- 52 A REAL ESTAT£ MOR_TGAA Oil _,_ ( pth 4'~x CFai~Oi~C,~._,.,,Po~Cm iis,2d 'tl~62} TLc..E. _ . _. .'. _.,_, . ~ .
<br />s P°s~ --~ £~ ~ ~,.~ ....._, _.. ~icffimada 5:'nr~exrmt £u S 2; 9dwux~ E sAw.~AI'.., Sv . -.
<br />~ .,,..
<br />~~ ro:OW ALL MEN BY THESE F!"F2E~xE~:NTS: Thad P~T'4'AffCiE BSS'iRTgN CRAEKk"ftr a single mBCS f ~ -_
<br />of $a12 County, and State of Nebraska , in cansideratiar, of 4~e sum of
<br />Nine Thousand Nine fftatdred and no/1Ct0 ---.-r...._.,.~_..__.....------------^°----- DGLLARFa
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto AfII;TON E. CO~R And/or STEVEN E. CODNER, d/bja
<br />of $uffal0 County, State of j~brggkg the foIlowing described prem;sES situated
<br />. ~ in $311 County, and State of Nebra9k8 , to-wit:
<br />Lot Five (5) of Block Ninety {gQ} in Wheeler
<br />`' i and Bennett's Fourth Addition in the City of i ''
<br />GrArtd Island, Hall Cotmty, Nebraska.
<br />j. The intention being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee simple, including all the tights of homestead and dower;.
<br />~ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto ;the said
<br />martgageei(s) and to his, her or their heirs and assigns forever, provided always, grid these presents are upon the; express
<br />I' conditipn 'that ii the said mortgagor(s), his, her or their heirs, executors, adminis'rators or assigns shall pay or cauire to 6e
<br />'paid to. the said mortgageets), his, her ar Their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the principal sum of $9 a 9W','~,.00
<br />Payable asfallows, to wit: 4t or before ions 1, 1980.
<br />' with interest according w tho tenor and effect of the mortgagors written promissory note bearing even date with these presents '
<br />and shal3 pay all texas srd asn.ssme;its lasted upon sail real estate. atr3 all other taxes, levies and assessments ler. upon thin
<br />tnaztg~ga or tht> note'whicb this mortgage is given its seeure, before the name be~eomes delitrquent, and keep the buil¢lings on
<br />~aed Premises insured tar the -nm of $ , laae: if any. payable to the said mortgagee, then these pr~eztfa i
<br />bo void; otltcrwise=,o ~ :~!d rernabs sn furs *'or~. r
<br />TT ~S FLYliT1:ER A€t'IiE;L3 {3t That 3f the- rahf martgagsr shalt faif to pay ~eA lasso ar pra~ure ouch is~ra~cF.. -
<br />~~ 'said mortgagee ma gay such taxes and rotors ouch insurance; and the sum so advanced, with interest at pat
<br />it ~ Y F P
<br />;cent. shall be repaid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shall stand as security for the same. (2) That a failure W paq ally
<br />of said money, either principal or interest, when the same becomes due, or a failure to cornply with any of the foregoing
<br />agreements, shall reuse the whale sum of money herein secured to bernme due and eollectible at once at the option of the
<br />~'~ ~ mortgagee.
<br />~ Signed this 21st day of NOVember 19 79 /"~' _ ~`
<br />t .~-~..-.~- r - '
<br />1 J ~
<br />fn resents of ~~E~ ai~.C'.x,i,r !~`....`..~.. ~ t
<br />BURTON CRAM'-ER, A Single MAn
<br />!?
<br />s
<br />. :,
<br />r '--
<br />STATE OF.._...........t+t£H,i2nSKA ..................._...., County of............EiAt7:~_.... ;,
<br />i Before ma, a notary public qualified [or said county, peraonal}y came CLAUDE BURTON CRAMER
<br />- :; ! - `s.
<br />;:
<br />E ~AaaErtt to me to ~ at,a -:fin*~~ or persam vrho signed the foregoing instrtrment and acknowledged the ~€~-utimt
<br />tke a ~- of and deed.
<br />,.
<br />21 NoveAiber
<br />s vtr ...................... xs ~~,
<br />i ~~
<br />~~ ~y - 19e[l..... ..... .F..L...~;~ ,«+ ~ ~-a............Notary Public. i
<br />It ~ F
<br />i . .~
<br />1 ~ .,A~'~P ~ Ente.~ed oil numerical index and fifed for record
<br />' ,i ° 4'lrutaty ,_;,_.~,w . ...::::.. ...._ ..._. .... .... sa. in the Register of 1]eerls C~ee of said County the ,
<br />is ;
<br />1~ '' ..,...._......_.._...dap of .................................._..,......_.„ lf):...._...:., at............................_.-o'clock and....._...............,.......minutea ...-._............,..M„
<br />;sad teetarded ~ Aook :......:......_...:..._..._............of...:._......._.................._:...at page.......----................---..............
<br />1,
<br />;: ;
<br />:: i .........._.,.-- ._._ ..............._..._--•-- - _-.-.....---................Reg. of Deeds
<br />''' ` By......._.......... .......................Aeputy
<br />i ..._ ..........................................
<br />~4
<br />