<br />~ ~, ...,,
<br />} 221-M"HCkfAxtICS Iw~ii' t8rwsap~ad,l .r~ du3~a~ar ~,~.a s,~ppi~ x~~, Lzocacn, *u.sr.,
<br />w„t~ ~ ~_...__-___....__.._........_. ...____..-.~_...~,_..,, ~_,._..
<br />.~ f.ien Clrtinsa~ri by: .._.._..__. _Novemb~r 7 9,a .......................,..,..a'y ~~....
<br />Sgelts-Schultz Lumber Co, .-.-_.....-•----. flgsinst:..A~Fk,.~.....rax:~4tk..-----------------------------•--.-°--• -
<br /># ~4ddress..Grand Island,•Nebraska 68801 - 242-S.-Cherry,-Grand-Island, Nebraska
<br />t9 ----•---. Dr. Cr, ,
<br />June ~ 27 f 4 2 units Red Arrow Pre-Cut_Studs 52$_2_-,x_!{_-_~____jI~_____943 (36__' ~
<br />__ 'f ~`H~ ----- '--?~_ ~~_~~- 4--X--~-'--31.4__C73X_ fix ----------------------------- ----------~~-------37.1.._
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<br />July _____ _ 24_j~ 27. 2 X 8 - 12
<br />HemFir Std a Btr ' ______ 165_ € 02
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<br />~~ •~ II 6- `-X__$__-_$_'__~~?4~'~4~__~xd__§~_$t~_floor_,joist------_-~F---_---_24__
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<br />" __ ~~ _5Q__lk__~si__c2m~n._naiJ--------------------------------- '' ~Q--
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<br />~-3Q
<br /> I Nebraska State Sales Tax '~ 44
<br />----------- -------- ---- -- - -
<br />-
<br />-
<br />- - ~ 66
<br />
<br />-
<br />-- -
<br />- -
<br />----- --- - - -- - --- - --------
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<br />„ Service Charges _____
<br />___
<br />__
<br />_
<br />_ ~~
<br />59
<br />------------- -
<br />-
<br />- ----
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<br />! 24
<br />-------------- _
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<br />____
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<br />'I Filing_Fees----------------------------------------------------------~~--°°--- 6 50
<br />
<br />--------------- ------;r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!F-------------
<br />!!S 1,77o ----
<br />s9
<br />'~+E F
<br />to of---Nebraska........ _..__...
<br />Ha11 ss.
<br />Sta --~--•--° ........................._ County
<br />f; ant',Jpbzt_.kt~-_Scliul.tz.:....1z..,...PzesideuJt.....~g~J.ts-Scltu.1,tz---Ltxinb~F---CR.,...of„Grand- Island being first
<br />duly sworn, on his oath says that the foregoing itetrsised account of xeerir;•~elwr-ahill........--------.--.-----•--.-----...----•--------------- ',
<br />materials, and improvements is true and correct: that same were dome-am•~perfermerd-ett~ fnrnuhed by the unrtersigned
<br />for the said...~r~C...T._-.Griesman '
<br />under a= --•--..~e.7:ba1.--- -----•-°---------------- - --- -- contract.-.°°....-----°-----•°---------° --- _.. - -- - ....... -----°----°.......°°-------.-....------ '
<br />for the8.-•-°-•---improvement------------------•--.........--°-------------------af a .,......Hause............-•-- - - --- - --- --.....---- ---.... -°- - --- ------- ',
<br />on the follor.~ing lot, pierce or parcel of toad, ~ris:'_Lot_•2.,•_GTiesman Subdivision;-••City-of Grand Island, . ',
<br />....-Hall Countx, Nebraska----------------- __ ...
<br />~'nat at the tifne said contract u~ai ruads° a~e+d-ie[+er axd ma%erials furnished and delivered tkereuutier ........................ '.
<br />---_Mark J. Griesman -•- ° -....-° ...................... °- --..........-- ° - - -°...............-........was the owner of said premises' '.
<br />.............. .
<br />• June 27 1979
<br />Thar tha data of the first stem furnished and deli~~ered :uas..____._....-.....' .........................................°.°......... and the ;
<br />date of the last item zuas...July- 24,_--1979.-- ,
<br />~l ffiant fsarlher states that said te{+or-~rarp~;-ahd nuatericls were furnished for, delivered at, and used do
<br />i
<br />said building or premises on and beta~etx t<.e datrs srrcififd.
<br />Tkat the prices rharged therefor are #air and reasonable, and eha# there is nozu due on said account the sum of ;~
<br />Ong-Thousand,_SegeO„~u~~x~~...S~veu~:y...amd..S9/.1.Q0.{51,Z?.Oe8.11--.------------------:..Dollars, that said'
<br />Spells=Sc_hultz Luber Co-,...o~--~sn~,. Z~is----•....-.-...--
<br />.............................................................................._...........--.._...-..._.ciainas a tiers on the said praxises far the fupll~omount of
<br />said account, to-wit: The sum of $.--1.+.770.84---........._ .................,...--.together with ixtey-est thereon at tnat~ega~ate,
<br />from the ~4xh.....day of -Jinx ~ ................°--..... ....--•---. ty.74....., and further affiant says not.
<br />~L L ~~ C r S eit S '~`~~~~be _ - -and Island
<br />5: r cat' i~ t;-t, -- .. .... I
<br />~ - ~ BY: a..wo...Schu3tz J - --------- ...................-........,.. ~
<br />r. -
<br />'. ~1'Z. :: ub;msbed in my presence and sumrn to before rss this.......~4th .......... .......... }
<br />~ ,•. NcvL,abar ...... .................... to. 7~......
<br />,~. Cdp k;~' dray of .--- ---•--.. -----° ° ---°-• -
<br />a ...
<br />{See revet-;;e side for inskructions) ~~ ~,~ ~ / .~'otcn•y Public.
<br />- --~_ i
<br />