2.2 Revised 197 B ~lufilm+an amr~ Fe;tor. & Wo9f, Waktnn, tdc. bbl
<br />NES'!F}ASKA i]CfCU!EN'
<br />STA}u1P '}`A7(
<br />V~'~iR~V`T'~" ~}EED NOV 1 ~ "~~~
<br />~!/D•Od 8Y~
<br />A'fary E. Cockson, surviving joint tenant and widow of Alvin Louis Cockson,
<br />Deceased --------------------------'------------°---~ Grantor, whether one or more,
<br />---
<br />in consideration of--ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLt~R.S------------------------($100,000.00)
<br />,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys to
<br />Janice D. Garner-; ~ 1g3rs red _t~0rran _ _ _ _ _ _ . Grantee,
<br />the following described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev Stat. @ 76-201) in
<br />Hall County, Nebraska:T}iat part of the Northeast Quarter (NE 4)
<br />of *_he Southeast Quarter (SE'4) of Section 28, Township Ten (10) North, Range Nine (9) ~ `;
<br />West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Iieginniulg at a point being on the West Right-of-way line of Old Highway 281 and the
<br />South line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE',SE;) of said Section 4
<br />'Ihrenty-Eight (28) which is South 89058'20" West for 51.30 feet from the Southeast cor-
<br />ner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE%SE',) of said Section 'T`wenty-' ''.
<br />Eight (38); thence S89o58'20" West for 610.82 feet along the said South line of the ii
<br />Northeast Quarter of t}.e Southeast Quarter (NE',SF'r,) of Section Twenty-Eight (28) ; theme';
<br />North 0046'05" East for 328.95 feet; thence North 89058'20" East for 610.50 feet to a ~ t'
<br />point on the said West Right-of-way line of Old Highway 281; thence South 0042'43" West
<br />far 328.95 feet along the said West right-of-way line of Old Highway 281 to the point
<br />of beQinning (contain~~1~ 4161 ~cres~ -
<br />Grantor covenants l) nt y an sev rally, if more than one) with the Grantee that Grantor:
<br />(1) is lawfully seised of such real estate and that it is free from encumbrances
<br />;G
<br />t
<br />~ (2) has legal power and lawful authority to convey the same;
<br />(3) warrants and will defend the title to the real estate against the lawful claims of all persona.
<br />Executed: :'vovember 16 i9 79
<br />.~..Z~...,.,.....~..-.- ... .............
<br />' k S#ate of Nebraska
<br />~i ~ County of .~~'~~ ...............
<br />a ? The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on ...............a...... ......................
<br />m ...1..`1~r~r...~. ~a~~~ ...................... .~~.,~....................,
<br />,k ...........
<br />li ~ ~, ...
<br />cc i ,-
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<br />~f
<br />~~ ~ S'PA'3'E OF NEBRASKA-
<br />(} ~ Cvnnty of ......... .....................
<br />~~ S ..............................................
<br />~~ { ~ Filed for record and entered in Numerical Index on
<br />.t
<br />> at ..... o'clock .....M., and recorded. in. Deed Record ......................... Page ..................
<br />,~ By :........................................................... ~....
<br />s~ ! County or Deputy County Clerk ~`
<br />t! Register of Deeds or Deputy Register of D~eds
<br />