tha Assfgnee,atlta opdon,may decla►e all ObligaUons secured hereby immediately due and payabte,and may,at �
<br /> ite option,withaut noUce.and N any such Obligalions be secured by deed of trust irrespective of whether a decleration of � � �
<br /> , defeult unde►eald daed of hust has been dellvered to Trustee thereunde�,exercise efl rights end remedies contained in said ; �'_ �
<br /> � mo�ape or deed ot truet and w(thout regard fo�the adequacy of security tor the Obligatlons hereby secured,eithar fn peraon � ,�;�� ��
<br /> � or by apent with or without brinpfng any acNon or p�oceeding,or by a receiver to be appointed by e court,enter upon,take
<br /> p� n of,menaos nnd operete said Premiaea or a�y paR therecf,make,anforce,modly,end ecxept the aurrender ot F `"t°`.�s�
<br /> : L��a�se�obtaln and svicttenants,fix or modity renta.and do any actawitivi►9�`�v Assigtte8 d8sms propss'!c psoleclths s�cu�lly ,�.
<br /> • hereot.end eNharwith or without taking possession of the Premisea,in fls own name,sue foror otherwlse collectend►eceive �;.
<br /> allrente,iasue8endproNta,includingthosepastdueandunpaid,enyapplythesame,lesscoslandexpensesofoperaUonand � ��.
<br /> colleation,inoludinp.but�ot Iimited to,payments for wages and peyroll taxes,compensation of managing agent and other l'
<br /> management costs and expenses,�eal estete taxea and assessmente,water,sewer,and a�miler charges,inaurance and S•
<br /> ' � wro�Ce�'scomponsedon premiums,g�ound renb,cuetomary real estete commission,and reaeonable ariomey'sfees and couh ; '.�
<br /> `� costa,upon on��Obligetlons secured hereby,and in such orderas the Aasignee may determine.The entering upon and taking •,
<br /> � possesslun of the Premises,the collectlon oi such rents,Iasues and profits and the apalicatlan thereof as eforeseid,shall not ;•',
<br /> cure or weive enydefault or weive,modly,oraHect notice of default under said mo�tgage or deed ot trust or invalidete any ect Y '.
<br /> � done pu�sueni to such nno na ement or h atbn and mein�nemcel ex�ceptinq the Iiebiliy of iAssignee tgo account for emoun� .
<br /> outof suah calfecdon, g pe► -
<br /> � collected a�d expended by it '..;'"
<br /> � 3. The Assignee shall not be obligated to peAorm or discharge,nor does it hereby underlake tope�form or
<br /> ' d�scharge,an��ob�lgallon,duty or Nebility under the Lease,or under or by reason oi thfs Assignment Asslgnor shall and does
<br /> � horebYaarcietoindemnitytheAssigneeagefnstandhotditha►mtessfromanyandall8ability,lossordamagewhichitmayor
<br /> � miqht incur under the Lease or under or by reason of this Assignment and of and irom any and all claims and demand .
<br /> whetsoever which may be esserted against It by reason of any alleged obligetfon or undertaking on ttspahto peAorm or in the
<br /> � discharpa of eny of the terms,covenants,or agreements contelned in tl�e Lease;should the Assi�nee incur any such Ifabfltry,
<br /> loss or demape under the Lease or under or by reason of this Assfgnment,or in the defense againat any auch claims or
<br /> demande,tha amount ihereof,including costs,expenses end reasonabte attorney's fees,together with inte�est thereon et the
<br /> highest tata set forth M eny ot the ObHgetions secured hereby,shall be secured hereby and by the said moAgage or deed of
<br /> truat,end Aasignor ahell relmbursethe Assignee therefor Immedfately upan demand,and upon thefailure of Assignorsoto do
<br /> '�r
<br /> the Nssiqnee may decla�e all ObHgatlons secured hereby immediately due end peyable.
<br /> � 1. Untll the Oblfgations secured hereby shall have been paid in full,Assignor covenantsand agrees to keep leased
<br /> at a yood and sutflcient�ental the Premises and upon demand to transfe�and assign to the Assignee any and all aubsequent
<br /> a Leases upon all or eny paR o1 such Premises upon the same or substantially the same terms and cond�ions as ere herefn
<br /> i , contained,and to make,execute,and deliver to the Assignee,upon demand,any and all instruments that may be necessery or
<br /> desirable therefor,but the te►ms and provlaions of this Assignment shall apply to any such subsequent Leaee or Leases
<br /> Whether Or nOt 80 aSeiQned end tr8n9terred.
<br /> 2. Assignor shall,upon request of Assignee,turrnsh it a complete list as ot the date of the request ot all Leases and
<br /> other tenenclss of the Premises m such reasonable detail as may be requested by Assignee.FuRher,if requested,Assi�nor
<br /> shell deliver to Assignee executed or certft�sd copies ot all Leases and other wntten agreements,correspondence,and
<br /> , memoranda between Assignor and Lessees and other tenantssetting forth the contractual arrangements between them.Such
<br /> � requests mey be made at any reasonable tlme.
<br /> 3. The tailure to list any specific Leases under Schedule B hereto,shall not fnvalidate or atfect in e�y manner,the
<br /> generel assiqnment o1 rents and leases provided for herein.
<br /> 4. Upon the payment in tull ot all Obligations secured hereby, as evidenced by the recording or filing ot an
<br /> � instrument ot satlsfaCtfon or full release of said mortgage or deed o1 trus�unless there shall have been recorded another
<br /> mortflage or deed of trust In favor of the Assigneecovenng the whole or any part of the leased P�emises,this Assignment shall
<br /> ' become null and vofd and ot no eBect
<br /> ., i
<br /> � ccero �•� a�
<br /> �
<br /> . �l i _ _ (
<br />