2~S~is--R~'t,EASE OF HfoRfi[aACE--C+,rrcpmalfion Huffman amd Fe€tan 8 1Ynif, WaE!an, he. 68461
<br />~~ ~'~C~t1~sIpERATION of the payment of 'the debt named therein, the Bank pf Doniphan, I,
<br />Doniphan, Nebraska F.ereby releases the mortgage made to ~~
<br />Robert J, LaBrie and Carol A. LaBrie, Husband and wife, each in her or!
<br />her awn right and as spouse of tt~e other
<br />Bank of Doniphan, Doniphan, Nebraska
<br />ots the fet3ouring d¢scribed real estate, to Bait:
<br />of Section , in Township ,Range of the P. M.,
<br />County, Stets of which is recorded in Book 166 of Real Estate Mortgages, page 546 ,
<br />of the records of said County. ,
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Bank of Doniphan has caused
<br />these presents to be esecuted by its president and its Corporate Seal to be a~rzed hereto this 5th
<br />day of November , ~y 79
<br />Wdtness: Bank of Doni ha v D niphant NE
<br />•-------------------..-..... - . _- .-..-.. _... - .---- ................ .. . .. - - X~
<br />- HY`-- - -- --- --- - °- -- -----------~ Frestden~
<br />....-..Attest ..C . -----.-.,.-.-~72,-~A~~,:.L~r~-~zeS Cashier, Secre~iar
<br />STATE OF ..... N~bx'lska ........... , County of ... HaJa .. . .................:
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me ....Nnvemb.er..5., ..................19 ~9..
<br />by.C~n.~.~;;F~.;;t+~Canitschke~.-President- of ...Bank-of.Doniphan,,.Doniphan,..NE,.,
<br />- - '!~a! n~ nffl a .. .. t ~a^:c of Carpe atiert)
<br />Rif ^,4,.. i
<br />a ;r`,=~'seb~:~~a. r. rporation, on behalf of the oo ration. ~
<br />...........co rpo
<br />:a ~ ~ - s !
<br />13.E x. ~ t
<br />-, ~ 4S Mf NAt NOT0.flY-Stir of N~busta .Y. f-^: Y..: ~.~: ~..~".ll. `...WA.`^~.Y~/...........
<br />Jf' ~ ~` C.aRIEEN M. WHITE Signature of Fer>on Takmg .\cwnow'_edgemen[
<br />mot. z v
<br />.. t+M' Comm. ~. Ok 27. iDBt // -(•{~~'`'~•``~~~ ~/Jn
<br />~___u~____-_-~_ ___ _ -__.
<br />1'arL oY Lot Seven (T) of the County Subdivision of Fart oP the South Half (S~} of SecL.on~.~
<br />Five (S~t Testnnship Mane (g) North, Range Nine (9) Best of the 6th P.1~„ metre p+~tictt<1~
<br />described as follows: Beginning at a Point 2$,1 Feet Wsat of the South Snot Corner of
<br />Lot Seven (T); thence running Northerly slang a line 28,1 Feat bleat of and Para33e1 to
<br />the Fast Line of Let Seven (T) a distance of One Hundred (IW) Feet; thence rsaining
<br />wsaterly Parallel to the Northerly Boundary Line of said Lot Seven (T) a distance of
<br />`tiro Hundred (2QO} Feet: Thence running Southerly and Fsratlel to the &astar',y ~
<br />tdary LiTte of said ~t Seven (T) a distance of tine Hued-red (lt}t1) Feet; thence !
<br />Wining Easterly along and upan the Southerly Hc~undary Luse of said Lot Seven (T) a !
<br />diatatxe of T1ro Hundred (ZOO) Feet to the paint of beginning, ~j
<br />and
<br />The Easterly Forty One ~rtd One Ha1P {41~) Feet of Lot F1lteen (15), Bartelt
<br />Sul~divieitm, Village of Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />