<br />,~ ~ _
<br />REAL ESTATE Ffi~7RT6ACE ~~K~ i.a cn ~r {aF, a ~~,
<br />t ~~~, ~~~~~~~ __,. No~mae~r_1~'~ 19__..,___,9 ,__ i~~
<br />' Eugene F. J~irkschneider and Minnie B: Dirkschneider husband and wife
<br />Mortgagors„
<br />''
<br />'; {
<br />' cf Hall County, Nebraska in considera*.Sar. of
<br />the advance of the principal sum recited in the note hereinafter described, receiptaf which !_ acknowledged, hereby
<br />- ,_ mortgage and convey to -
<br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMtAHA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address.
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Qmaha, Nebraska 66(00,
<br />Mortgagee(subJect tc cil, gas, sod mineral rights owned Dy parties ot?[er than Mortgagors; exlstir[g easements of
<br />record; reservatSons in United States and State pntants: and the rights of the publ'_c in ati highways), thefnliowing-
<br />descrlbed real estate i^ Hali County, Nebraska
<br />i ,
<br />SEC. TWP. RG.
<br />Lot One (lj in Amick Acres Second Subdi rision, located in
<br />part of the North Half (N~) of the Southwest Quarter (SW's)
<br />and part of the South Half (8'E) of the Northwest Quarter
<br />(NW'Z) ---------------------------- 2 9N lU W6th P.M.
<br />- ..together with all of the right, title, and ?nteresL of Lhs Mortgagors In sold property, including all hulidlrgs, , -_-
<br />-impravamants, ,,*ixtures ar appurtenances na:v or hereafter acquired, including all apparatus, equipment, fixtures er- !
<br />i,_ .s!,lclas used Lo supply heat, gss,- air canditianing, water, 1Sght,power,refrlgeration, ventilation, ,,r other sarv- $
<br />Sces, and the furnis!;ings customarily or appropriately Sna.tuded by lessors to lessees Snnlutling, Dut abt limited ta.,
<br />1 :'t j mirrors, screens, windows, storm windows and doors, carpeting-and other floor epverings, in-a-door beds, awnlhgs,-
<br />st.av€s, refrigerators, water heaters, air rnt,ditfunaes, humidifies^s heartfl and firapiace equipment, all of which --
<br />era daclarad to be apart cf the real estate, whether ^hysicPlly atGaehed th?rete ar ;tot, s:.d doomed ~ portion of
<br />i '.... :4 ..-u1°, ty for *_h e inde* _ne.:s hat' -+a~ .ter doom ihad~ j _
<br />t t ' sass mbr* ._ v... ._ ___~re premisso to f ..war h 1t, - ~
<br />_g-~ ry nd o eren °* crew exec~~Le-d Dy Mort3ag ,rs ._ h~:r°* c"~~e, in
<br />K b-- ~
<br />the RT'lriel,.ai -sum eT ~.'HIRY'Y-ONE y'HOHSAND SIX Ht,"NDRED AND 1iOfiOE7 - _ - - - - _ - _ - DULS.AnS,
<br />i p5yatfle Sn installments with interest according to iris terms of saitl note, the last installment being duo sod pay- _
<br />able on Ghe first day of December. 1994 This conveyance shall be void upon the payment of said
<br />3 promissory note.. ~
<br />i_ Tha Mortgagors agree to pay, if requested by Mortgagee, on each lnstalkment dace, Sn addiL±en to the sums required f -
<br />in the above-described promissory note, a sum aquas to the amount determined oy the Mortgagee required to accumulate,
<br />~' and pay the insurance premiums nn policies of fare and other na2ard insurance covering the mortgaged promises, and
<br />' } j the ,real estate texas and assessments due on the mortgaged premises 15 days prior to the due dates thereof. In -
<br />i the event that trio sums accrued for the payment ci Gne said premiums, t!u[es, or assessments era 1ns~.tfflclenG. the
<br />- t ~ Mortgagors w121, upon request, pay suah additional sums prior Ln the duo date theraaf. Ail sums reraived therefor ! .
<br />~ shall De appl.led on the principal balance until such Gime ss they are withdrawn by Mortgagee for the gaymenL of
<br />! ~ said premiums, Gazes, or assessments.
<br />i` ( {
<br />- ~! i Tn1s mortgage Ss subJact to the provisions oP THE F'AHH ^HEDIT ACT and all acts amendatory ChereoT or supplemental i _'
<br />thereto. Y'lie proceeds of the loan sacurad heraDy will be used for the purposes spool?led in trio Mortgagors+ app11- - - -
<br />nation for said loan and authorized by said Act. - -
<br />.i ~
<br />7tte Mortgagors, sod each of them, hereby warrant that they are feo owners of the mai•Ggaged real property; Ghat-they
<br />' w121 defend Lhe title against all claimants whomsoever, and that said property Ss free Prem all encumbranres; LhaG
<br />k: ~ they will keer, all the Improvements, fixtures, and appurtenances occupied and in goad repair and permit nn acts of
<br />-sues a: sx1 Ghe; will relinquish-all rights of homestAad in said premises, sad covenant and agree with-the Mortgagee,
<br />± 1 a claws:
<br />t # {i) 'Rtat that' will ptlY when-doe ell taxes, liens, ,judgments, or assessments which may be lawfully assessed against
<br />( -the:prppei^CY. her@n mortgaged:
<br />3 ~ (2j S'h$t the will insure and keep insured hulldln s or other lm rovemants now on or which may hereafter be Laced
<br />t{ t an sold premisas to Ghe satiatac4lon-of the Mortgagee, such insurance policy shall be endorsed with a mortgage clause ;
<br />rs €.-_-with the loss thereund®r to De payable ta.the !1oi-tgagee. -Any sums received maybe used to pay for recenstruetion
<br />tt ;-- of the-AeSGroyed~improvei[ients;-ar, ii nut-so-applied, may, at the option of~the Mortgagee, be applied In payment of -
<br />* !, cry Sndebtadness, matured or unmatura°, secured by tA1s mortgage.-
<br />t~ !
<br />~4 t (3?' 'C4aG in the avant Lhe Mortgagee is a party to aryu liGlEatlon a..*ferGing the security or the lien oP its mart-
<br />i -C- .gage, tucluding,~y &uit~by--the-Mortgagee to Pareelase this mortgage or atiy s[iit in which the Mortgagee may be namzd
<br />{ { a party defendant in wh1c11.1t is obligated Go protect its rights or lion, including condemnation and hanKruPtcy
<br />t , proeeedirgs, the.--Mortgagee may-:incur expenses and::advanea-payment far sbstraet Ices, attorney Sees (except to the - -
<br />exGent prehibltet+ Dy law}; eos*s, em:naes, and vthar charges.
<br />I
<br />j
<br />t
<br />i
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