<br />TtfE Mf)I"YTGtYi~pli FAJFLTIiER lLOVIE~IdAN7"S AIniPJ-,.~54".~f$J» F.S:
<br />t.• ~.
<br />That the', Nfcrrtgag;or';w%!l ti f•{~,
<br />. i, pay 'the trulrbtedln~ra as ~m,Br~etnllgrEiyr4 prtMV"~'~ef+
<br />That tF.e Mortgagor is the oanrr of said pnsperYy~ tot simple and hart good right and !awful auth-~ra,^ '.r, sell end
<br />convey fhe same and that~the same is Itreo- arxl cfea; of any lien or encumbrance: and iha# Mortgage:r -~~i41 w.orrar.': an,: defend the
<br />title to said premises against. the `claims of--a}l. persaras wliwnsaever. - - -
<br />Tn pay iafinediatety,wheri diicand fiaca6le ail general taxes, special taxes, special assessments, water charge,, sewer see=~-
<br />ice charges, and oilier taxes and charges against said property. and all to%e5 levied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the _
<br />hfortgagez, uprin- request, ~ w-ith the original ar duplicate receipts therefor. The Mortgagor agrees That there shall tm added in
<br />each motzthIy payment required-hereunder ar under the eaidencr of debt necerred hereby ar, amount rstirsated hp fkxe 141ortgagee
<br />to ere sutficmnt to enable the 74lrirtgagee io pay, as they .+-,zcome due, aI1 taxc.--, assessments, and similar charges upon the prem-
<br />. ices subject thereto; any dcficienry txwcausr of the insufficiency of such additional pament: shaft be fcrfhwith depca,ited by the
<br />_ 11•fortgagor u-itl± the 4fortgagre open demand by the J~iert;;agae. Any dr.fa~.tk a;rlr~r thig paragraph shall hH :Ir•emad a ~iFfau!t in
<br />payment of taxes, as:essmente, ar similar charges requireri hereunder. - -
<br /> The Mortgagor agmrs Shat there shah also br added T. ::'ac} rr :ntlily +i ~m nt c f rirrif:ai anr+ interest requi d here-
<br /> under an amount ecttmated by the Mortgagee- to he .efficient to ndhle lr 1•i ,rlea a ra it hr - :mr•s l - ibe i uran.e
<br />~ premium on any trsuranc°e pnizcy deltvprent to the Mn gage-e any drfi i ,ic. her c i_ .- t tf - wsnfTie+ ncy r,f su c.h addth nit + ati-~ -
<br />~- mentor shall br fnrttixith dapnseted by the '4fortgagar .ith the Mortgagee open d many! h-<- the Mortgagee, Any default un ter ,his
<br /> paragraph .chat! be de?meet a default in else payment r,f irssuranee preen ium~. If the polic}• ur policies deposited are such as ktutt+r-
<br /> awner5 nr a13 risk policies, and the deFiosiL are insuffieicn±. to pay the entire p,-emiam, the Ltnr±gagee may apply the detwsit fn -
<br /> pay pre:niurns on risks rcgriired to be inured by this mortgage.
<br /> Payments made by the :~lurtgayor uadr^r the airovr paragraphs may, at the option r;f t1:e A.tortgageC-, 6e held-by' iC env'
<br /> commingled with other such fcinds or its «wn fund. fur the payment at such items, anr! until so applied, such payments are hereby
<br /> pledged as sncarity for the unpaid balance of the mortgage indebtedness.
<br /> "I'a procure, deliecr tor, and maintain far the benefit of the Mortgagee r{urint, the fife rf this mortgage original policies and
<br /> renewals the-real, deSivered at Ernst ton nays !>Pfore the expiry •.-ion of any such policie,. insuring against fire and nthnr is snrable
<br /> hazards, casualties, and contingencies as the Aprtgagre may require, in an amount equal to the indebtedness spc urrvi by this
<br /> Mortgage, and in <x,mpanies accept},bie to fhe Mortgage<,, w-i±h iv~s ,,ayable r,€ausa in fa;.~er of and in form acceptable to Fi.e 4tortga-
<br /> gez. In the event any torn?ity is not renewed em ur be-fore ten days of itx expiration. the Murf;: a_See may pnxure insurance on the
<br />
<br />,; y, r
<br />iriiprcrrec:eenfs, pay L - -remiurii therefor, anu such snm shah hec?me intmediatety ri!ie and ; ~-ahfe with ititeresf at the rate set -
<br /> fortl'. in said Hate anti! paid and shall 6e xer_ured by this mortgar~e, Failure u!i the part of Lhr_ Morgagor to fuenish such renrw~als -
<br /> as are herein required or taihz rz to pay any sums advanced hereunder shalt, at the option of the Mortgagee, cnnstiLute a default
<br /> under the terms of this mortgage. "I'hr dcli~~ery of such pnlictes shall. zn the event of riefault, cc nstitutr ar, assignment c:F the un- -
<br /> ,earned premium.
<br /> Any sums received tsy the hf origagee by re-asap of loss or damage insured against may he cetaine<t by the hlortgagne
<br /> .and. applied toward the pa}anent ref the debt hereby securr<i, ar, at the option of the Mortgagee, ouch sums -rimer w-hotly or in
<br /> part may t>Q paid over to the htort~agar to be used to repair +uch buildings ar in buitrt~new buildings in their place e,r fr,r any
<br /> other purpose ar object satisfaetorv to the Mc,r[gagea ;v-ithnut affecti.nt; the lien on the cnnrtgage Cnr the fuIl amount secured here
<br /> by before such fragment ever t.,ak place.
