<br />PHYLLIS A. GREENGJOOD, herein called the Grantor, whether one or
<br />more, in consideration of a Decree of Dissolution entered in Case
<br />No. 71-307 in the District Court of hall County, Nebraska, dated
<br />September 18, 1979, received from Grantee, does quitclaim, grant,
<br />barF;ain, sell and convey and confirm unto JAC1: D. GREENtJ00D,
<br />herein called the Grantee, whether one or more, the following
<br />described real property in Ha11 County, Nebraska:
<br />An undivided one-half (2) interest in and to that part of
<br />the Northeast Quarter and the Northeest Quarter (NE4 and
<br />Nld',) lying South of the South boundary line of the Union
<br />Pacific Railroad in Section Fifteen (15), Township Ten (ZO),
<br />North, Range Eleven (11), West of the 6th P.M., Ha11 County,
<br />Nebraska, being Thirty-Four (34) acres, more or less;
<br />The S°~.tth Half of the Northwest Quarter (SZNW4), Section
<br />Two ('t), Township Ten (10), North, Range Eleven (11), West
<br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska;
<br />Tnat part of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S~NE~)
<br />lying North of the Highway 30 and Union Pacific right-of-way
<br />and the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest
<br />Quarter (EzSE~N[d4), except highway and railroad right-of-way;
<br />AND part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter
<br />(NE4NE-'~) and a portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast
<br />Quarter (NtJ4NE3k) and the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest
<br />Quarter (NE ~NW-~) of Section Fifteen (15) , Toc,mship Ten (10) ,
<br />North, Range Eleven (11), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, being an area fenced on the North and West and lying
<br />to the Easterly and Southerly of the stream known as Wood-
<br />-River, more particularly described as follows:
<br />TRACT l: A tract of land in the Northeast Quarter of the North-
<br />- west Quarter {t3E~NW4), Section Fifteen (15), Township Ten (10), - _
<br />iYC3rt1?, Range Eleven- {11), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, r~~ore particularly deserib~d as fol-lows:
<br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of
<br />the Northwest Quarter (NE4NW~), thence Westerly along and upon
<br />the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest
<br />Quarter ENE-'„NW„), a distance of Four Hundred Seventy-eight and
<br />Three-Tenths (47$.3) Feet, {assuming said South line as N 8$°
<br />47' 30" W); thence North 15° 15' 30" Easterly a distance of
<br />Five Hundred Ninety-nine (599.0) Feet; thence North 51° ZO'
<br />00" Easterly a distance of Four Hundred Ten and Eight-Tenths
<br />(410.f3) Feet to a point. on thca East line of. said Northeast
<br />Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE4NW4); thence Southerly
<br />along and upon the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the
<br />_ - .northwest Quart-er (NE4PdWk) a distance of Eight Hundred Forty-
<br />-- -four and Seven-Tenths (844.7) Feet to the point of beginning
<br />and containing b.301 acres, more ar less;
<br />fiRACT 2: A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest
<br />Qua*_=ter of the Z~tortt±east Quarter (NW~NE4) of Section Fifteen
<br />(15); Township Ten (10), North, Range Ele~~en (11), West of the
<br />bth P.14., Ha11 County, Nebraska, and more particularly described
<br />as follows:
<br />