<br />ESORTGAGfsLl7ANN0. L 23,626
<br />IcNflwaLLMENer~st:eRFSt;N~rs:°ntat Craiq C. Conley and Corinne J. Conley, each in his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whetixx one or more, in oDrmderarion of the srrm of
<br />Twenty-seven Thousand Six Hundred and No 1/ 00-__x------------------------ _____ ~~~
<br />awned io said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Lrran Association oCGrand tstand, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 276 shares of attrr3c of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Cert~cate Na. L 23,(26 , da hereby grant, convey and mortgage rmto the said ASSOCIATION the folbwirgg
<br />desrnbed real estate, sitwted in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />- 4ogether with ail ehr ienetnrnts, hereditamertts and appurtenances thereuata belonging, inrlutiing attachtd floor txrverings, all window atsxns, -
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, hratirg, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and aexessories therrto,pumps,stoves,
<br />rt;frigemtors, amt other Crxtures and equiprt~nt rrow ar hereafter attaclral to or uscYt in wn[tectitrn with said real estate.
<br />And wbereu the said rnorigagor has agrexti and dues hereby agree tire[ the mortgagor shall and will pay ail taxa aad asaesrrrunts levied or -
<br />assessed upon said prcrnises and upon zhis mtxtgage and the bond scoured thereby before the same shall become delingrtrnt; to funtish approved
<br />iasttrana~ upon ehr buildings an said prerises stituate;ti.in fire sum of S 2 ~ , 6DD. DD payable to said ASSOCIATION and fo deliter [o sad -
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and tort to w:nmit or permit any waste oa or atwut said premises:
<br />in case of default in the performance of any of the [ertru and conditions of this trtortgage or the brrrtd s,:aued hereby, the mortgagee slnll,
<br />on derrnnd, bt entitled to immediate possession of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfrn and sNS over in the
<br />rtmrtgagee aU tM rents, revenues and inexsnte to be derived from the ruortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indeb[sdnesa shall remain
<br />tmpeaid: and rho mtutgagee shag love the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire Cur the purpose of repairing said premises and rentgrg
<br />the satoe and ceai{ec-tirrg the tents, revenues and imm~ve, and it may pay ou[ of said incortx all expenses of repairing said prem¢es and rtexesory
<br />txmtmissians and exptrtses ir:crured in rentigg and managing the same and of callcc#irtg rentals therefrom; the balance rerrniair~g, if any, to be
<br />applial reward the diactnrge of said mortgage indebtedness; ttrese rights of the mortgagee may be exercised at any time durrztg the existence eaf stair
<br />detauit, irrespective of any temporary waiver at the same.
<br />- These Presents, havtever, azr upon the t_nnditian. That if the said Martaoa„nor shalt repay said loan ar, c. bef L~ rna[tgity of a~ sires by- -
<br />- paytrtent; pay monthly ur said ASSOf'IATiON of the Burn :pecif'rrd in the Bond secured hereby as interest and principal on said krart, on or before
<br />[he Twentieth day of eactr and every ttu:•nth, until seal teen is fatty paid; pay ail taxes and assessments levied against said premises amt tan this Mortgage -
<br />and the $aitd set tired thereby, bcfixe -.#rlirtgtrerto'p, furnish approvert insurance upon the buddirtgs therran in the sum of $ 27 , 6D0. t.}0
<br />to said ASSOCtA1SON; repay to sarti nSSf~CiATir~]iv demand aG nav by it ~~ far strut texas, atae-~.~nts ~d i. ~;~,. tv;th ~t a -
<br />ihr rrnximum i+:gal rate tbrrean Pram da#e. tr! pay~ttrnt ail of whu-h itiortgagtx hereby agrees to pay; perntit net waste on ~ prer~ses; keep and comply
<br />with ail the agreetrrertts card ctrndititms rd the Bond for 3 27 , 60D. OD this day given by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, artd comply
<br />- - -with all cite regtriretrren~ uttir~4stntti#oiiorr-sod fly~t~-ws of saiei A.~t'X"`tA~iON; then these presents shall become nt2II acrd vcud, utlurwae they
<br />shall rennin in full trrce and may be farrclased at the option of the said ASS/X;tAT10N after failure for three menthe to make any of said
<br />payments or b~ ii.ree rrwnths in arrears in rnakirrg said axrrtthly payments, or to keep and comply with the agrextMnts and conditions of said Bo»d;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a recsiver apprrlnted for[hwittt in sut:h forectosure proceedings.
<br />If there is any change in ownership tit the real estate mortgaged herein, by sale or othenvi~, then the en[ire eamaining irtdcbtuirxsa hereby
<br />secured shall, at the option of The Equitable Bttilding and Loan AssariaLon of Grand Ialutd,Nehraska,besamt immediately due caul paysbk: witMwt
<br />further notice, and ehr arnertmt remaining due under said band, and any outer bomf for any additional advantxs made thereunder, sha0, Crum the
<br />daft: of exercise of said option, brat interest at the rrtaximum legal rate, and this mortgage nay then be Coreeloxd to satisfy ilae asatsuat due tan aid
<br />bored, a1M any other bond far additional advances, together with aB stems paid by said The Equitable 13
<br />vittlirtg avid Loan Asatsciation of Gtwd Itdaad,
<br />Nebraska tar insumnrc, taxes and assesse~nts, and abstracting exicnsiao tdtar~a, with interest thereon, from date of payment at ehr ruaximtuo
<br />legal rate.
<br />As provided in the Bond sutured hereby, while this mtxtgage remains in effect the tnortgager ntay hereafter advance additional stuns W tht
<br />makers trf said Bernd, their assigns ur sttatrsxrrs in interest, which sutra shall be within the security of this mortgRje the aapte as [ire frmds originally
<br />- a+cured thereby, ehr total amount of printapai delft teat to exceed at aay time the txiginai arruattnt of the mortgage.
<br />16 y November n. a., IV~g
<br />r~ ~~c~
<br />Ct~aig C./Con __. ______
<br />- a _.~ f-~
<br />~~..,
<br />Ctari nne tl . Con
<br />SIATE OF NfsBRASiCA' ~ m t?n thin 16th day of NObember 29 7g ,before me,
<br />coula'r~r of t~,al.L I
<br />- the urtdeesigued, a Notary Public itt and for said Cotrnt3'. Personally t~
<br />Crain C. Goniey and Corinne J. Conley, each in his and her own righ and as sDou~g of eaat:h
<br />{ other w~d dre pErao~y known fo
<br />roe to be the icitrttital person S whose ttatner, vT-~ affuted to the above iastnattent~mortgagor S and th/e~y severally
<br />ackaowkdgrd the said irtstrut~nt to be their voltutrary act and deed. ~ / / / '~
<br />WITN£LSS tray-hand and Notarial Seal rite dates aforesaid-
<br />. My Commission expires `.~` , . /_ -- r~.~, , l/./
<br />r.- jf
<br />%~ 7'-----~----.~ Notary Public
<br />~~.~ . y
<br />~~~ R ~'l GENERAL PIOTARY~S~ fate of Nebraska
<br />~i=h` My Comm. Exp. Nov. 12, 1383
<br />