<br /> To promptly repair, restore ar rebuild ar-y 6u ldmgs cr imprurernents now or hereafter on thz premises :rhieh m v h~..,,~„„r'~'°
<br /> come damaged or destroytrci; to keep said premises in grxrd condition and re t,air a...t a - ~ -
<br />'
<br /> tsance to exist rr*,
<br />claim o[ lien not expressly sulwrdinated to the Hen fieCeai^n+aw~ ~+ru+~~-=std=~ use c ar any na
<br /> said property nor to permi4 waste on sairi premises, nor to do any other act whereby the property hereby conveyed shat) t~eeome
<br /> "tor.- -taf,.afr#e-. n,.r t.. •i:......,-+, ~..r ,~.~-.-:Y-e ..uk,o k<-:,~z--.net err .rmt.a::rn t~> ac: "o .ter -1 ~h•=th all rr•y,rireme,;f'; ,?f law u~iih rr,xltect
<br /> to the mortgaged premises csnrt ±he use thereof_ -
<br /> Thai should the pretnik<s r,r any {:art there:rf 1x taken r;: damaget! h~ rcas+ui of any- public improvement ar condemnation
<br /> . - emin.---t. domain, - - in ~-- , a, „ - ,..:a R4c;rt~,a t ~ a t ti"
<br />prexeedtitg. or under the r:ht o, r a.rr •her r-a„nee. =hat, t~ -r.Lit,ed tr. a3 eom nsa tiotts<_
<br />--
<br /> other payment ~:;r retiaf iherefcir, anci shat, tie entitled, at its t-ptissn. tea crimmrnr~. appear in-and C±rtsecttte-in-its--
<br />awards. and anr
<br /> _
<br />.
<br />overt name airy action ar :-';,x~eedi;::;, or to make any cuntprnn:tae or sage(etnent ;n re,trncrtten with such takti+g cr damage. All such -
<br /> com~ix~.:teo*.x.- awarrrts namag~,- =she nt -~.~=rrn a~-- p~ ~`~ ;r :jai sigr,.~;i a„ iha ,vrt,;~ ~,- why, more.- after -deduettng
<br />-
<br />-. the-r~t-am alt it,x_expenae?--- xrLa~ any_morievs stt_receive<i_tat~ it-oe apf?ly- the sgmr on_any indrhtr<Sneas serucad hereby- The Mort• _ -
<br /> gagor agrer>ts to execute such further assignments of any compensation, awartis, damages, and rights of action and pract•eris as fhe -
<br /> Mortgagae may require. '?'^.
<br />,~
<br /> That in case of failure to perform any of the covenants herein, the kiortgagrr may do on the Mortgagor's behalf everything •~`
<br /> so wvenanted: that the Mortgagee may also do any act it znay deem necessary to protect the lire thereof: that the biortgagar x~i(1 -~
<br /> repay upon demand any moneys paid or disbursed by the htartgagze for any of the abrrve purposes. and such moneys together with
<br /> interest-thereon at the rate provided in said note shall become so much additional in+lebterlness hcreM^ secured and may tie in- `wM`
<br /> eluded in any decree forecitssinq this nior{gage anci be paid out of the rents ar pracrens oC sale of said iiremrses if not otherwise
<br /> paid; that it shall not tee u6ligatory upon the Mortgagee to inquire into the validity ut any lien, encunrhrances. or elairn in ad-
<br /> vancing moneys as above authorised, but nothing hereirt containe:i shat! lx construed as ntquirinq the Mortgagee to advance any
<br /> moneys for-any ouch pumnse nor to do any act hereunder; and that Murtgagrr shad not incur any pe rsrinat fia6dity irecause of aay< y
<br /> thing it may da or omit to do hereunder.
<br />In the event of +hr default by Mortiiagur in the payment of any installment, as requireri by the 1<lute secure' etc reby, ar
<br />in the peetormanco of the ahligatiran in this nwrtgagr• r,r in the Harr- .scored thereby. thrr liartgagee shy]} tw entitled to dc~lane the
<br />debk aecutrd hereby due and payable without notitr, arad the Mortgagre shall tea entitled at its option, without notice. either by itself
<br />ar by a lrecelver !a be app+iinted by the court thereof. and without t'egard to the adequacy of any security for the indebtedness se•
<br />-curl---herclry. tv-enf-stp-,=r-;}all ia~e-~s,st:tt•.f th?, tt,orEgag~d tirPmis.ea, ~r~ to collect and receive the rr:ntg. i~uea and prefits-
<br />thelr~tif, -and' apply the same, .less cats rf operation and ectleetian, upon rice indehtrdtirsr secured by this mortgage;- satd rent&
<br />issues and protlta-iteing hereby `assigned-to the Mortgagee as farther security for the payment of all indebtedness secured Hereby. -
<br />- Thr Mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said prem•
<br />tees; renting the same; t'aliecting the rents,. revenues and income, and it may pay out of said income all expenses ineu rtrd in rent-
<br />. - ing and-mar,~aine the santc and-of collecting fhe rentals lherefrorri. The balance remaining, if any, shall be applied toward the
<br />discharge of the mortgage indebtedn~. This assignment is !n terminate and became null and void open release of (hie mortgage.
<br />_. ..., .-
<br />
<br />