<br />Mt~Li~:Aa.;n±
<br />MaltTC;AGt: LfiiAN Na. - L 2w,64i ---
<br />Ia~towAl.L!~eNBVZttFS~pxFSF:1~-rs:rhat Frank E. Kolar, a singie person
<br />Mortgtgor, rvhethu one a more, is rnosidentton of the ~ of
<br />forty-three Thousand ~ Hundred and No/700----------------------------------
<br />-- ---- oclL.ulls
<br />toarrd to said trrtrigagar by T?~ Equitable Building and loan Association of Gana Islatrd, x=brz~ta, °dortgagte. sport ~ 3~3 rd>ares of stock of
<br />saw ASSOCIATION, Carfifigie No. 1. 23,647 , do hereby gnat, convey and rrsortgage uafo the aid ASSOCIATION six following
<br />tlescrtbed real estate, situated in ILall County, Nebradta:
<br />togzther with all [he LznzrrrenL, hrreditattxmts acrd appurtenantxs thereunto belonging, in.-tuding attached floor coverings, aD window screevs,
<br />window sLrades, blinds, sierra windrr~s, awnings, heating, air cnnttitianirtg,and pt~mbing and waterequipmeniaeal accessories tlcercto,pumps,stoaes,
<br />rofrigen#ors, and other fixiwes and equipmrnt now or hereafter attached to or rued !n wnnec#ion with said real estate.
<br />And whereaz the said rrprtgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor snail and wiB pay all taxes and ants kvied ar
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the band secured thereby before the same shall become delinquent; to Cornish apprs>veti
<br />insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in thr sum of 5 43,6OD. DD payabic to said ASSLICIATIaN and to deliver to saw
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and net to commit or permit any waste an or about seta premises;
<br />In case of default in tht perforatance of any of the terra and conditions of this mvrrgage oc the bored secured hereby, the mortgagee she'd,
<br />on detttand, be eniiUed io immediate possession of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the
<br />mortgag« a9 the rents, revenues and incortte to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as [he mortgage indebtetlrtest shall remain
<br />unpaid; and the tnortgag« shall have Use power to appoint any ageitt or agents it may desire for the purpose of repatrirtg said premises sad reatirtg
<br />the ssttte and colkciirrg the rents, revenues and irux>rtte, and it may pay out -of said income all expenses of repairing said premises and mazy
<br />camrnitsions and expenses in~trred in renting and ataraging the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance rcinainieeg, if any, tts be
<br />npp{ied tnwxrd [lee discharge of said rtxrrigage inde$tedrress; these rights oC the mortgagee may be exerdsed at any tux dutirtg tlx existence ~ at~le
<br />defaak, irrespedirm of arty temporary waiver of the saerc.
<br />These Presents, however, are upon the Comli[ton, That if the said Mortgagor shall czpay said iosrt on or befrne tIx rnattrrity of said stares by
<br />pagrr>em; pay montbiy to said ASSOCIATION of Utz sum spet:ified in the Bisrtd secured hereby az interest and ptincipai tm seed loan, on or before
<br />Les' Twertt~th tsy a f satb and e+~ry rt>wr,th ~ •W,til sa:a ;t~.a is frrlly paid: pay alt raze, d,d assessments levied against said premises and rtn :lvs Mortgage
<br />agd the Lt<?ttd ser;t~red thzrzby, txfare def~rrensy; fatni~t apprev=d snsurartcz;.rottrt the 2st:gdines tl~rroa in the stem of S !i~ : VDU. C}U ~3~
<br />to saw ASSOCIATION; repay io said ASSOCIATIaN upon demand alt money by it paid for such taxes, assessments and insurance with interest at
<br />the m~:mum hit rate t`~re~n Crom date of payrtxrti all of wlticlt Mortgagor i~reby agrces to poe;perrnii~ wastaon :id ~et:;~ees;k~p a~ rxt;~Iy
<br />with ail the agreements and condit~ns of the Bond-far $ ~~ _ ~(~D D(~h>S daY given by ttte said Atartgrigor to said ASSOCIA1TaN, and exitapiy
<br />with alt the requirertxnis of the Conalitu#ion and BY-laws of said ASSsOCIATION: then these presents shag become retell and vrtid, otltetwiae they
<br />shall rcenain in full force and trey be foreclosed at the option of the said ASSOCiAT[ON after failure for ihr« rrtonilu to make any oC said
<br />paytmnts or be three months in arrears in making said monthly payments, or to ktzp and comply with the agr«rxnis and wnditions of said Sond;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed Cor[hwith in sueh foreclosure preceedmgs.
<br />If then is any iduttge in ownerst»p oC [he real estate mortgaged herein, by sak or ot~twise, thin the entire remaiteittg i~biedness tateby
<br />secured shag, at the option of The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Islaod,Nebrasica,becoate itetoxdiately doe and payable without
<br />fu#ther notice, and the amount mmaining dtte under said bond, and any other bond for any addetiotsat advances made tlteteuntkr, shall, fmm the
<br />dart oC exercae of said eptian, bear interest at the tttaximwn Ieggi ate, and this rnorigage may there be forcdosetl to satisfy the amount due tat acid
<br />bond, and any ether bond for additional advances, #ogcttxr with aB stetos paid by said Tex Equitable BttOdiog attd I.rrnte Associatioa of C,raad Leland,
<br />Nebraska for irtsuratetx, taxes and assessments, and abstracting extension chuges, with interest thereon, froth date of payment at the »autimnm
<br />iegat rate.
<br />As provided in the Bond secured hereby, while this tewrtgage remains in effect the mortgagee may hereafter ~vattee additional sums to [lx
<br />matters oC said Bond, their assigns w sttxessats in interest, which sums shall be within she security of this tuortfpge the same n the fttnda aeiginaBy
<br />sawed thereby, the torsi atrnrunt of priatapal debt not fo txaed of any time the original amount of this rttortgsge.
<br />LDated this/~ ,~ 26 day of November A. n., 19 79
<br />Frank E, Kolar.
<br />STATE~NL;BRA,sY+,,{ ~. pt,t}d, 26th say of November lv 79 ,before me,
<br />cocll~rLy ~ fL,-~ {3
<br />the undetzign~ed, a Notary Publicat sad fca said Ctamty, peenamBy tame
<br />-Frank ~. Kolar, d singie person
<br />*'~ 1 S t~~Y knawa to
<br />me to lie rim identical pueon whose acme i S- afftx+ed to the abot+e iastraraertt,ts acrd he
<br />adtaowdsdged the said instrutreent to be his roltmtary ad and tlced. -,
<br />~riTlv'F5S ury head sad 2sotsrpi Seal ette dau afotesaM. : "~ -`
<br />~~
<br />My Cottunmsron cxptm _ _. - __ . _.: ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ f ~..'~ ~ . -''~~~
<br />ta~.zas to ~ z~ i /. % ~ '" Notaryc %
<br />