<br />`j'~,~~-A'~ , 2' r H IFzaan a,,eaa~ 3 ' oP Y Hnv .t. binlal~, .^rek~r. `.
<br />Lien clao»acd ~y: .........:.....-.- i+l uemh r .,2C1...... ..........,..........riF .7.9r..
<br />I~o~ei~ ~l"e'~ster
<br />?'he Chicago Lumber Co of_ Grand Islam 2222-_~ellwgod-_Dr..-_A _~.-._1-,
<br />-°..... gaxnst....... P - ----°- r
<br />a'"14e~ras"ka c'orporaton Grand Island, I~-E 68801
<br />address----- 363...~.e---Pine---Street----------------•-----:..: ,end-----..Mi1~1r~d...Lakey ..........................................._
<br />Grand Island, NE 68801 15 Via Como- IJr. _ t~
<br />Ig.._.rn... ., _ -
<br />----------
<br />5-30-7
<br />-- ------------ -
<br />-----I
<br />- ' - ----- - --- __ _ _ - -----------------------------------r-----r---------r--------
<br />! 14589 170.19
<br />~---------------------------------------------6_-29-79----18792-----"--------53_.5---=--------- =--------
<br />~
<br />--531--~- +----- -' ! 14744 153.22 ------------- y-z8 _79---- 24909----- ` 89:'35
<br />>
<br />`
<br />
<br />b-4-79
<br />#
<br />r 1520I___
<br />_____ 22_.52___
<br />718•-79____
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<br />7
<br />24-7Q
<br />209]0_____
<br />
<br />21672 ---
<br />;! ____-__
<br />,r ---
<br />----------
<br />----------
<br />17__61 _____
<br />r______ _______________
<br />33 5
<br />b-5-Z9_ ---_- - 1.5398--- -___---3.61------------------ -
<br />- - - - -
<br />- ~
<br />; 0
<br />_
<br />~
<br />6-6-79
<br />!1551.8
<br />296.b4 -
<br />--
<br />7-27-79 --------------.
<br />22208 r-------
<br />~~ -----r------+--------------------
<br />45 98
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<br />6-6-79
<br />-
<br />-- _
<br />---°i
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<br />__~
<br />- _____
<br />i
<br />~15646______123_.60__________
<br />___
<br />_
<br />'~21-79 - -
<br />22640 - -
<br />~ r------ ---------- ---------
<br />50 j34 l j
<br />------
<br />---
<br />--
<br />_6-14=7 _
<br />~ _
<br />_
<br />~ 16759 12.61_____________-__- _---
<br />8_-1-79______ 22790
<br />---
<br />-
<br />- ~i 58 K~2
<br />--~=15-_7_- ----- 116895
<br />- -- - 4.2 6 -----------------
<br />-
<br />--------------- -
<br />--
<br />-----
<br />------------- ~~-------
<br />~~-------- ------,
<br />------~------F---------!
<br />----------
<br />--~-25?-7 ----- -, 1.7.451--- --256_.-~Z9---------------- ----------------- ---- ---------- ~~------- ------
<br />------~----------~----------
<br />
<br />b~2
<br />i~7
<br />~
<br />' 17~b/+
<br />- 57.98. Buildin
<br />g Materia
<br />ls) ,:
<br />i.~ ~
<br />.
<br />- - - -----.r- - ---- - - - - - -- ------------- ------------------------------• ------------ - -~
<br />- i,18fi.05------SQ.-~-------------------------------------------------~~ ------------- ------E-------
<br />--b-~~-7 ----- ;:- j - - --------
<br />6-28-7 1_$444------~-~4,_~2-------------------------------------------------~~-------------- ------ ---------- ---------
<br />~-~~-7_ ------:18852 2.94 i~
<br />- ----------- - ------1~-----------------------------------------------------TOTAL__DUE------~J--1_,979--92---F---------- ---------
<br />Nebraska
<br />state af----..._..._..-------------------------~
<br />'' Ha11 ss.
<br />A,~ant', ._..-.-.Gerald.-W.,,-.Cru~rj,.ne-,__-Manager.._-._p-~_.The_-Chicago-.Lumber__Ca.-__of being firsr
<br />Y Grahnd ~s1an~ l~ebraslc~ co~~ora~' n
<br />dul .sworn, an as as says ~t ~ie oregaxng a emsse coon ~zmatic IaID[r,~eAd~k-....balildiilg .......................
<br />materials, gi ~r~#,~ is true and correct: that same were done and performed and furnished b3~ the undersig~sed
<br />-tor the said_._~obert -Webster and_Mildred Lakey
<br />,Hader a' ---------------------V.er_ba1----.......-------__... contract..----.~.~.tri?shl_ng._building--materials..--.--........
<br />......
<br />for the"-•---.-....cor>_szxuctior_------~--------------- -- --------------------of a ........dw.elling--- --...... _.-.....-.-..-
<br />on the fatlozeting tot, piece or parcel of land, vi~:r
<br />....._-Lot..,Twn...(.2)__.in,..$is.hag...Heights..e'Eaird_.Addy.tz.Ar~......._-----.-..-•---.....
<br />,. .................... .._.-._............... F
<br />in Ha11 County, Nebraska
<br />.... ................. ............................---....-•---------------------- -- --a-~#-(a...43~2---Manehes~e~,-•-~ra~d -1-s~,-°.._
<br />Nebr
<br />That ift -the time said- contract zvas made a6B~.and materials furnished and delivered theneu„dar----------------------u
<br />.. _.~,abext-._tJ~hste~-..arid--Mildr-ec3---I,ake3a,.as...3G...-.tenants..~xereaQaa the oumersof said premises'
<br />~ Ma 30 1979 '
<br />i That the date of the firs# item furnished and delivered zaas-._-_-_.......5.'..........z ...................................._...-.._ end the
<br />i August 1, 1979 ,
<br />.date a f tke fast item zvar ..................................................................•---°--- -.. __..-_.._............-..._................- --.............-........
<br />_ --... ,
<br />i rlffiant further stpies that~de~ naateriats were furnished for, delivered at, and used in
<br />said building or premises on and between eke dates specified.
<br />That the prices charged therefar are fair and reasonable, and that there u nozv due alt said accou»t the sutra a#
<br />One TFiousand-•Nine_Hundred..Seventy-Nine & 92/100 ($1,979.92) Dollars that said'
<br />k ........---•• ... .. ..........................._......_....°...
<br />Tt}e Chug-o._.1r~unb~r.,-Co._,o~-.Grand„Island,., _a Nebraska-_CorQoration ':
<br />.-•---.__....•---•------°°-------------_.....---------.-.-.................................................claims alien an the said prernisas far tfte felt amaunt of
<br />said account tb-zvit: The sum of ,~......~:.~g7~,e g~...._ ....................._...to9ethsr with interest thereon at the legal rate,
<br />- ~»n tlte..~ 1st -
<br />S fr ...._.day af_ August - ----•----•----.:. ry79....., and farther affraaat says nat.
<br />.,.. The ,h~cago Lumber Ca. of Grand Island, a.Nebrask~
<br />-A %~,.' .------.. .. cor oration i
<br />k ...::~ .. ....:..... ~`.`.~...... -- M$uager ~...
<br />F -. ._ ... -- .. ._ ...
<br />SEAL cribed in tray..presence asd sworn to before me this.-° ...................................
<br />( driy of ..:.:---November--------------------•----•---.......................__, ro..~g. _.
<br />I
<br />,, ,. „ -
<br />G (see ~ tiotary Public
<br />k - - lffRffux---- -
<br />