<br />Rec,i;tala
<br />1. Carrie E. 3aathoft, a single woman, is the record oxner of the So1:'rwistg
<br />described real estate situated in Hall County, Nebraska, to xit;
<br />The easterly tasenty-seven (27} feet of Lot 'P+~ (2} in Block Fiftamt
<br />(15) in the Original Tara, now City, of Grand island, Nebraska, and
<br />the westerly tea (10) feet of the nortYierly seventy-live (75) feet
<br />and the westerly four (!~) feet oi' the souther7tiv fifty-seven {57)
<br />feet of Lot One {1) in Block Fifteen (l$) in the Original Tam, nor
<br />City, of Grand Island, hall County, Nebraska.
<br />2. The purpose of this Notice of Sale of Real Estate is to give notice by
<br />public recort3 that Carrie B. Saathofl, a single woman, has sold the above de~-
<br />eribed real estate to Jerry J. Stoltenbury, a carried man, and Ronald Miller, a
<br />single esft, by a "Contract for Sale oY Land"' with the purchase price being paid
<br />by installments and the Narranty Deed far conveyance of the real estate being
<br />held in escror by The First National Bank of Grand Island, Nebraska, escrar anent.
<br />Notice
<br />Carrie E. Saathott, a single woman, hereby gives notice:
<br />1. The above described real estate has been sold by vrritten "Contract for
<br />Sale of Larrt3^ to Jerry J. Stoltenbur=, a married man, and Ronald Miller, a single
<br />cars, by an agreement dated the 19th day of November, 1979.
<br />2. Tha purchase price Par the sale of she premises by Carrie 8. SaathoS3F,
<br />a sz.•agle woman, to Jerry J. Stoltenburg, a married mars, and Ronald Mi7.ler, a single
<br />can, is, according to the terms of the ~"Contraet for Sale of Land" to be paid for
<br />~'y installments, the last installment payment of which is due and payable ass the
<br />19ti day of December, 1981, together with interest en the unpaid balance o~
<br />pz~incipal to the last installment payment date.
<br />3. A Y~arranty Deed conveying the above described real estate, duly and
<br />prc~rer~r executed by Carrie E. Saathoff, a single soman, as grantor, to Jerry J.
<br />Stoltenberg, a married man, and Ronald hiller, a single eau, as grantee, has beset
<br />deL.vered to The i~irst National Bank of Grand Island, Nebraska, the escro: ageast
<br />and is held in esaroar by said First National Hank, according to the tares and
<br />provisions of the ~+Contract for Sale of Iand".
<br />Dated this 19th day of Noveeber, 1979.
<br />State of Nebnaka )
<br />} as
<br />Ha11 County )
<br />~~ ~ -
<br />e T.' Saa t!
<br />~,,
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<br />Before ce, a Notary Public qualified in said County, gersona]1y case
<br />~f~y.7~-.- ~, ;~,,.z~iz- , knorn to sa to be the idanti.cal parson
<br />rdaigned the foregoing instrument and acknorledged the execution thereof to lee
<br />voluntary act and dead.
<br />Kitnesa my hand and Notarial Saal an Noveebar 19, 1979.
<br />9ERE,7ps. Mtt3'~RY • State ai Na3ras:f
<br />#~ ~~f4A~;C M aaiip;.
<br />~:coaml.asion exprei¢
<br />tart' Pub
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