<br />RlEi.EASE 4}F #iTAL ESTATE MClR'~GAGE OK`Ll ~5t;
<br />1,!'ti" Ct?~~SIDER.BTIQN uj the payment rrf .the deEtt Horned therein., the
<br />:;' ~ x,; i i 9' : 1f' !'i Ftereby releases ilia mortgage nxade t.,
<br />] ~~~~~t
<br />on the follax~~ing described real estate, to-wit:
<br /><.... _~ ~ .~.;it.. F .... _{`~ tom,, ~n .- `(?1), _ ,_ ;''}
<br />ofSectiun , in Totivnsd:ip ~? ,Range it of the P. M.. ?SCLt.
<br />[nuntx.Stateoj CE1F:,:'~:. which is recorded in Book -,,J~,~i._.,,. of Real Estate .Mortgages,puge
<br />ujthe rc•cYards of said Cottnty. ;~.~-; .
<br />1:~' TESTlMO.aVY WHEREOF. the said •-~ ..~ r , ,-~ -.,> ,•T;-,; has caased j
<br />tlxese presents to be executed by its president and its Corporate Seal to be affLred hereto this 2bt$"' ' '~•-
<br />du}~ nj Uctober .1979 '`~
<br />~
<br />Witnes ~ .. ~~. ~.OWN.GOB,P.O~~.xO~'.-.~`~.m,`,;.~:•...
<br />'-
<br />~~~ /~~ ~mayy;;
<br />.. ~P`t.^": ~..'~c-~ ........ ... P ~
<br />..... Attest .~ , I1ss~~eCrCYt17,~ -
<br />STATE OF ........ CALIFORNIA Lana B. oar ,,•`
<br />................. . ..QRANGE ......... Count ~ ss. On this .?~?~~....... day of...QCttaB~r•':'I4:~ .
<br /> before nte, the undersigned, a Notary Public fn attd ~
<br />Jbr satd County, personally cams Philip. J..Cu11en,..Vice president of tlte..HO~. I+Q~~ C_R?~1~4~ra~~9ri j
<br />a Corporation to raze personalty known to be the president and identical person whose namt is elEfired to lie
<br />above redease and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as sii~h,ot7'icer; airtlxt~r}
<br />vrtltrntarr art and deed of said Corporation, -
<br />Witness nxy ha,td and A.'otarial Seal at .. .Newport. ~e~~~,, CQ, , , , , ,.in said Count~-the~l v
<br />~': ';'
<br />last above wrttten.
<br />My commission expires...... 7-11-8I~ . , ~ ~ ~ > ., ~ ~ ~ ; -
<br />.. „19.... .:._. r~ -~`-.L}-.}:=:~*x.:~:c.~.~.<.. `.~. -f:5~l~~iry, Fctblir
<br />di: X02
<br />~'~... 2 ~ f.-. - ash "I
<br />