~i'1'.iTF, t)F VEBRA`a'Ka~, t."ibunty o£ ....................................... (NEBRASKA IEJOCI..@hPilEi'~TAR1!
<br />.................: STAMP T,R~"M',
<br />N`iled £or reeard, ant'1 enfered' i'n ?''l8'~arerieal :fndeac
<br />an ............................................................ ~~t ...,.....,...... o `eloe~~k ........,....... ~'~f., ~~~~ `~ ~. ~~~
<br />and recorded in Deed Record ............................. Page ............................ /~^
<br />............................................................ By ,..,...,..........,.....,................................... $, „x,95 BY t~<t ~~
<br />County Clerk or D¢pnty County Clerk ar
<br />$egister of Deeds 3~eputy Register of Deeds
<br />7g~'~~~ STP.TEP~tE{~T ATTACHEQ
<br />ARTHUR D. ULLSTROM a~yc~ GERTRUDE V. R. ULLSTROM, husband and wife,
<br />each in his and her own n~rne and right and as spouse of each other
<br />herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />in consideration of EIGHTY-FOUIr THOUSANB TWO HUNDRED DOL7,ARS ($E4,200.00)
<br />received from grantees, does grant, bapgain, sell, cono•ec and eanfirm unto
<br />LORD A. LUEHR and JUprTH A. LUEHR, husband and wife,
<br />as joint tenants and not as tenants i¢ common, the following described real property in ..............................
<br />Hall .. Cotrllty, Nebraska
<br />Lots One (1), Two (2), Thfi@e (3), Four (4), and Five (5) Island, and the
<br />Northeast Quarter of the i~o~theast ouarter (NE~NE~) of Section Seventeer,
<br />(17), and Lots Two (2), Tllxee (3}, and Four (4) in the North Half (N'~) of
<br />Section Sixteen (i6), and fiyte Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter
<br />(NW4NT+T~') of Section Sixte@A (16), all in Township Nine (9} North, Range
<br />Eleven (11} West of the 6t;~t P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, containing 335
<br />acres, more or less, incl>ading irrigation wells, pumps, equipment and all
<br />accessories- thereto, excepting therefrom, however, those portions thereof
<br />described in the Report of appraisers, recorded in Book V at page 245 of
<br />Miscellaneous Records in t}'2 Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County,
<br />Nebrss)Sa, and excepting therefrom all that part of Lot Five (5), Island,
<br />in Section Seventeen (17}, 'Sownship Nine (9) North, Range Eleven (11} Wsst
<br />of the 6th P.M., in Hall Cpunty, Nebraska, lying west of the public road
<br />crossing said Let Five (5}~
<br />To llace ant,Y to bald ths• abnr'e described prcurises together with all tenements, hereditsmenta
<br />arjd appnrtenattces thereto bclonKinpt uyyto the grantees as joint tenants.
<br />rind urat,tr,r ,1~,.,~ i;errtty nrre-Bt3a:it tcith the n^.tntees tl;at nr~ntor is Eawfuiiy seised c£ said
<br />premises; that they aa•,• fr«•e from enr•tit{36rarrr•~
<br />tlmt grantor has good riNht +,ud lawfi~: ~Utharity to roavcy the same; anld that. grantor warrants and will
<br />defend the title to said premises agairisr, the lawful claims of all persona tehontsaevNr.
<br />Dated April <` ~`~
<br />11+ 6 9
<br />.. .. ......... ................... ,....... ..~..~~.dial.......d,1::.....~?......7.~.....tf~a>~.:
<br />(Arthur D. Ullstrom) (Gertrude V. R.. Ullstrom)
<br />STATE OF NF,PRA$KA. Cauutt' of -.,~,,...Hd7.l .................................................:
<br />i3efore tt2e, a notary pnblie qualified for said county. persauaily came
<br />Arthur D. Ullstrom and Gertrude V. R. Ullstrom,
<br />husba~yd and wife, each in his and her own name and
<br />__ right grid as spouse of each other,
<br />_kna4tn_ LA -toe to he the -identical pe~:an ar persons who signed -the
<br />~ ,~~ k r; foregozr{~ iTtatruntent and ackttotvledge the esecutian thereof to be .his,
<br />a .,•• ,'~e~~'c~c tj~R3r voluntary act and .deed.
<br />,. i .
<br />• .
<br />r" . c April ~ ; 1659
<br />. i~ ~ ~ ~ ~'i3h,~sa ~v hand and tang{ seal o~nw~ ............. .............,..,....,................
<br />- ~ ~. ; ~ L.i it ~ Fes' ~r.'°~~I
<br />............................
<br />~,~ ~ ..'~ a ~ .......... ........... ..,:~ ~ .. Notary Public
<br />r r, z:
<br />k : ~~` a ~` `~ tits commission axl~ix•eu .....,....'... ~..T ~ ..... 79............
<br />Farrn 4.5 Appro4ed lrp I Al'ektraska +dtata liar ;lysaciatian Fdwn s x, . w., ie~atA, swan..
<br />